Date : 25/Aug/2014 0908UTC Freq : 14230kHz SSTV Rig : KENWOOD TS-870S ANT : LOOP PC recording
QSL Note * Send 1 QSL per Letter only. * Post Office can't use the IBRS (International Business Reply Mail / Response Payee).
* QSL request direct not include SASE will reply via Bureau and SASE not cover for postage fee will reply via Bureau also.
* Please noted that IRC without a post office chop on the left-hand-side rectangle fails to exchange postage stamp. Old IRC expiring in�DEC 31, 2009 will not be accepted�!�(QSL will reply via Bureau)
* NO eQSL's please.
1017529 Last modified: 2014-06-13 03:34:55, 1168 bytes
20140824 1302UTC 14270kHz CQ7GIL Date : 24/Aug/2014 1302UTC Freq : 14270kHz USB Rig : SDR(PI4THT) ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT) PC recording
CQ7GIL - Naval Club Station Gil Eannes : NRA PN120. O Navio Gil Eannes foi construído nos Estaleiros Navais de Viana do Castelo em 1955 tendo como missão, apoiar a frota bacalhoeira nos mares da Terra Nova e Gronelândia. Embora a sua principal função fosse prestar assistência hospitalar a todos os pescadores e tripulantes, o Gil Eannes foi também navio capitania, navio correio, navio rebocador e quebra-gelos, garantindo abastecimento de mantimentos, redes, isco e combustível aos navios da pesca do bacalhau. A partir de 1963 passou a fazer viagens de comércio como navio frigorífico e de passageiros, entre as campanhas de pesca, realizando a sua última viagem de assistência à frota bacalhoeira em 1973, ano em que efectuou uma viagem diplomática ao Brasil como embaixada flutuante de Portugal, nas recepções oferecidas pelo então embaixador Prof. José Hermano Saraiva. Depois de estar parado durante 18 meses, em 1975 iniciou novamente actividade como navio comercial (frigorífico) fazendo cargas regulares de bacalhau seco da Noruega para Lisboa, ao serviço da Comissão Reguladora do Comércio do Bacalhau. Ainda, nesse mesmo ano, foi requisitado pelo Governo Português para participar na independência de Angola, como navio hospital. Após a chegada de Angola foi novamente armado para efectuar viagens comerciais, tendo navegado pela Noruega, Canadá, Nova Inglaterra, África do Sul, República dos Camarões e Espanha. Entre estas viagens fez algumas paragens para manutenção nos estaleiros de Viana do Castelo e Aveiro. Tendo findado a sua actividade em 1984, andou de cais em cais do porto de Lisboa até ser vendido a um sucateiro para abate em 1997, quando já estava profundamente degradado e pilhado de muito do equipamento que o apetrechava. Perante este inglorioso destino do emblemático navio hospital, a comunidade vianense foi mobilizada, pela Câmara Municipal de Viana do Castelo, para o trazer à cidade onde nascera, resgatando-o à sucata para ser exposto no porto de mar de Viana do Castelo como memória viva do passado marítimo da cidade e do país. Em 1998 recebe profundas obras de reabilitação nos Estaleiros Navais de Viana do Castelo, com o apoio de várias instituições, empresas e cidadãos, e passando a ser propriedade da Fundação Gil Eannes, fica nesse ano, em exposição pública na doca comercial de Viana do Castelo. Os visitantes podem desde então "navegar" pela ponte de comando, cozinha, padaria, casa das máquinas, consultório médico, sala de tratamentos, gabinete de radiologia, diversos camarotes e salas de exposições temporárias. Outros sectores foram, entretanto, reabilitados para visita: Sala de Reuniões localizada na antiga sala de jantar dos oficiais, Loja de Recordações, Bar/esplanada e Pousada da Juventude com 60 camas, localizada nas antigas enfermarias e camarotes. Para mais informação, visite:
The Ship Gil Eannes was built at the Estaleiros Navais of Viana do Castelo (Viana do Castelo’s Shipyard) in 1955 her mission being to support the cod fishing fleet in the seas off Newfoundland and Greenland. Although her main purpose was to give hospital assistance to all the fishermen and ships’ crews, Gil Eannes was also a flagship, a post ship, a tug and an ice breaker, guaranteeing food supplies, nets, bait and fuel for the cod fishing ships. After 1963, she started commercial voyages as a refrigerated cargo ship and passenger ship, between fishing campaigns. Her last voyage as support ship to the cod fishing fleet was in 1973. In that same year she went on a diplomatic voyage to Brazil as a floating Portuguese embassy, in the receptions offered by the ambassador at the time, José Hermano Saraiva. After being out of service for 18 months, in 1975 she reinitiated activity as a commercial refrigerated cargo ship, regularly carrying cargos of dried cod from Norway to Lisbon, in the service of the Cod Commerce Regulatory Commission. In that same year, she was required by the Portuguese Government to participate in Angola’s independence, as a hospital ship. After her arrival from Angola, she was again equipped for commercial voyages, having navigated through the seas of Norway, Canada, New England, South Africa, Republic of Cameroon and Spain. Between these voyages she, made some stops for maintenance at Viana do Castelo’s Shipyard and Aveiro. Having ceased activity in 1984, she went from quay to quay in the Port of Lisbon until she was sold as scrap in 1997, already in a much deteriorated state and plundered of the equipment that she once had. Faced with this ignominious end for the emblematic hospital ship, Viana’s inhabitants were mobilized by the Mayor’s office of Viana do Castelo, to bring her to the city where she was born, rescuing her from her fate of being scrapped, in order to be displayed in the seaport of Viana do Castelo as a living memory of the maritime past of the city and of the country. In 1998 she underwent an extensive refit at Viana do Castelo’s Shipyard, with the support of various institutions, companies and citizens, becoming the property of the Gil Eannes Foundation. In that same year she went on display to the public in Viana do Castelo’s commercial dock. Since then visitors have been able to visit the bridge, galley, bakery, engine room, doctor’s office, treatment room, radiology room, several cabins and tempora For more information, please visite:
112551 Last modified: 2011-01-21 21:14:58, 6955 bytes
Joel Liburd (Tel:1-869-660-4035 Mostly with me)
Musgrave Street, Ponds Pasture
Basseterre kn265
St Kitts and Nevis
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham MemberLookups: 231998
20140824 0110UTC 14084.9kHz V44KAI
Date : 24/Aug/2014 0110UTC Freq : 14084.9kHz RTTY Rig : SDR(PI4THT) ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT) PC recording
We do NOT accept bureau cards ANYMORE !
Please read all info below. We do NOT accept bureau cards ANYMORE ! Read NOTE 2 above as well, We do NOT accept bureau cards ANYMORE ! Did you work Me? May be 1990-2009(read below paper log) Because of heavy QRN/QRM and QSB,or my QRQ, If you are (NOT SURE) you're in my log, please contact me at ( before I forward the logs to my QSL Manager to be uploaded, and that is once a month.
Paper Logs We aren't sure if we can spend any more presious time these days to edit any more of the old paper logs that we have, we will do what we can, when we can, (we have paper logs from 1990-2011 on hand). If you are looking for a confirmation from 1990 - 2009 on (LotW or eQSL) and you didn't find one, please contact us, we will make the time to look it up in our paper logs, and if you are good in the paper log, then we will upload it for you to LotW and eQSL ASAP, NOTE: Only on request this will be done. We do NOT accept bureau cards ANYMORE ! LoTW, eQSL, and others My manager uploads my log once every month now (That's When I send it to him, MY BOSS W5TFW) We coordinate it (at lease we try to) mostly on the month end, so OPERATORSBE VERY VERY PATIENT, I send him logs once every month end, so if there is a problem, read above (Did you work me?) I can try and fix it before it goes to him, I don't want to give him un-necessary work.
QSL card replies! Don't be a cheap-Po 1 IRC or $2 US GS ! ANYTHING LESS VIA BUREAU ! We do NOT accept bureau cards ANYMORE ! In these difficult financial times, We will only reply to cards that reaches the QSL DESK, with sufficient return postage and coverage (SASE, IRC's $ etc) WARNING ! No more than 4,. QSO's per ENVELOPE ! We will only answer up to 4 QSO's per envelope Do not send a box of cards, with only postage and envelop/s that can cover 1 or 2 card/s on return address. In a case like this, only the 1 or 2 card/s will be posted, until we received postage for the others, no further reply will be made to the remainders. We all just need to break even both ways, this will speed QSLing up. We do NOT accept bureau cards ANYMORE ! Credit is to WHOM ! Please give all credit to my manager W5TFW (Richard) for taking up the mantle as my QSL manager, Please! He is a very hard working manager for me, he is the one that is getting me setup for LoTW / eQSL and other log book net work. I know nothing about these, nor qsling, SO PLEASE don't send me any CREDIT nor CARDS, send them all to W5TFW (Richard) he will fix whatever you need, and will get whatever to me, 73's and hope to work you. V44KAI.....Joel. Remember >We do NOT accept bureau cards ANYMORE !
89620 Last modified: 2014-02-25 13:02:11, 8414 bytes