Wednesday, December 12, 2012

MM0EAX(Scotland) on 30m RTTY!!!

MM0EAX(Scotland) on 30m RTTY!!!

QSL image for MM0EAX
MM0EAX Scotland flag Scotland Dave Thomson
Finstown, Orkney Islands KW17 2EH

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Lookups:   77356 Premium Subscriber
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: LOTW & E-QSL (AG)

20121212 0938UTC 10139kHz MM0EAX 
Date : 12/Dec/2012 0938UTC 
Freq : 10139kHz RTTY
PC recording

QSO log .. I saw JA's  Please try this file

JH1LAH  7K1PTT  JA7BWT JA2FGL ...DK2JP  Congratulations : )

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Thanks for looking me up 73's de MM0EAX
Last modified: 2012-10-11 19:19:27, 11889 bytes cached

W1ZK(United States) on 20m RTTY!!!

W1ZK(United States) on 20m RTTY!!!

W1ZK USA flag USA Ralph Mc Clintock
607 Browns Trace Rd
Jericho, VT 05465

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   8748 Ham Member
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: DIRECT - W/SASE - OR VIA - LOTW

20121211 2246UTC 14082kHz W1ZK
Date : 11/Dec/2012 2246UTC 
Freq : 14082kHz RTTY
Rig : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording

I QSL 100% via "Direct with 1 US $ and SAE"    also  LOTW and  E-QSL.     (Direct cards with $1+ envelope -- go next day AIR)
I was first licensed in February 1961 as KN1SCQ at Milton, MA. In 1963 I joined the US Navy becoming a CT- R brancher. In October 1966 I was transferred to Naval Security Group Activity (NSGA) Kamiseya, Japan where I joined the KA2KS gang. At KA2KS we handled a lot of MARS RTTY traffic forUS Marines in Vietnam.
Late in December 1967 I volunteered to become a crewmember on the USS PUEBLO AGER-2 replacing an injured sailor, Joe Fefjar. Pueblo was a new Signal Intelligence ship that had joined USS Banner AGER-1 based in Yokosuka, Japan. During our ship's first mission, while in International waters, we were attacked by North Korean ships and Mig-21 jets. Overwhelmed by that hostile force, our crew were taken prisoners of war. POW. K1SCQ/P5 ---yikes, I was now the ultimate DX! But, survival was the number one priority for 11 months. See the February 1971 issue of QST for all the details. Be sure to check out the "Barabas Cross Antenna Array!"
Now, 51 years after becoming a ham, I am still DXing. DX- IS! I was lucky enough to work Ed P5/4L4FN for my next to last DXCC country in May 2002 - the DPRK - North Korea of all places. In 2004 VU4RBI Andaman Island completed my quest to work all DXCC countries. Top of the Honor Roll.
Since 1983 I have been QRV in beautiful Vermont, enjoying life and DX of course! But, to NORTH KOREA, RETURN THE PUEBLO.!

9K2OD(Kuwait) on 40m LSB!!!

9K2OD(Kuwait) on 40m LSB!!!

9K2OD Kuwait flag Kuwait 
Osama H. Dashti
QSL Manager EA7FTR

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   42095 Ham Member

How!! Hifi SSB : )  You are Best voiice on 40m!!

20121211 2146UTC 7095kHz 9K2OD

Date : 11/Dec/2012 2146UTC 
Freq : 7095kHz LSB
PC recording


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Ok now the old optibeam Antenna's 16-5 & 11-5Pic's
Ok now the old'r Cushcraft Antenna's Pic's

FM5WE(Martinique) on 40m LSB!!!

FM5WE(Martinique) on 40m LSB!!!

FM5WE France flag France Guy Dupont
11 rue Bel Air
97200 Fort de France

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   44749

QSL to K4FJ for contactsfrom 2002 to present, and qsl to WF1N for contacts 1985 through 2001.
If you send your QSL card direct, US hams should send SASE with QSL and foreign hams should send one IRC or 1 USD with self addressed envelope. Otherwise, the return QSL will be sent via the bureau.
FM5WE QSOs from 1 Jan 2010 to present have been entered into LOTW and I will continue to entered his new logs into as I receive them monthly in handwritten form. I don't plan to enter his logs prior to Jan 2010 into LOTW in bulk, but I will consider reasonable requests for entering earlier QSOs on an individual basis. Please address those reasonable requests to

20121211 2135UTC 7140kHz FM5WE

Date : 11/Dec/2012 2135UTC 
Freq : 7140kHz LSB
PC recording

Martinique (French pronunciation: ​[maʁtinik]) is an island in the Lesser Antilles in the eastern Caribbean Sea, with a land area of 1,128 km2 (436 sq mi). Like Guadeloupe, it is an overseas region of France, consisting of a singleoverseas department. To the northwest lies Dominica, to the south St Lucia, and to the southeast Barbados.
As with the other overseas departments, Martinique is one of the twenty-seven regions of France (being anoverseas region) and an integral part of the Republic. The first European to encounter the island wasChristopher Columbus in 1493.
As part of France, Martinique is part of the European Union, and its currency is the Euro. Its official language isFrench, although many of its inhabitants also speak Antillean Creole (Créole Martiniquais).