Tuesday, January 27, 2015

20150127 HH/KC0W(Haiti) on 40m CW

20150127 HH/KC0W(Haiti) on 40m CW

Primary only for: HH5/KC0W

PO BOX 1058
Premium Subscriber Lookups: 247131 

20150127 0926UTC 7012kHz HH/KC0W
Date : 27/Jan/2015 0926UTC
Freq : 7012kHz CW
Rig   : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording

 Haiti 2015
12 January - 3 February
160, 80, 40 Meters - CW only
General Information Regarding the HH5/KCØW DXpedition:
1. QSL Direct via KCØW. No LoTW, no bureau. DX stations $2 - €1 - USA send SASE.
2. Only send your callsign & RST. I don't need your name, state, etc.
3. No duplicate QSOs on the same band. I will delete all QSOs from my log with stations who try to dupe QSO me after a previously confirmed QSO.
4. All operation will be split. Please spread out if need be.
5. Local electrical QRM is S9+++. Please understand I'm trying my best.  
6. I often lose electricity while operating & could go QRT without warning.
7. K3 at 500 watts to verticals placed over the ocean with elevated radials.
Daily Update for 26 January:
VERY frustrating working the Japanese on 80 meters in the mornings. Why some JA's keep on sending their callsigns when they obviously can't hear me is a huge QRM issue. While they are blindly calling me I could be working more of the JA stations who really do hear me...They just keep on calling & calling & calling & calling...                 
 A total of 982 worldwide stations & 26 European countries have been worked on 160 meters so far. You should be able to work me if you have a decent Top Band antenna.       
I'm getting a lot of dupe callers now & it's tough enough as it is already with my local S9+++ electrical noise trying to work new stations. Guys, if I sent your callsign & a signal report and you acknowledged it, you are in the logSee above #3.
 I call CQ at European sunrise everyday on 1.833 & listen up.
 QRV for Japan at 1000 UTC on 1.833 and listening down 10.  
QTH is North Dakota

You may have worked me back in 2008 from my one year DXpedition to St. Helena Island as ZD7X. Perhaps we meet in 2009 during my 7 month CW only DXpedition to Cambodia as XU7XXX. In 2013 & 2015 I operated from Haiti as HH5/KCØW. I have also operated several times from Martinique as TOØO. Over 93,000 QSOs have gone into the logs from my "One Man DXpeditions". I'm the license trustee of WWØWWW which gets activated in the major DX contests from the KCØW shack & my Grid Square is DN86.
I moved to North Dakota in 2010 to construct a large contesting/DXing station. The 160 & 80 meter 4-Squares use Rohn 45G tower sections due to our extreme weather here. Over 200 meters of Rohn 65G is presently being used to construct numerous rotating towers. This install should be complete sometime by 2017. It's a BIG project for a single person (me) to be taking on by himself.

The rotating HF stacks will consist of:
40 Meters - 4/4/4
20 Meters - 5/5/5
15 Meters - 6/6/6/6
10 Meters - 6/6/6/6

I also enjoy operating CW mobile. The radio is a Kenwood TS-480hx to a Scorpion screwdriver antenna. The mobile is equipped with a 900 watt solid state homebrew amplifier as well. How many guys are crazy enough to be running 900 watts from their mobile? Not many!!! The only mode used while mobile is CW except for when I occasionally lower my standards & operate SSB.
With the help of many amateurs I achieved my goal (obsession) of 11 Band CW WAS (160 - 6 meters + Satellite) back in 1995.
I'm employed in the oil industry here in North Dakota. We are the nations second leading oil producing state.

Please Spot Me On The DX Cluster.

QSL cards are to be sent to my Minnesota PO Box with the exception of all ZD7X cards which should be sent to my DX Manager, WØMM. ABSOLUTELY NO LoTW, BUREAU or ELECTRONIC QSL's ACCEPTEDAll DX stations please enclose $2 - €1. USA stations just enclose your SASE. Call me old fashioned but I still enjoy receiving paper QSL cards in the mail. I have no plans of joining any Electronic QSLing services anytime soon. Kindly seek out other North Dakota amateurs if you need ND confirmed using LoTW.
Hallo von meinem neuen QTH in North Dakota.

Vielleicht hatten wir schon eine Verbindung whrend meiner einjhrigen DXpedition nach St. Helena als ZD7X im Jahr 2008 oder auf meiner 7-monatigen DXpedition nach Kambodscha unter dem Rufzeichen XU7XXX im Jahr drauf. Insgesamt wurden mit diesen Rufzeichen ber 67000 QSOs geloggt. Dazu kommen nochber 18000 QSOs als TOØO von Martinique.

Im Jahr 2010 bin ich nach North Dakota gezogen um hier den Aufbau einer erstklassigen Contest- und DX-Station in Angriff zu nehmen. Fr 160m und 80m sind Foursquare-Arrays aus Rohn 45G-Mastelementen im Aufbau, weitere 200m Rohn 65G Mastelemente fr verschiedene drehbare Masten mit gestockten Antennen wurden angeschafft und warten auf den Aufbau. Mit der Fertigstellung aller Antennen ist im Jahr 2017 zu rechnen.

Whrend die Station wchst, mache ich viel Mobilbetrieb in CW aus North Dakota. Die Mobilstation besteht aus einer Screwdriver-Antenne und einem Kenwood TS-480 (200W); eine 900W-PA folgt bald. Ausser in Contesten und fr DX, arbeite ich nur in CW, auch aus dem Auto.


QSL-Karten gehen direkt an mein Postfach in Minnesota (s.o.), Karten fr ZD7X gehen an meinen DX-Manager WØMM. Bitte keine Buro-Karten oder elektronischen QSLs. DX-Stationen fgen bitte $2 €1 oder IRCs fr das Rckporto bei; bei US-Stationen gengt ein frankierter Rckumschlag.

Mi chiamo Tom, KCØW, nel 2010 mi sono trasferito nel Nord Dakota, nella
zona occidentale, faccio costruire la mia nuova casa ed una Stazione Radio
per poter fare DX e CONTEST, ho acquistato materiale per montare diverse
torri ed antenne. I lavori dovrebbero terminare nel 2017.
E possibile che mi abbiate collegato durante una delle mie.
St. Helena Island = ZD7X
Cambogia = XU7XXX
Martinique = TOØO
Sono attivo dal North Dakota in CW mobile. Rig: Kenwood TS-480, pwr 200 Watt,
in antenna verticale da auto, al pi presto con un lineare da 900 Watt.
Stazioni DX via diretta 2 green stamp - €1.
busta indirizzo, NO BUREAU, NO LoTW, NO eQSL.


Bonjour  tous depuis mon nouveau QTH  l'ouest du Dakota du Nord.
Il se peut que vous m'ayez contact depuis mon expdition d'un an sur l'le de Ste Hlne o j'tais ZD7X en 2008 ou depuis mon expdition de 7 mois au Cambodge (CW seulement) o j'tais XU7XXX en 2009.Plus de 67 000 QSO ont t effectus pendant ces 2 expeditions. A cela vous pouvez rajouter 18 000 autres QSO effectus pendant mon sjour en Martinique o j'tais TO0O.
Je suis maintenant dans le Dakota du Nord o je suis en train de construire une station de concours/DX de premire classe. Les 4-squares pour le 160m et le 80m (qui utilisent des sections de pylne Rohn 45G) ont t achets en plus des 200 metres de Rohn 65G pour construire les pylnes rotatifs de mon systme. L'ensemble devrait tre prt en 2017.
Vous pouvez me trouver en CW mobile dans le Dakota du Nord pendant la construction de la station. L'antenne dans le mobile est un screwdriver et la radio est un TS-480 de 200 watts. Le seul mode que j'utilise lors de mes dplacements est la CW (sauf pendant les concours et le DX). L'installation d'un ampli de 900 watts dans le mobile devrait se faire sous peu.
Envoyez vos cartes QSL  ma bote postale dans le Minnesota sauf pour les demandes de carte pour ZD7X qui devront tre envoyes  mon QSL manager, WØMM. Aucune confirmation electronique ou via bureau ne sera accepte. Les stations DX doivent joindre 2 dollars - €1 ou les IRCs qui sont en cours.

free counters


Typical North Dakota Road

Book Cover - (Here)





KCØW Beaming Asia

Beaming South America - Caribbean

KCØW Beaming Europe

Beaming Australia - New Zealand

HF & 6 Meters

"Can Ya Hear Me Now"?

432 MHz EME (2001 - 2005)

Homebrew EME

Recorded in Italy on 10 Meters CW

Recording by LU5FF on 6 Meters CW


Recorded by GØMHC

Recorded by MØEDX


Recorded by GØMHC

ZD7X on 10 Meters SSB

1641889 Last modified: 2015-01-26 22:04:08, 39460 bytes

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