Felix Riess
Neumayer Station Ekstroem Ice Shelf, Atka Bay Antarctica
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Page managed by DL5XL Lookups: 82092
20150114 0553UTC 14076kHzDP1POL
Date : 14/Jan/2015 0553UTC
Freq : 14050kHz JT65
Rig : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording
I already got 8J1RL..Next target is him : )
.*. Today is only his received data(my pow was 15w).... -17db... ok soon.
Logbook online (December 2014 to February 2015 only): http://www.hamqth.com/dp1pol
DP1POL is located at the German research station "Neumayer III" in Antarctica, about 1,300 miles North of the South Pole. My home call sign is DL5XL, and I was a member of the 29th Neumayer wintering team as an electronics engineer. The station was officially inaugurated on February 20, 2009. My first assignment at "Neumayer III" lasted from December 2008 to February 2010, and I was back on the air from the same location from December 2011 to February 2012, and from December 2013 to February 2014. Another activity is planned from December 2014 to February 2015 - and I hope it will not be the last one!
For award hunters, the DXCC country is Antarctica (CE9/KC4), and the IOTA reference is AN-016 (Antarctica mainland). DP1POL is located at 70°41'S, 8°16'W in grid locator field IB59UH, CQ Zone 38, and ITU Zone 67. Contacts are valid for the World Antarctic Program (WAP DEU-08) and the World Flora Fauna Award (WFF DLFF-022). QSO data is uploaded to ARRL's Logbook of the World on a regular basis.
QSL cards (including SWL reports which are always very welcome) are handled by Ray, DL1ZBO. Bureau cards are fine. If you prefer a direct reply, please enclose an SAE and sufficient return postage: 1 new IRC (valid until 2017) or 1 US Dollar will cover postage to any destination by air mail. The QSL address is:
Rainer Hilgardt, DL1ZBO
Hans-Sachs-Weg 38
64291 Darmstadt
For more information about Neumayer Station III, please check the station's official web site in English language.
From December 2002 to January 2004, DP1POL was operated from the now-abandoned station "Neumayer II", about 4 miles North of the current location. The coordinates were 70°39'S, 8°15'W in grid locator field IB59VI, CQ Zone 38, ITU Zone 67, WAP DEU-02, and WFF DLFF-021. QSL cards for that operation are still available from DL1ZBO.
73 and CUAGN from Antarctica!
Felix, DP1POL (DL5XL, N5BC).
1559051 Last modified: 2014-12-29 01:13:47, 3098 bytes
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