Youngsters On The Air Special Event Station
RSGB, 3 Abbey Court Fraser Road, Priory Business Park MK44 3WH England
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20141211 0844UTC 14010kHz G14YOTA
Date : 11/Dec/2014 0844UTC
Freq : 14010kHz CW
Rig : KENWOOD TS-590
PC recording
Welcome to YOTA 2014
YOTA (Youngsters on the Air) is back!
This December brings exciting times for the RSGB as the UK is taking part in YOTA Month for the very first time. Many other countries across Europe will also be active with special YOTA callsigns.
YOTA stands for Youngsters on the Air – and the purpose of YOTA month will be to show young people the endless possibilities amateur radio has to offer and to get them on the air. The special event callsign G14YOTA and its regional variations will be active for 18 days in December. Various radio clubs from all over the United Kingdom will hold the Notice of Variation to use this special callsign for a day, or in some cases, two days.
In July – the GB1YOTA special event station was set up and run by the Camb Hams in Wolverhampton as part of the UK YOTA event. Over the two days of operation over 1000 contacts were made and the responses we received from amateurs nationally and internationally were warming and supportive of YOTA.
Throughout December, if you hear a YOTA callsign on the air then please make contact and have a chat with the young people that are on the air. The purpose of YOTA is not for a quick 59, 73, but to have a chat with the people about radio and the activities they’re doing that day.
I would like to take this time to thank the amateur radio community for their continued support in YOTA. If you have any questions then please feel free to drop me a line.
Mike Jones, 2E0MLJ - Radio Society of Great Britain's Youth Co-Ordinator Email: youth.chairman@rsgb.org.ukPARTICIPATING STATIONS
All participating stations can be found on our site.www.ham-yota.com/december-yota-month/
Please use OQRS by Clublog. Direct or bureau possible but we still prefer OQRSWe are operating a responsible QSL policy so all QSL cards must go to this address.
QSL manager is Brani, OM2FY.
Questions & contact: qsl@ham-yota.com
Awards can be claimed on www.ham-yota.com/december-yota-monthThere are no costs for awards, but feel free to click the 'Donate' button.
Award manager is Bjorn, ON9CFG
Questions & contact: award@ham-yota.com
Click here to search our logbook!OVERALL ORGANISATION
Lisa - PA2LSTommy - ON2TD
Questions: info@ham-yota.com
Yentel Hollebeke - ON3YHRobin Maenhaut - SWL
Questions: on3yh@ham-yota.com
1484702 Last modified: 2014-11-30 16:36:49, 7102 bytes
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