Special Event Station
YO8KZA Team-Celebration 35 years of activity City: Campulung Mold. / Bucovina, RO 725100 Romania
QSL: LoTw & eQSL(AG) or via YO8RAA
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20141210 0702UTC 14021kHz YP35KZA
Date : 10/Dec/2014 0702UTC
Freq : 14021kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
1979 - 2014
This year we celebrating 35 years continuous activity of radioclub
YO8KZA in the city of CAMPULUNG MOLDOVENESC (county BUCOVINA/Suceava),
and 25 years since the founding of the "Liga Radioamatorilor Bucovineni"
first democratic Association of radio amateurs YO after the fall of the
comunist regime.The radioamateurs from "Liga Radioamatorilor Bucovineni” Association - YO8KZA Team, celebrating this event by setting up a diploma which will be issued free of charge in electronic format. The Diploma is awarded to all romanian and foreign radio amateurs who in the period October 15 - December 30, 2014, will make connections with special callsign YP35KZA (in any band/mode) and ask for them.
You can get up to 3 free diplomas as follows:
BRONZE: -3 QSO's are needed in 3 different bands, minimum 2 of modes worked
SILVER: -4 QSO's are needed in 4 different bands, minimum 3 of modes worked
GOLD: -5 QSO's are needed in 5 different bands, minimum 4 of modes worked
The Diploma is granted under the same conditions for SWL. You must have application and extract log. Diplomas in electronic format are issued free of charge by sending a request to: yp35kza@yahoo.com . You can check the QSO in the winow below clublog.
The request will be sent until January 31, 2015 and will contain an extract of the log and email address at which you wish to receive the diploma. Diplomas are issued until January 31, 2015. Applications after January 31, 2015 will not be honored.
We wish you success.
73 ' YP35KZA Team
Anul acesta celebram 35 de ani de activitate neintrerupta a
radioclubului YO8KZA din municipiul CAMPULUNG MOLDOVENESC
(BUCOVINA/Suceava), si 25 de ani de la infiintarea "Ligii
Radioamatorilor Bucovineni", prima asociatie democrata a radioamatorilor
romani dupa caderea regimului comunist.Radioamatorii asociatiei “Liga Radioamatorilor Bucovineni – Radioclubul YO8KZA” sarbatoresc acest eveniment prin instituirea unei diplome care se va elibera gratuit in format electronic. Diploma se acorda tuturor radioamatorilor romani si straini care in perioada 15 octombrie – 30 decembrie 2014, vor efectua legaturi cu indicativul special YP35KZA (in orisice banda / mod) si vor solicita eliberarea ei.
Diploma se poate obtine in urmatoarele conditii:
BRONZ: - 3 qso-uri cu YP35KZA in 3 benzi diferite in minim 2 moduri de lucru
ARGINT: - 4 qso-uri cu YP35KZA in 4 benzi diferite in minim 3 moduri de lucru
AUR: - 5 qso-uri cu YP35KZA in 5 benzi diferite in minim 4 moduri de lucru
Diploma se acorda in aceleasi conditii si pentru SWL. Sunt necesare cererea si extrasul de log. Diploma in format electronic se elibereaza gratuit prin trimiterea unei cereri la adresa yp35kza@yahoo.com
Cererea se va trimite pana la data de 31 ianuarie 2015 si va contine extrasul de log si adresa de email la care se doreste primirea diplomei. Diplomele se vor elibera pana la data de 31 ianuarie 2015. Cererile adresate dupa data de 31 ianuarie 2015 nu vor fi onorate.Va puteti verifica legaturile in fereastra clublog de mai jos.
Va dorim succes.
73' YP35KZA team
News : All diplomas are issued within 48 hours after registration of the application.
If you have not received a diploma within 48 hours please send an email to the manager.
Please always confirm receipt of diplomas to avoid losing their
All log October 15 to November 30, 2014 was uploaded to LOTW and eQSL
1487117 Last modified: 2014-12-01 13:44:58, 8724 bytes
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