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20140901 1349UTC 14006kHz SV5/GM0IIO
Date : 01/Sep/2014 1349UTC
Freq : 14006kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
SV5/GM0IIO from KOS Island (29th August to 5th September). QSL direct only. SAE plus 1 EURO or $2. No eQSL, LOTW or Bureau.
Pictured with Geoff, PJ2T/PJ2DX/W0CG in Glasgow, January 2010 in front of my Audi TT. I am on the left, and Geoff on the right.
Previous callsigns: WN8QAG, WA8QAG(/VE3, /W3, /GM), N4QDN, GM5AIW, EI6HC, PA/F/TA1/EA8/SV5/GM0IIO, A47RS (guest operator), HV0A (guest operator), V26/N4QDN and K4IIO.
Current callsigns: KQ8Z, GM0IIO and C6AZZ. Contest call GM4O (golf mike four oscar).
Equipment: IC-756PROIII, IC-2KL, IC-AT500, IC-7400, IC-7000, IT-100, Palstar AT1-KM & FT-817. Antenna just an indoor 20m extended double zepp. A few HT's. Latest equipment is the Elecraft K3 and KX3, Alpha 76PA, and Ameritron AL-80B amplifiers.
WAB NS79 . Locator IO86AC.
Weekend QTH is Kirkcaldy, Fife(GM0IIO/P - WAB NT27, LocatorIO86JC).
Member of GMDX Group (Scotland), WPBARC (West Palm Beach Amateur Radio Club, Florida), RSGB, ARRL (American Radio Relay League), QCWA Chapter 111, RAYNET (Radio Amateurs' Emergency Network - UK), ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service - USA) and SKYWARN ID#PB1239.
QSL direct only for all operations (GM, SV5, 8Q7, C6). Europe SAE + 1 EURO, rest of the world SAE + $2 (USD). (UK only, SASE).
George KQ8Z

Pictured with Geoff, PJ2T/PJ2DX/W0CG in Glasgow, January 2010 in front of my Audi TT. I am on the left, and Geoff on the right.
Previous callsigns: WN8QAG, WA8QAG(/VE3, /W3, /GM), N4QDN, GM5AIW, EI6HC, PA/F/TA1/EA8/SV5/GM0IIO, A47RS (guest operator), HV0A (guest operator), V26/N4QDN and K4IIO.
Current callsigns: KQ8Z, GM0IIO and C6AZZ. Contest call GM4O (golf mike four oscar).
Equipment: IC-756PROIII, IC-2KL, IC-AT500, IC-7400, IC-7000, IT-100, Palstar AT1-KM & FT-817. Antenna just an indoor 20m extended double zepp. A few HT's. Latest equipment is the Elecraft K3 and KX3, Alpha 76PA, and Ameritron AL-80B amplifiers.
WAB NS79 . Locator IO86AC.
Weekend QTH is Kirkcaldy, Fife(GM0IIO/P - WAB NT27, LocatorIO86JC).
Member of GMDX Group (Scotland), WPBARC (West Palm Beach Amateur Radio Club, Florida), RSGB, ARRL (American Radio Relay League), QCWA Chapter 111, RAYNET (Radio Amateurs' Emergency Network - UK), ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service - USA) and SKYWARN ID#PB1239.
QSL direct only for all operations (GM, SV5, 8Q7, C6). Europe SAE + 1 EURO, rest of the world SAE + $2 (USD). (UK only, SASE).
George KQ8Z
1224947 Last modified: 2014-08-30 13:34:57, 3192 bytes
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