Fun Amateur Radio Club Special Event in Phoenix, Arizona
Page managed by W7SW Lookups: 2607
20140627 1145UTC 14010kHz W7F
Date : 27/Jun/2014 1145UTC
Freq : 14026kHz CW
PC recording
Thank you so much QSO and Special service...Enjoy DXing 73's :)
All QSLs go to Jeff Ai4u in North Carolina. Please see his address above. Please do not send QSLs to Arizona. Please do not send QSLs to the W7 QSL bureau. Thanks.
The fun photos that are in black and white are from Field Day in 1946

Special event station W7F is operated by the Fun Amateur Radio Club from 25-June-2014 to 29-June-2014. The QTH for the W7F Field Day operation is in the Phoenix, Arizona area. All QSLs go to Jeff, Ai4u, in North Carolina.
Is Field Day a contest, an emergency preparedness exercise, a public relations demonstration, a great event for clubs, or just a fun way to get on the air? Field Day is all these things and more!

The fun photos that are in black and white are from Field Day in 1946
Special event station W7F is operated by the Fun Amateur Radio Club from 25-June-2014 to 29-June-2014. The QTH for the W7F Field Day operation is in the Phoenix, Arizona area. All QSLs go to Jeff, Ai4u, in North Carolina.
Is Field Day a contest, an emergency preparedness exercise, a public relations demonstration, a great event for clubs, or just a fun way to get on the air? Field Day is all these things and more!
ARRL Field Day is the single most popular on-the-air event held annually in the US and Canada. Each year over 35,000 amateurs gather with their clubs, friends or simply by themselves to operate.
ARRL Field Day is not a normal official contest. It is a time where many aspects of Amateur Radio come together to highlight our many roles. While some will treat it as a contest, most groups use the opportunity to practice their emergency response capabilities. It is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate Amateur Radio to local elected community leaders, key individuals with the organizations that Amateur Radio might serve in an emergency, as well as to the general public. For many clubs, ARRL Field Day is one of the highlights of their annual calendar.
For more info on ARRL Field Day here is a link:
Now these 2 guys sure look like they are having a great time operating CW during Field Day!

How about a portable operation with towers and many Yagi antennas? Shown in this photo below is an excellent example of a very successful portible operation put on by K7EAR, the Eastern Arizona Amateur Radio Society. Their website is WWW.EAARS.com
In this pic below you can see 4 towers and loads of antennas. The 2 towers up front are for CW and the 2 towers in the back are for SSB. Wow! What Fun!

ARRL Field Day is not a normal official contest. It is a time where many aspects of Amateur Radio come together to highlight our many roles. While some will treat it as a contest, most groups use the opportunity to practice their emergency response capabilities. It is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate Amateur Radio to local elected community leaders, key individuals with the organizations that Amateur Radio might serve in an emergency, as well as to the general public. For many clubs, ARRL Field Day is one of the highlights of their annual calendar.
For more info on ARRL Field Day here is a link:
Now these 2 guys sure look like they are having a great time operating CW during Field Day!
How about a portable operation with towers and many Yagi antennas? Shown in this photo below is an excellent example of a very successful portible operation put on by K7EAR, the Eastern Arizona Amateur Radio Society. Their website is WWW.EAARS.com
In this pic below you can see 4 towers and loads of antennas. The 2 towers up front are for CW and the 2 towers in the back are for SSB. Wow! What Fun!
1050536 Last modified: 2014-06-24 20:28:13, 4559 bytes
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