Andy (Diethard) Hansen
PO Box 84 (Bahnhofstr. 39) Berikon, AG CH-8965 Switzerland
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 169762
20140625 1836UTC 7011kHz HB9CVQ
Date : 25/Jun/2014 1836UTC
Freq : 7011kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
tnx for visiting folks

------General Info/News:
--Lookup Counter now, add 20 000 from external QRZ system reset 15. Oct. 07.
All (CW only activity) QSOs, HB0/HB9CVQ, 17.+18.+20.+21. April 2014 (1250+QSOs, on all bands 160 to 10m) are now uploaded to LOTW and EQSL. Thanks to all callers.
I was at almost 1600m in Gaflei (Friday Snow Storm !) , highes parking lot. The Ant. was 2x40m Doublet at @12m, tuned, running North-South with a steep slope down to the "Rhein" river in the valley. Additionally I used my Atas 120A mobile ant, mounted center of the car roof , about TX 80W-12V 95Ah. This ant. is on 40m -10dBdipole. On Sunday I used up to 350W Transistor PA and a 12V 200Ah battery. The limit was this time again the laptop (N1MM) battery (10 to 11h). Equipment improvements are ongoing now. My Signal on 160m not strong enough for DXing.
All HB0/HB9CVQ up to 12 Feb. 2014 are uploaded now. All 500+ , CW QSOs HB0/HB9CVQ - 19.+20. Oct. 2013 ( QTH Gaflei,almost 1500m a.s.l.) uploaded today ( 20.Oct. 2013) to LOTW and EQSL for the 160 to 10m operation. Only 100W , mobile ant + 2x40m tuned DP up only 10m -the steep rising slope to east peaks behind. On Sat. 10m showed nice openings to East and West Coast NA till way after our sunset. Thanks to all stn well cooperating with the improvized, fairly small HB0/HB9CVQ power /ants. The modest pile-up rates ;-) range from 128 over 60min to 240/h peak (N1MM-keying). Many ongoing CW contests over this weekend.The trip by car is about 120 km one way from my HB9-QTH. Wx on Sat. perfect , Sun. cloudy , rainy and strong, warm winds from south. Therefore this time no more snow. Technical lessons learned: Stn improvements (TRX, Ant, Battery power laptop-only 6h!) are needed--Winter is close--Hi Hi. Anyway, I really enjoyed it, tu. Cu hopefully in CQ ww SSB under HB9EE and CQ ww CW under LX7I --with bigger signals.
All QSOs under HB0/HB9CVQ/m (40m dwn to 10m) uploaded now to LOTW for event on 13. Oct. 2013 and 15. Sept.2013without addition /m to LOTW and to EQSL!!! 100W, IC 735, AT 120A , ETM 3 Keyer, 95 AH battery, Swisslog , HP laptop, location 1300m a.s.l. above Triesenberg
QRMers, Call sign misuse, busted calls, bad DX- operating : How many people really care about it ?
Our hobby should be fun, and it is, even after over 40 years!
Certainly, some good people do start now to care very much. So let us e.g. support "DX-Code of Conduct" : http://dx-code.org/
What we should try to avoid from happening is this:
News ( here and at the end)
The German DARC (CQ-DL 3-2014 , page 7) is planning to establish soon a nation-wide, dense SDR RX network on shortwave, similar http://www.websdr.org. This will hopefully soon make illegal QRMing via internet remote stn very dangerous. No more hiding, QTH can be quickly determined by "direction finding".
March--to--October 2013 and still observing much malicious QRMing / interference on the HAM Bands 160 to 10m, illegally retransmitted HB9CVQ signals and receiving fake calls (CW) in quantity. This very suspect guy is still QRV, almost around the clock. The QRM amplitude and on-time however seems mostly reduced over the past years. Some light stuff cannot be detected at 250 or 600 km away. International HAM Call Signs are misused in enormous quantity (data base?) . When up to 10m is open, all QRM-Terror goes with the MUF. The origin is very often relatively near by (mostly at 120 deg. south east ). Yes, several more distant internet remote operated stns are also often involved. Someone , certainly no commercial stn, with a lot of (professional/HAM) know-how in jamming+QRM-Terror, sweeps the bands and pollutes the spectrum with noise ( kHz up to some 200 KHz wide-on10m, short and long time ,definitely no EMI , no EMC-problem) or places carriers (small to big) always matching the communications content or critical moments. This happens also in my absence from the HAM bands und is obviously strangly targeted to "communicate??!!" and "participate!!??" in QSOs/ Dx-Ped or groups of Hams on one QRG. New, rare DX is always early jammed- 40m is worst-mostly in CW by QRL?---QSY---up up---idiot--(matching many languages) etc. This, including policing, could go on for hours, if responded to in any way. If not, this might still last for up to 30min. Several QRMing events are often conducted simultaneously ( broad band antennas, synchronizing remote TX-sites by network ?) .
2. April 2012, 03:08 / 0319 Z on 14006 and 14056 kHz while I was really on 1821 kHz Cqing with better than 60 dB measured harmonics suppression. Probably another HB9CVQ call misuse by false, faked, illegal emissions ( SNR 10dB) received by reverse beacon S50ARX. This is possible by retransmissions, remotely activating a HAM station in or near Slovenia. Otherwise there would be no suitable propagations at that time.
By the way the suspect called without identification (as always) on 160m to inform me !?
Technically impossible is the following case: K1TTT reverse beacon showing HB9CVQ ( 60dBm 2x36m DP 25m up) 1821 KHz 0421Z 2. April 2012 with 84 dB SNR. I was QRV, but that is impossible. The real value was around 18 dB SNR later. The only conclusion is the faker used an internet remote stn in or close to Ma USA . K1TTT is listed as Peru , MA 01235. North West MA.
With this data a more detailed analysis should be possible! Assuming very low noise level at K1TTT the signal must have been almost flexing the S-meter needle around 50 dB over S9 or higher? Should we therefore consider ground wave propagation? Where is an internet remote stn close by? Who was using it at the above-mentioned time. What IP?
Does anybody have a clue? I like to hear from you. Tnx.
HB0/HB9CVQ obviously misused by PIRATE:
I was indeed QRV but only: 24. Oct. 2011, 40m, CW , from 23:51Z to 01:47 25.Oct.2011 + 25.Oct. (20m shortly SSB +40m CW) 21:47Z to 26. Oct. 01:32Z +31. Oct.14:12 Z to 16:31Z on 12m CW. This was before and after CQWW SSB with HB0/HB9AON Stn from QTH Ruggell Li.
QSOs are uploaded to LOTW and EQSL under HB0/HB9CVQ. Direct QSL policy see below , like HB9CVQ.
HB9CVQ again misused, after numerous other cases of call-faking, e.g. on 10. Nov.2010, by weak 40m pirate on 7.019 MHz, in bad CW QRO, e.g. 19:25 Z. Pirate misusing HB9CVQ and CQing on 7.027 MHz , 21:16Z , 2. May, 2011etc.
Retransmitting previously recorded "HB9CVQ calling CQ 80m" on 7. Dec. 2010, 3742.6 MHz , 23:56 Z. My QSO partner on this QRG, G7JVG, confirmed hearing this unauthorized pirate transmission during our QSO in the UK.
It is sad reality and not limited to DXpeditions ( e.g. PJ2/PJ4/PJ5/PJ6/PJ7 new DXCC entities ;10-10-2010):
Yes , there is witnessed, frequent, malicious, willful, aggressive QRMing (160 to 10m CW, SSB, Digital) and associated Call Sign Faking. This is unacceptable QRG/QRM-Terror against me and others.
It includes targeted badmouthing, faking DX-Cluster entries, partly offensive, and misuse of my call by a pirate/abnormal person (or very small group?). Some of the signals seem sometimes relatively close by (seconds after just tuning), but mostly it is a mix of TX-locations involved.
Simultaneously operated, remote controlled Internet based amateur radio stations (IRB) seem involved. These IRBs are locatedin the EU (e.g. often bearings from LX-2008 NW and 2010 NE (80m) -- from Munich 40m-2009 SE-- from my QTH --with 3 el. Yagi 30-10m--SE, NW, )and less frequently in NA. In addition this strange person/group sweeps the HAM Bands ( partly outside!!).
The suspect misuses since long as "jingle" for incognito recognition and awareness formerly recorded , coded ionospheric sounder signals .
Bands are often polluted by noise (about 120deg. and about sometimes 230 deg. from my QTH, that is no EMI ) and other unidentified emissions. Based on delta pwr =10 x log (BW broad/BW SSB/FM) there are natural power limits in physics regarding the ability for jamming distant targets by broadband signals effectively. The QRMer seems to use a large broad band resistively terminated loop covering all short-wave.
There is pulsed noise (wide spaced FSK), broad-band noise (up to abt. 20KHz and partly very much wider) , retransmitted foreign BC-Signals, taped audio QSO recordings , smaller/bigger carriers (delta up to 60dB) and regular jamming of DX windows. This is accompanied by slow, bad, pretended beginner's CW-QSOs near the very operating QRG. In SSB also whistling is common. Often rare DX with pile-ups are simulated, just for faking. For further info you also may want to check DX Clusters and announcements. Some OTH-Radar like emissions are possibly also faked. You should use a band scope ( panorama adapter RX ) for viewing these effects!
--Practically daily Pirating, Call Faking,e.g. HB9CVQ de W2AN http://www.qrz.com/db/w2an
"Bill" , CW, 3.521MHz, 0149Z, Jan/07/2009. Email + phone contact with Ed K2MP proved again faking!
This is just one event out of numerous, and ongoing , may be several 1000 per year ?!
(Inter)national Investigations are ongoing. There is a multitude of locations simultaneously / sequentially used for QRMing around my QTH. Measurements even hint to some time coordination sometimes. By no means am I the only target.
Good things sometimes take very long time. I think however I might possibly personally know the very unhappy suspect. All it appears to be is an unethical , desperate cover-up activity by a small group of people!
One technical counter measure:
I am presently building a new direction finding system based on Signal Time of Arrival to locate these illegal emissions/transmissions/sweeps, regardless of conducted amplitude changes. Additionally websdr radios , all over EU, help greatly now.
------QTH ( old pics ):

------History/present Activity:
QRV since 1968 (DK2VQ, still valid) + HB9CVQ since 1983 (JN47EI) + new since 05-11-2011 AK4IG (USA, Extra Class)
QRV presently from 160m to 10m (6m), CW and in SSB.
My CW-Memberships:
(Since 1970 HSC 643 >25Wpm http://www.highspeedclub.org CTC #1.039 http://www.hamradio.hr/ctc/ , VHSC 394 > 40Wpm)http://www.morsecode.nl/ CWops Jan. 2010 Charter Member # 219 http://cwops.org/
Main activity HF: 160m-10m (6m) , mostly CW some SSB, including Contesting:
e.g. CQ WW CW 2006 1. place Single Op assisted Switzerland, 1. place HB9 high CW SO 2007 WPX, 6. place WORLDWIDE CW ARRL 2006 Single Op assisted, 3. place HSC Contest 2/2007, 2. place BUG Party Feb.07 AGCW DL, ALL Asian DX CW 2007 (1.place HB9) , 2010 Helvetia Contest CW SSB SOHP 1. place, Continental Leader Europe, Single OP, HP, 40m: 1. place in ARRL DX CW 2011 , LX7I operated by HB9CVQ , 1. place (3) BUG party , using my modified Vibroplex Serial No. 243113 , 15. Feb. 2012, AGCW-DL, etc.
Guest Op of TA1EMC 5/2003. Also active in SSB as RRDXA-Team-CQWW (M/M) and Guest-Op from 2004 under HB0/HB9AON (www.rn-soft.de/new/?Amateurfunk:HB0_-_Liechtenstein_-_Expeditionen )and 2007 CW under LX7I (M/2)( http://www.lx2a.com). Guest-Op in 2008 CQ WPX-CW under DR1A (M/M) ( http://www.df0cg.de/de/ ) also Guest-Op 2007/2008 at DL1A (http://www.qrz.com/db/dl1a )
Also frequently using Internet Remote Stations (RX-TX) for condx/ant. testing and radio monitoring (QRM).
------Shack (old):
Orion 2
modified Flex 5000C
2x36m doublet with remote ATU (SAMS+) at 25m (160 to 10m) , rugged 300 Ohm feeder with roughly 12m length
Experimenting with small shielded loops and preamps for 160/80/40m
SteppIR DB 18E, 2el 40m, 3 el 30 to 10m , 4 el 6m Yagi Beam
TX max. Pwr: 60dBm out
mod. Flex 5000C,ACOM 2000A, K3, ACOM 1000 sometimes for mobile old IC-735 with mag. mount. AT-120S ant. on car roof.
CW-Keys: Begali Magnum, Begali Expedition, Vibroplex SUPER De LUXE (1965), old ETM-4C, Junkers straight Key and in Contests Computer Keyboard N1MM or WINTEST.
------QSLing: We can not accept old 2013 outdated IRCs anymore, they are not valid. All IRCs must be issued 1 Jan.2014 or after.
not so much liked,
direct (!!with SAE +sufficient Postage!!)......sorry --> if this is not met, definitely no response!
Never send your QSL per registered mail, because this triggers more personal work on my side and this is simply unacceptable.
Please note no more than 3 QSOs confirmed (space) on my QSL card possible now.
Cost: e.g. 2$ US for Air Mail outside EU is less than the needed postage 1.90 CHF, so it does not cover cost !
Therefore now needed !! EU: 2 $ US , DX: 3$ US !!
My direct QSLing is best only via SAE and new IRCs: 1 for EU (issued in EU =1.30 CHF), 1 overseas IRC for DX (issued in DX-outside EU =1.90CHF-AIRMAIL )
Uploaded all logs (>200.000) under HB9CVQ to e-QSLs
(Status AG http://www.eqsl.cc/qslcard/DisplayAGCertificate.cfm?TestHamID=1285667&TestCallsign=HB9CVQ )
and LOTW http://www.arrl.org/lotw/.
Regarding QSL-Info, incl. HB0/HB9CVQ, DL/HB9CVQ , DK2VQ and others, as well as Contests, my priority is always LOTW/eqsl + answering direct cards. QSO-UPLOAD normally at the end of each day. I stopped my "QSL via bureau" response 100% !!. I do not do it that way any more via any bureau.
Presently using RX1 F5KC as Panorama RX ( IF K3 8.215MHz )and RX2 as "On the Air " real signal monitor with external 40+ dB attenuator, CM Chokes and 2x2m (50 Ohm RG58) in the attics. Works very well with K3 as the main TRX.
Just started checking out Flex 5KC against K3, ongoing project with operating and measuring ;some previous bugs are eliminated.
First tests however: K3 with Perseus as Band-scope (IF 8.215 MHz + 6 pole BPF +/-200 kHz) is hard to beat in particular in Contesting and QSK QRQ CW.
(Update Aug. 2011) SW Power SDR v2.1.5 and FlexControl
Flex 5000C is now a nice radio, even for SSB / CW contesting. Band Pass Filters are still needed here (Multiband Antennas) on 15 to 10m. Otherwise there are Phantom BC Stations showing up. CW QSK is still a problem based on relay chatter and instabilities. There are some bugs in the SW (in my configuration with the build in Mini-ITX, Dual Core x86, 1.666 MHz ,1GB DDR2 RAM , IEEE 1394 Firewire, Xp professional ). One major one is TX transients , mostly on 40m, tripping my Acom 2000A and forcing considerably less than 1kW output, even with the BPF in line.
Further experiments will include using a faster , external windows7 computer to separate possible computer from radio effects.
There are still some issues when using RX2 . This relates to TRX switching (AGC-SW-no hardware muting) audio bangs , recording crashes and Split operation.
By the way , it is not unusual in the commercial world to fix some first hand EMC hardware problems by Software tricks later on.
What really finally counts is performance.
(Update Nov. 2011) SW Power SDR v2.2.3 and FlexControl
Trying to automate major parts of this station , including SAMs+
(Update April 2012) SW XPpro ,Power SDR still v2.2.3, no Flex Control , DDUTIL not yet installed
SteppIR Controller SDA 100 is now fitted with better EU-control (20) -cable ( about 30m long and 60dB shielding,no foil, grounded both ends ) and HB9CVQ designed transient protection ( driver chips specs max. 50V DC) and RFI-filter ( DB 25 in DB 25 out ). This reduced the RX EMI pick up during tuning and more importantly in the motor hold position (noisy 3V to prevent element movement by e.g. wind) of the DB18E ( 40 to 10m here) by up to 30dB on 30m. The decoupling in the motor housings between contol and RF parts is about 50 dB up to 30 MHz.
SteppIR is informed and works on a solution inside the controller. There is by the way a proof of re-radiation / coupling to my near-by doublet. When the controller tunes the noise bump on my screen FLex 5KC is drifting upwards on 30m (S7 to 9 some kHz ); swiftly reversing when tuning is stopped. Now the drift is reversed ( in the motor hold position ) and an RFI bump is very slowly (minutes) drifting backwards eventually out of band.
My solution is an outside SDA retrofit with probably better chances for higher attenuation of EMI due to more space of larger and more suppression components in an extra AL-Box. The original cable-splicer from SteppIR also needed EMC improvements. After all this retrofitting the worse case motor tuning signal makes the noise floor temporarily jump by typically 10dB on 40m . That used to be almost 40 dB. The bands are now much more quiet and I can better listen to S2 to S4 signals on the higher bands without irritation. Additionally with the Flex ESC ( Amplitude and Phase canceling feature) I can uses this feature even on 160m with only one antenna , 2 RX and my 2x36m doublet @24+ m.
Regarding my jammer/QRMer signal direction finder project (Time of arrival) this is well progressing. There are however geographical difficulties like mountains with reflection issues into some areas near to my QTH. This calls for technical solutions/software to do data reduction. Stay tuned , we will manage and achieve better and faster resolution.
(Update Oct. 2012) since several month I do a lot of R&D on single and two wire Beverage Antennas. This includes test set-ups at HB9EE , as well as mainly at LX7I. These Bev. Ant are 1 or 2 m high and up to 182 m long. Investigated is 160 to 10m performance. All systems are home-brew . Transformers are impedance optimized, Common mode protected. Line to ground attenuation (CM) in forward direction is typically 1(160m) to 5 (10m) S-Units. Rev. direction attenuation ( was 30 dB on 40m Band and 182m !) is now reduced by replacing army field telephone twisted wire by 20cm spacing transmission line (about 5 dB on 10m(!) and 182 m length ). Coupling e.g. ( even >20dB) from 160/80m TX to RX Beverage Antennas is a considerable problem and called for very special Beverage switch-box design with critical protective circuits. Basic reseach into Beverage performance measuring/simulation both amplitude and phase continues as far as weather permits.
(Update March 2013) I recently repaired and calibrated my seriously damaged (LX7I before CQ WW CW 2012) K3 and added a P3PAN Adapter. It took over 30 h and about 1400 $ US, PCBs needed replacement , traces burnt! Support by Elecraft throughout was excellent! All works very ufb now. Beverage research is still awaiting help in simulations with NEC4 code from the HAMs in the US. The 40m Steppir (dB18E- 40 to 6m) stopped working on 40m-2el in winter with sych-problems. 30 to 10(3el)/6m again fine after increasing PS voltage from 24V to 30V DC. Control line is less than 30m long. Steppir says in some cases it is a torque problem of the motors at low temperatures and moisture. Tests are ongoing. In CW I added a Magnum Key from Begali. This is the best key I ever used so far. Jammer/QRMer signal direction finding project is progressing now at several professional levels in several locations/counties now.
(Update August 2013) Steppir DB18E works again (40 to 6m) ok after replacing the SDA Controller. Much R&D work was done on the SAMS+ doublet antenna coupler (T-Network). Automation via RS 232 and N8LP's LPB2 ( under N1MM still problems). Rewireing coupler-too high inductance for 17 to 10m- and replacing balun (1:1) greatly improved performance. Harmonics radiated (1kW) checked in near field with special test set-up show almost equally good results as in conducted tests via dummy load (up to 68 dB). Doublet 2x36m and feeder R&D work regarding shifting resonances from 160m down to Medium Wave by adding large Ferrite Core at the start into300Ohm feeder. Beverage work is still ongoing outside the QTH, due to space. For this QTH RX ant ( mag. loops) R&D , QRM reduction by phasing (-180deg) continues. In the QRM direction finding project a nice 10 MHz GPS standard (ID-Elektonik GmbH, Germany -Karlsruhe) has been successfully tested and added to the set-up. HB9FX -40m tower- (internet remote radios) has been supported with detailed experimental EMC analysis and a summary/fixing report.
(Update Feb. 2014) Steppir DB18E not working on 40m anymore, Analysis is ongoing. Working on 300 Ohm Balun design at the feed point of my 2x36m doublet to suppress local noise on the low bands. QRV now from mobile (in motion 40 to 10m).Experimenting with 400W mobile PA and better antennas for my HB0 activities . Second K3 and P3 are now ready to be taken quickly anywhere e.g. to LX7I , HB9EE and other events.
All rights reserved , Copyright 2006 to 2014 by owner of HB9CVQ , DK2VQ, AK4IG. Citations with source mentioning allowed . HAM and non commercial applications of described procedures/ideas are encouraged.
For FLEX 5000C, K3 Test Reports use link or scroll down for news.
------General Info/News:
--Lookup Counter now, add 20 000 from external QRZ system reset 15. Oct. 07.
All (CW only activity) QSOs, HB0/HB9CVQ, 17.+18.+20.+21. April 2014 (1250+QSOs, on all bands 160 to 10m) are now uploaded to LOTW and EQSL. Thanks to all callers.
I was at almost 1600m in Gaflei (Friday Snow Storm !) , highes parking lot. The Ant. was 2x40m Doublet at @12m, tuned, running North-South with a steep slope down to the "Rhein" river in the valley. Additionally I used my Atas 120A mobile ant, mounted center of the car roof , about TX 80W-12V 95Ah. This ant. is on 40m -10dBdipole. On Sunday I used up to 350W Transistor PA and a 12V 200Ah battery. The limit was this time again the laptop (N1MM) battery (10 to 11h). Equipment improvements are ongoing now. My Signal on 160m not strong enough for DXing.
All HB0/HB9CVQ up to 12 Feb. 2014 are uploaded now. All 500+ , CW QSOs HB0/HB9CVQ - 19.+20. Oct. 2013 ( QTH Gaflei,almost 1500m a.s.l.) uploaded today ( 20.Oct. 2013) to LOTW and EQSL for the 160 to 10m operation. Only 100W , mobile ant + 2x40m tuned DP up only 10m -the steep rising slope to east peaks behind. On Sat. 10m showed nice openings to East and West Coast NA till way after our sunset. Thanks to all stn well cooperating with the improvized, fairly small HB0/HB9CVQ power /ants. The modest pile-up rates ;-) range from 128 over 60min to 240/h peak (N1MM-keying). Many ongoing CW contests over this weekend.The trip by car is about 120 km one way from my HB9-QTH. Wx on Sat. perfect , Sun. cloudy , rainy and strong, warm winds from south. Therefore this time no more snow. Technical lessons learned: Stn improvements (TRX, Ant, Battery power laptop-only 6h!) are needed--Winter is close--Hi Hi. Anyway, I really enjoyed it, tu. Cu hopefully in CQ ww SSB under HB9EE and CQ ww CW under LX7I --with bigger signals.
All QSOs under HB0/HB9CVQ/m (40m dwn to 10m) uploaded now to LOTW for event on 13. Oct. 2013 and 15. Sept.2013without addition /m to LOTW and to EQSL!!! 100W, IC 735, AT 120A , ETM 3 Keyer, 95 AH battery, Swisslog , HP laptop, location 1300m a.s.l. above Triesenberg
QRMers, Call sign misuse, busted calls, bad DX- operating : How many people really care about it ?
Our hobby should be fun, and it is, even after over 40 years!
Certainly, some good people do start now to care very much. So let us e.g. support "DX-Code of Conduct" : http://dx-code.org/
What we should try to avoid from happening is this:
News ( here and at the end)
The German DARC (CQ-DL 3-2014 , page 7) is planning to establish soon a nation-wide, dense SDR RX network on shortwave, similar http://www.websdr.org. This will hopefully soon make illegal QRMing via internet remote stn very dangerous. No more hiding, QTH can be quickly determined by "direction finding".
March--to--October 2013 and still observing much malicious QRMing / interference on the HAM Bands 160 to 10m, illegally retransmitted HB9CVQ signals and receiving fake calls (CW) in quantity. This very suspect guy is still QRV, almost around the clock. The QRM amplitude and on-time however seems mostly reduced over the past years. Some light stuff cannot be detected at 250 or 600 km away. International HAM Call Signs are misused in enormous quantity (data base?) . When up to 10m is open, all QRM-Terror goes with the MUF. The origin is very often relatively near by (mostly at 120 deg. south east ). Yes, several more distant internet remote operated stns are also often involved. Someone , certainly no commercial stn, with a lot of (professional/HAM) know-how in jamming+QRM-Terror, sweeps the bands and pollutes the spectrum with noise ( kHz up to some 200 KHz wide-on10m, short and long time ,definitely no EMI , no EMC-problem) or places carriers (small to big) always matching the communications content or critical moments. This happens also in my absence from the HAM bands und is obviously strangly targeted to "communicate??!!" and "participate!!??" in QSOs/ Dx-Ped or groups of Hams on one QRG. New, rare DX is always early jammed- 40m is worst-mostly in CW by QRL?---QSY---up up---idiot--(matching many languages) etc. This, including policing, could go on for hours, if responded to in any way. If not, this might still last for up to 30min. Several QRMing events are often conducted simultaneously ( broad band antennas, synchronizing remote TX-sites by network ?) .
2. April 2012, 03:08 / 0319 Z on 14006 and 14056 kHz while I was really on 1821 kHz Cqing with better than 60 dB measured harmonics suppression. Probably another HB9CVQ call misuse by false, faked, illegal emissions ( SNR 10dB) received by reverse beacon S50ARX. This is possible by retransmissions, remotely activating a HAM station in or near Slovenia. Otherwise there would be no suitable propagations at that time.
By the way the suspect called without identification (as always) on 160m to inform me !?
Technically impossible is the following case: K1TTT reverse beacon showing HB9CVQ ( 60dBm 2x36m DP 25m up) 1821 KHz 0421Z 2. April 2012 with 84 dB SNR. I was QRV, but that is impossible. The real value was around 18 dB SNR later. The only conclusion is the faker used an internet remote stn in or close to Ma USA . K1TTT is listed as Peru , MA 01235. North West MA.
With this data a more detailed analysis should be possible! Assuming very low noise level at K1TTT the signal must have been almost flexing the S-meter needle around 50 dB over S9 or higher? Should we therefore consider ground wave propagation? Where is an internet remote stn close by? Who was using it at the above-mentioned time. What IP?
Does anybody have a clue? I like to hear from you. Tnx.
HB0/HB9CVQ obviously misused by PIRATE:
I was indeed QRV but only: 24. Oct. 2011, 40m, CW , from 23:51Z to 01:47 25.Oct.2011 + 25.Oct. (20m shortly SSB +40m CW) 21:47Z to 26. Oct. 01:32Z +31. Oct.14:12 Z to 16:31Z on 12m CW. This was before and after CQWW SSB with HB0/HB9AON Stn from QTH Ruggell Li.
QSOs are uploaded to LOTW and EQSL under HB0/HB9CVQ. Direct QSL policy see below , like HB9CVQ.
HB9CVQ again misused, after numerous other cases of call-faking, e.g. on 10. Nov.2010, by weak 40m pirate on 7.019 MHz, in bad CW QRO, e.g. 19:25 Z. Pirate misusing HB9CVQ and CQing on 7.027 MHz , 21:16Z , 2. May, 2011etc.
Retransmitting previously recorded "HB9CVQ calling CQ 80m" on 7. Dec. 2010, 3742.6 MHz , 23:56 Z. My QSO partner on this QRG, G7JVG, confirmed hearing this unauthorized pirate transmission during our QSO in the UK.
It is sad reality and not limited to DXpeditions ( e.g. PJ2/PJ4/PJ5/PJ6/PJ7 new DXCC entities ;10-10-2010):
Yes , there is witnessed, frequent, malicious, willful, aggressive QRMing (160 to 10m CW, SSB, Digital) and associated Call Sign Faking. This is unacceptable QRG/QRM-Terror against me and others.
It includes targeted badmouthing, faking DX-Cluster entries, partly offensive, and misuse of my call by a pirate/abnormal person (or very small group?). Some of the signals seem sometimes relatively close by (seconds after just tuning), but mostly it is a mix of TX-locations involved.
Simultaneously operated, remote controlled Internet based amateur radio stations (IRB) seem involved. These IRBs are locatedin the EU (e.g. often bearings from LX-2008 NW and 2010 NE (80m) -- from Munich 40m-2009 SE-- from my QTH --with 3 el. Yagi 30-10m--SE, NW, )and less frequently in NA. In addition this strange person/group sweeps the HAM Bands ( partly outside!!).
The suspect misuses since long as "jingle" for incognito recognition and awareness formerly recorded , coded ionospheric sounder signals .
Bands are often polluted by noise (about 120deg. and about sometimes 230 deg. from my QTH, that is no EMI ) and other unidentified emissions. Based on delta pwr =10 x log (BW broad/BW SSB/FM) there are natural power limits in physics regarding the ability for jamming distant targets by broadband signals effectively. The QRMer seems to use a large broad band resistively terminated loop covering all short-wave.
There is pulsed noise (wide spaced FSK), broad-band noise (up to abt. 20KHz and partly very much wider) , retransmitted foreign BC-Signals, taped audio QSO recordings , smaller/bigger carriers (delta up to 60dB) and regular jamming of DX windows. This is accompanied by slow, bad, pretended beginner's CW-QSOs near the very operating QRG. In SSB also whistling is common. Often rare DX with pile-ups are simulated, just for faking. For further info you also may want to check DX Clusters and announcements. Some OTH-Radar like emissions are possibly also faked. You should use a band scope ( panorama adapter RX ) for viewing these effects!
--Practically daily Pirating, Call Faking,e.g. HB9CVQ de W2AN http://www.qrz.com/db/w2an
"Bill" , CW, 3.521MHz, 0149Z, Jan/07/2009. Email + phone contact with Ed K2MP proved again faking!
This is just one event out of numerous, and ongoing , may be several 1000 per year ?!
(Inter)national Investigations are ongoing. There is a multitude of locations simultaneously / sequentially used for QRMing around my QTH. Measurements even hint to some time coordination sometimes. By no means am I the only target.
Good things sometimes take very long time. I think however I might possibly personally know the very unhappy suspect. All it appears to be is an unethical , desperate cover-up activity by a small group of people!
One technical counter measure:
I am presently building a new direction finding system based on Signal Time of Arrival to locate these illegal emissions/transmissions/sweeps, regardless of conducted amplitude changes. Additionally websdr radios , all over EU, help greatly now.
------QTH ( old pics ):
------History/present Activity:
QRV since 1968 (DK2VQ, still valid) + HB9CVQ since 1983 (JN47EI) + new since 05-11-2011 AK4IG (USA, Extra Class)
QRV presently from 160m to 10m (6m), CW and in SSB.
My CW-Memberships:
(Since 1970 HSC 643 >25Wpm http://www.highspeedclub.org CTC #1.039 http://www.hamradio.hr/ctc/ , VHSC 394 > 40Wpm)http://www.morsecode.nl/ CWops Jan. 2010 Charter Member # 219 http://cwops.org/
Main activity HF: 160m-10m (6m) , mostly CW some SSB, including Contesting:
e.g. CQ WW CW 2006 1. place Single Op assisted Switzerland, 1. place HB9 high CW SO 2007 WPX, 6. place WORLDWIDE CW ARRL 2006 Single Op assisted, 3. place HSC Contest 2/2007, 2. place BUG Party Feb.07 AGCW DL, ALL Asian DX CW 2007 (1.place HB9) , 2010 Helvetia Contest CW SSB SOHP 1. place, Continental Leader Europe, Single OP, HP, 40m: 1. place in ARRL DX CW 2011 , LX7I operated by HB9CVQ , 1. place (3) BUG party , using my modified Vibroplex Serial No. 243113 , 15. Feb. 2012, AGCW-DL, etc.
Guest Op of TA1EMC 5/2003. Also active in SSB as RRDXA-Team-CQWW (M/M) and Guest-Op from 2004 under HB0/HB9AON (www.rn-soft.de/new/?Amateurfunk:HB0_-_Liechtenstein_-_Expeditionen )and 2007 CW under LX7I (M/2)( http://www.lx2a.com). Guest-Op in 2008 CQ WPX-CW under DR1A (M/M) ( http://www.df0cg.de/de/ ) also Guest-Op 2007/2008 at DL1A (http://www.qrz.com/db/dl1a )
Also frequently using Internet Remote Stations (RX-TX) for condx/ant. testing and radio monitoring (QRM).
------Shack (old):
Orion 2
2x36m doublet with remote ATU (SAMS+) at 25m (160 to 10m) , rugged 300 Ohm feeder with roughly 12m length
Experimenting with small shielded loops and preamps for 160/80/40m
SteppIR DB 18E, 2el 40m, 3 el 30 to 10m , 4 el 6m Yagi Beam
TX max. Pwr: 60dBm out
mod. Flex 5000C,ACOM 2000A, K3, ACOM 1000 sometimes for mobile old IC-735 with mag. mount. AT-120S ant. on car roof.
CW-Keys: Begali Magnum, Begali Expedition, Vibroplex SUPER De LUXE (1965), old ETM-4C, Junkers straight Key and in Contests Computer Keyboard N1MM or WINTEST.
------QSLing: We can not accept old 2013 outdated IRCs anymore, they are not valid. All IRCs must be issued 1 Jan.2014 or after.
not so much liked,
direct (!!with SAE +sufficient Postage!!)......sorry --> if this is not met, definitely no response!
Never send your QSL per registered mail, because this triggers more personal work on my side and this is simply unacceptable.
Please note no more than 3 QSOs confirmed (space) on my QSL card possible now.
Cost: e.g. 2$ US for Air Mail outside EU is less than the needed postage 1.90 CHF, so it does not cover cost !
Therefore now needed !! EU: 2 $ US , DX: 3$ US !!
My direct QSLing is best only via SAE and new IRCs: 1 for EU (issued in EU =1.30 CHF), 1 overseas IRC for DX (issued in DX-outside EU =1.90CHF-AIRMAIL )
Uploaded all logs (>200.000) under HB9CVQ to e-QSLs
(Status AG http://www.eqsl.cc/qslcard/DisplayAGCertificate.cfm?TestHamID=1285667&TestCallsign=HB9CVQ )
and LOTW http://www.arrl.org/lotw/.
Regarding QSL-Info, incl. HB0/HB9CVQ, DL/HB9CVQ , DK2VQ and others, as well as Contests, my priority is always LOTW/eqsl + answering direct cards. QSO-UPLOAD normally at the end of each day. I stopped my "QSL via bureau" response 100% !!. I do not do it that way any more via any bureau.
------ Tnx. Anyway enjoy DXing, Contesting and/or Rag Chewing, 73 hpe cuagn.------
++++++Never the less fairness and HAM-SPIRIT will prevail, no question!++++++
My Lab-Work-Bench and some experimental testing and modification results:
Test Report Flex 5000C14. Jan 2009 see eham http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/6627
In the following you find recent technical updates and experimental results regarding my Flex 5000C Transceiver.
The F5KC performed very well in ARRLCW DX 09 contest. The focus screen ( PowerSDR/Logging Program) problem in S&P mode and logging will hopefully be solved soon.
(Updated March 2009) The proposed fix with five ferrites on a longer ribbon cable works very well on all bands. Almost ( 60ms) QSK, using RX1, works ok, practically no hick-ups, but relay chatter acoustic noise.
On using RX 2, there is still RF coupling (Rx2 only audio muting), mostly from the 3 thin coax cables coming from the RFIO board. Ferrites will be installed here soon too.
Additional improvement was made by grounding the external cable shields ( e.g. key, PTT) to the thin galvanized ground plane under the Flex and Power Supply. No ESD effects on touching the key anymore. After the grounding the cable shield goes through a CM cable choke and internally 100uH and 4.7nF per pin.
Generally speaking , the EMI Chassis protection principle of Zoning (separation barrier in/outside)is broken by having RCA connectors, Key or Fire-Wire not 360 deg. terminated to the conductive rear panel at cable entry. The connectors are grounded on the inside of the Flex for easy manufacturing, unsuitable for EMC.
Work on the thermal issues in contests: presently solved by taking off the side covers of the chassis and using an external fan , blowing into the CPU compartment. Acoustic noise will have to be reduced here too in the future.
(Update April 2009)
Ferrite loading of the thin coax cables from the RFIO board (RX1, RX2) further reduced coupling. The fact that RX2 is only audio muted requires more experiments, sniffing for uncontrolled RF internally in the Flex on the board to board cabling. The Rx BC Ghost stations effect (spurious) mainly on17 and to some extent on 40mis temporarily solved by using individual band pass filters
( http://www.arraysolutions.com/Hamation/bandpassfilters.htm#top%20of%20page). On some bands depending on selectivity of the antenna used, this effect can be demonstrated. An automated filter band pass selection version is under consideration by Flex , may be somewhere in 2010.
(Update Nov. 2009) SW PowerSDR V 1.18.0
Flex 5000C is now fitted with a functional set of band pass filters (200W, Contesting 160 to 10m) plus individual WARC BP filters (almost 1500$US). The result is very impressive. No Rx BC Ghost stations anywhere and some Rx noise floor reductions on some bands of over 10 dB!
Bad luck: Second time I had to replace a failed RFIO board (1: ESD, 2: CW QSK problem with el.-mech. relays?). Both RX are ok again. One more, unsolved problem however is with additional PA failure. Output is now max 7 W above 17m ( increasing with higher bands). The good news: Service and support by Klaus from FLEX HQ EU, Germany, is excellent !
Present status: Compared to my Orion 2 TT, QSK (QRQ 30 to 40Wpm) and CW feeling are much better here. Band-scope of F5KC is however much better. Flex Software mouse focus problem ( TRX operating surface or logging program ) on the other hand is very difficult to handle in contests.
Still fighting some occasional Break-in CW hick-ups of the Flex 5KC. Additionally the imperfect RX2 muting on TX is causing trouble mainly in CW Break-in with less than 200ms. There is a very disturbing audio bang and S-Meter signals (RX2), way above S9+40. Some investigations still point to another EMC problem, a very time - consuming search effort. RF seems to leak through PA100 connector SV1 HTRX onto the PS 13.8V of HTRX and further into RX2.
Ferrite might help again. More to come, stay tuned.
(Update May 2010) SW Power SDR V1.8.3
In the meantime got great support from Flex EU HQ , now waiting for new software release V2.0 to fix the hick-ups in CW, QSK and RX2 muting.
Presently using RX1 F5KC as Panorama RX ( IF K3 8.215MHz )and RX2 as "On the Air " real signal monitor with external 40+ dB attenuator, CM Chokes and 2x2m (50 Ohm RG58) in the attics. Works very well with K3 as the main TRX.
(Update May 2011) SW PowerSDR v2.0.22Just started checking out Flex 5KC against K3, ongoing project with operating and measuring ;some previous bugs are eliminated.
First tests however: K3 with Perseus as Band-scope (IF 8.215 MHz + 6 pole BPF +/-200 kHz) is hard to beat in particular in Contesting and QSK QRQ CW.
(Update Aug. 2011) SW Power SDR v2.1.5 and FlexControl
Flex 5000C is now a nice radio, even for SSB / CW contesting. Band Pass Filters are still needed here (Multiband Antennas) on 15 to 10m. Otherwise there are Phantom BC Stations showing up. CW QSK is still a problem based on relay chatter and instabilities. There are some bugs in the SW (in my configuration with the build in Mini-ITX, Dual Core x86, 1.666 MHz ,1GB DDR2 RAM , IEEE 1394 Firewire, Xp professional ). One major one is TX transients , mostly on 40m, tripping my Acom 2000A and forcing considerably less than 1kW output, even with the BPF in line.
Further experiments will include using a faster , external windows7 computer to separate possible computer from radio effects.
There are still some issues when using RX2 . This relates to TRX switching (AGC-SW-no hardware muting) audio bangs , recording crashes and Split operation.
By the way , it is not unusual in the commercial world to fix some first hand EMC hardware problems by Software tricks later on.
What really finally counts is performance.
(Update Nov. 2011) SW Power SDR v2.2.3 and FlexControl
Trying to automate major parts of this station , including SAMs+
(Update April 2012) SW XPpro ,Power SDR still v2.2.3, no Flex Control , DDUTIL not yet installed
SteppIR Controller SDA 100 is now fitted with better EU-control (20) -cable ( about 30m long and 60dB shielding,no foil, grounded both ends ) and HB9CVQ designed transient protection ( driver chips specs max. 50V DC) and RFI-filter ( DB 25 in DB 25 out ). This reduced the RX EMI pick up during tuning and more importantly in the motor hold position (noisy 3V to prevent element movement by e.g. wind) of the DB18E ( 40 to 10m here) by up to 30dB on 30m. The decoupling in the motor housings between contol and RF parts is about 50 dB up to 30 MHz.
SteppIR is informed and works on a solution inside the controller. There is by the way a proof of re-radiation / coupling to my near-by doublet. When the controller tunes the noise bump on my screen FLex 5KC is drifting upwards on 30m (S7 to 9 some kHz ); swiftly reversing when tuning is stopped. Now the drift is reversed ( in the motor hold position ) and an RFI bump is very slowly (minutes) drifting backwards eventually out of band.
My solution is an outside SDA retrofit with probably better chances for higher attenuation of EMI due to more space of larger and more suppression components in an extra AL-Box. The original cable-splicer from SteppIR also needed EMC improvements. After all this retrofitting the worse case motor tuning signal makes the noise floor temporarily jump by typically 10dB on 40m . That used to be almost 40 dB. The bands are now much more quiet and I can better listen to S2 to S4 signals on the higher bands without irritation. Additionally with the Flex ESC ( Amplitude and Phase canceling feature) I can uses this feature even on 160m with only one antenna , 2 RX and my 2x36m doublet @24+ m.
Regarding my jammer/QRMer signal direction finder project (Time of arrival) this is well progressing. There are however geographical difficulties like mountains with reflection issues into some areas near to my QTH. This calls for technical solutions/software to do data reduction. Stay tuned , we will manage and achieve better and faster resolution.
(Update Oct. 2012) since several month I do a lot of R&D on single and two wire Beverage Antennas. This includes test set-ups at HB9EE , as well as mainly at LX7I. These Bev. Ant are 1 or 2 m high and up to 182 m long. Investigated is 160 to 10m performance. All systems are home-brew . Transformers are impedance optimized, Common mode protected. Line to ground attenuation (CM) in forward direction is typically 1(160m) to 5 (10m) S-Units. Rev. direction attenuation ( was 30 dB on 40m Band and 182m !) is now reduced by replacing army field telephone twisted wire by 20cm spacing transmission line (about 5 dB on 10m(!) and 182 m length ). Coupling e.g. ( even >20dB) from 160/80m TX to RX Beverage Antennas is a considerable problem and called for very special Beverage switch-box design with critical protective circuits. Basic reseach into Beverage performance measuring/simulation both amplitude and phase continues as far as weather permits.
(Update March 2013) I recently repaired and calibrated my seriously damaged (LX7I before CQ WW CW 2012) K3 and added a P3PAN Adapter. It took over 30 h and about 1400 $ US, PCBs needed replacement , traces burnt! Support by Elecraft throughout was excellent! All works very ufb now. Beverage research is still awaiting help in simulations with NEC4 code from the HAMs in the US. The 40m Steppir (dB18E- 40 to 6m) stopped working on 40m-2el in winter with sych-problems. 30 to 10(3el)/6m again fine after increasing PS voltage from 24V to 30V DC. Control line is less than 30m long. Steppir says in some cases it is a torque problem of the motors at low temperatures and moisture. Tests are ongoing. In CW I added a Magnum Key from Begali. This is the best key I ever used so far. Jammer/QRMer signal direction finding project is progressing now at several professional levels in several locations/counties now.
(Update August 2013) Steppir DB18E works again (40 to 6m) ok after replacing the SDA Controller. Much R&D work was done on the SAMS+ doublet antenna coupler (T-Network). Automation via RS 232 and N8LP's LPB2 ( under N1MM still problems). Rewireing coupler-too high inductance for 17 to 10m- and replacing balun (1:1) greatly improved performance. Harmonics radiated (1kW) checked in near field with special test set-up show almost equally good results as in conducted tests via dummy load (up to 68 dB). Doublet 2x36m and feeder R&D work regarding shifting resonances from 160m down to Medium Wave by adding large Ferrite Core at the start into300Ohm feeder. Beverage work is still ongoing outside the QTH, due to space. For this QTH RX ant ( mag. loops) R&D , QRM reduction by phasing (-180deg) continues. In the QRM direction finding project a nice 10 MHz GPS standard (ID-Elektonik GmbH, Germany -Karlsruhe) has been successfully tested and added to the set-up. HB9FX -40m tower- (internet remote radios) has been supported with detailed experimental EMC analysis and a summary/fixing report.
(Update Feb. 2014) Steppir DB18E not working on 40m anymore, Analysis is ongoing. Working on 300 Ohm Balun design at the feed point of my 2x36m doublet to suppress local noise on the low bands. QRV now from mobile (in motion 40 to 10m).Experimenting with 400W mobile PA and better antennas for my HB0 activities . Second K3 and P3 are now ready to be taken quickly anywhere e.g. to LX7I , HB9EE and other events.
All rights reserved , Copyright 2006 to 2014 by owner of HB9CVQ , DK2VQ, AK4IG. Citations with source mentioning allowed . HAM and non commercial applications of described procedures/ideas are encouraged.
907542 Last modified: 2014-05-13 03:12:06, 36155 bytes
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