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20140605 0752UTC 14030kHz K6HP
Date : 05/Jun/2014 0752UTC
Freq : 14030kHz CW
PC recording
Tnx fer QSO Best 73's : )
Greetings from California !
My QTH is in the beautiful Sierra Nevada Mountains of northern California approximately 160 miles (257 KM) east of San Francisco, CA. I live near the town ofMurphys, in Calaveras County. The station elevation is approximately 3500 feet ASL or 1066 meters ASL.
<---- Winter at QTH - View to northeast
Summer At QTH - View to northwest ---->
I was unable to travel for the T32RC mini-DXpedition but set up the website and acted as their pilot while the group was on the island. Please visit the T32 - 2013 website for information about the December 2013 DXpedition.
I obtained my Novice license in 1971 and remain active on all modes on HF in addition to VHF and UHF activity. Please visit my website for more information regarding the station. You can monitor my station receive and transmit audio, when the link is on-line, from the audio menu on the website.
I stream live video from the shack sometimes. If the video is active it can be viewed at K6HP video. This is part of the Cam Radio Group webcam project. You can view all of the amateur radio station webcams involved in the project at CamRadioNet.
Last year marked my first full year of attempting to resurrect my CW skills from 18 WPM, with a straight key, as a young ham to using a paddle now and trying to go from 5 WPM (when I started) to my goal of 20 WPM.
I obtained a model ZN-SL single lever paddle, from Tony at N3ZN Keys early in 2013, and spent the spring and summer practicing.
Two other great CW training aides are the Learn CW Online website and the program called Morse Runner.
After being away from CW operation for so many years I have found a re-kindled enjoyment of the mode and am having a great time practicing my CW and working new stations on CW. I recently discovered the SKCC straight key sprints. I hadn't used my old straight key for anything other than to key the radio while tuning an antenna, for years. I had to do some cleaning, to get the contacts working on the poor neglected straight key I used as a kid, but once cleaned it worked fine and I made a number of contacts with other SKCC members during one of the sprints. Using the straight key at around 12 to 14 WPM isn't exactly conducive to my current CW goal of being able to copy high speed CW as well as send it but it was fun and brought back fond memories from a youth that seems so long ago. If you like CW and haven't tried out the SKCC sprints give it a try, it is fun! For more information visit the SKCC website.
I have recently gotten involved in Ham-Mesh net and have 5 nodes operating around the property with video cameras on four of the nodes. I see a good potential for Mesh nodes becoming a great asset for EmmComm in the future as the firmware and implementation as well as applications (ie. VoIP, live video, IRC, etc.) become perfected. Take a look at Broadband - Hamnet website.
My Novice license from 1971 - Talk about nostalgia!
Also, please visit the Sierra Amateur Radio Club (SARC) website and the Calaveras Amateur Radio Society (CARS) website for information regarding local clubs in the area.
911450 Last modified: 2014-05-14 07:52:32, 13371 bytes
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