Yuri Tereshchenko pr. Stroiteley 47-3 Prokop'evsk, Kemerovskaya obl. 653052 Asiatic Russia [+] Mailing label | ||
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20140207 1251UTC 14014kHz RT22UA
Date : 07/Feb/2014 1251UTC
Freq : 14014kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
Special event call-sign dedicated to22nd Winter Olympic Games and 11th Paralympic Games in Sochi 2014
Valid from 00:00 UTC01 January 2014 till 23:59 UTC 31March 2014
R9UAG (Yuri),
R9UAK (Andrey),
RA9UDK (Valery),
RW9USA (Boris),
RV9UP (Alexey),
UA9UR (Gennady),
RZ8U (Victor),
UB9UAT (Eugeny) 15 years
Date: 01-01-2014 to 01-04-2014
Bands: 160-80-40-30-20-17-15-12-10-2 m
Modes: SSB, DIGI and CW
QSL cards will be available by four ways:
(We pay 43c PayPal charge on every transaction)
2. OQRS BUREAU (ClubLOG) :Open
Please, use only ONE of the ways to avoid a lot of extra work.
1. If you want special QSL-card DIRECT, please include 2(TWO) Green Stams or VALID IRCS!!! And SAE!!!
2. Without BOTH of these items, the requested cards will be sent via BUREAU!!!
3. If ONLY 1(ONE) G.S. (or invalid IRCS) with your QSL request, we will not be able to send you the card you want direct. See p. #2
Yuri Tereshchenko
pr. Stroiteley 47 kv 3
Prokopyevsk, Kemerovskaya obl. 653052
Olympic Winter Games in Sochi 2014.
These awards are issued to participants all around the world taking part in Olympic Activity Days and working stations who use special callsigns with numbers (2014, 22, 11, 0000), also R7378TM, R7975TM, R7979TM.
All special stations must be registered on site ok2014.ru to qualify for awards program.
Activity period:
00:00 MSK Dec.1, 2013 - 23:59 MSK March 31, 2014.
( MSK = GMT+4 hours).
Modes and bands:
- All amateur bands ( 160m , 80m, 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m , 2m, 70cm, 23cm ).
- Any mode (Phone, CW, Digital);
Points system.
QSO with stations: R2014x, R2014xx, R22xxx, R22xx, R11xxx, Rx22xxx, Rx11xx, R0000x, R7378TM, R7975TM, R7979TM
( where х – letter) - 1 point,
QSO with stations: R2014HQ, R2014ME - 5 points.
The same station may be worked on different bands or different modes on the same band
to collect more points.
There are three classes of awards:
Bronze- 300 points
Silver- 600 points
Gold - 900 points.
Multiplication factor : ( total points x …= …)
Russia , Europe - 1
Asia and Africa - 2
North Anerica, South America, Australia, Pacific - 3
All awards are issued in electronic form and paper form with separate numbers.
Electronic form may be claimed on WEB-site ok2014.ru when necessitive number of points will be earned.
Cost of paper award is $10. In case of 2 or 3 applications at the same time( bronza, silver, gold ) the cost remains $10. Paper awards are printed on a high quality paper.
All applicants of paper diplomas can get additional special original design stickers for fulfiling diplomа on one band ( 160m, 80m, etc) and (or) one mode (PH, CW, DIGI) with no extra charge.
WARNING! All awards are processed to obtain only in automatic mode, based on data from the logs of special stations, and do not require sending applications or report on the electronic and ordinary mail, providing data of the QSO's or excerpts from the logs !
Official website -http://ok2014.ru
Russian version -viewtopic.php?f=170&t=262
Diploma «OLYMPIC MARATHON»These awards are issued to participants all around the world taking part in Olympic Activity Days and working stations who use special callsigns with numbers (2014, 22, 11, 0000), also R7378TM, R7975TM, R7979TM.
All special stations must be registered on site ok2014.ru to qualify for awards program.
Activity period:
00:00 MSK Dec.1, 2013 - 23:59 MSK March 31, 2014.
( MSK = GMT+4 hours).
Modes and bands:
- All amateur bands ( 160m , 80m, 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m , 2m, 70cm, 23cm ).
- Any mode (Phone, CW, Digital);
Points system.
QSO with stations: R2014x, R2014xx, R22xxx, R22xx, R11xxx, Rx22xxx, Rx11xx, R0000x, R7378TM, R7975TM, R7979TM
( where х – letter) - 1 point,
QSO with stations: R2014HQ, R2014ME - 5 points.
The same station may be worked on different bands or different modes on the same band
to collect more points.
There are three classes of awards:
Bronze- 300 points
Silver- 600 points
Gold - 900 points.
Multiplication factor : ( total points x …= …)
Russia , Europe - 1
Asia and Africa - 2
North Anerica, South America, Australia, Pacific - 3
All awards are issued in electronic form and paper form with separate numbers.
Electronic form may be claimed on WEB-site ok2014.ru when necessitive number of points will be earned.
Cost of paper award is $10. In case of 2 or 3 applications at the same time( bronza, silver, gold ) the cost remains $10. Paper awards are printed on a high quality paper.
All applicants of paper diplomas can get additional special original design stickers for fulfiling diplomа on one band ( 160m, 80m, etc) and (or) one mode (PH, CW, DIGI) with no extra charge.
WARNING! All awards are processed to obtain only in automatic mode, based on data from the logs of special stations, and do not require sending applications or report on the electronic and ordinary mail, providing data of the QSO's or excerpts from the logs !
Official website -http://ok2014.ru
Russian version -viewtopic.php?f=170&t=262
You have to collect at least 500 points for contacts with special stations operating in the period of activity mentioned above.
QSOs with any Russian radio stations that use temporary special callsign (including non-system , that is not covered by these Regulations ), and whose work is dedicated to the Olympic Games in Sochi ( prefix may use the numbers 2014 , 22 , 11 , 0000) , and torch-bearers R7378TM, R7975TM, R7979TM).
The same station counts on different bands and different modes on the same band
Point system :
1.QSO with any radio station R2014x, R22xxx, R11xxx, Rx22xx, Rx11xx
(where x - the letter ), as well as any non-system radio stations using
numbers 2014, 22, 11, 0000 - 1 point
2. QSO with radio stations of Sochi - RC22xx, RO22xx, R2014S (where x - letter) - 4 points
3. QSO with radio stations R1980M, R1980L, R7378TM, R7975TM, R7979TM - 4 points
Multiplication factor : ( total points x …= …)
Russia , Europe - 1
Asia and Africa - 2
North America - 3
South America , Australia and Oceania - 4
Applicants who collect 1000 , 1500 and 2014 points - will be awarded with special diplomas .
1.3.4 . General conditions for all diplomas.
- All amateur bands ( 160m , 80m, 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m , 2m, 70cm, 23cm ).
- Any mode (Phone, CW, Digital);
- All awards are free of charge and will be sent to applicants in electronic form ;
- An application form on any award can be found on special WEB-site:http://ok2014.ru
and there, in the case of confirmation of the claimed points , you can immediately get a degree in electronic form ;
- Applications on paper awards will be accepted by RK6AX and will have to be sent to:
Lukashov Valentin RK6AX
P.O.Box 77 Sochi – 200 RUSSIA 354200
Or e-mail:rk6ax@mail.ru
Last modified: 2014-01-21 15:28:26, 14387 bytes
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