Amateur Radio Club *Sahara DX *
Maison De Jeunes El Manar Rue Ahmed Bensalem El Maamoura- BP90 Laghouat- CP:03000 Algeria [+] Mailing label | ||
Lookups: 69219
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Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: PSE QSL CARD VIA 7X3DL OR RADIO CLUB |
20140110 0911UTC 14002kHz 7X3WPL
Date : 10/Jan/2014 0911UTC
Freq : 14002kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
QTH::LAGHOUAT(photo 1952)Grid Locator:JM13KT
Latitude: 33-46N, Longitude: 002-56E, altitude: 765 m
Regional .Area .Prefix
**7X3DA Abdelhamid djoudi **
**7X3TA Tahar Alalli**
***7X3DL Drissi Mahmoud(DRISS)****
***7X3RA Reche Aisaa (EISA)***
***7X3TL Mohamed Brahim (MED)***
***7X3NN Nassim Mahammedi ***
Club Radioamateur & D'électronique
(Commandant Omar Telidji)
Le radio-club dit " Club Radioamateur &d'électronique (Commandant Amar Telidji) a pour objet l’expérimentation, la vulgarisation de l'électronique, de l’informatique,les initiations à la lecture au son (code morse), à la pratique de l'émission réception amateur, de la poursuite des satellites du service amateur et des expériences aérospatiales, dans le but de favoriser la formation culturelle et scientifique des jeunes
Poste Optique Laghouat
Impact MeteorCraterGrid Locator:JM23AH
Latitude:33°18.93' N, Longitude:004°20.09 E, altitude:720 m
MadnaorTalemzane(Arabic:مادنة / تالمزان) is animpact craterin Algeria, 80km south-est of LAGHOUATExplored for the first time in 1928, studied in 1950 and 1988 by reshars from university of Oran (Algeria) and Nice (France). It is 1.75kmin diameter and the age is estimated to be less than threemillionyearsand is probably Pliocene.
Crater Name
Diameter (km)
Age (Ma)*
Target Rock**
Bolide Type***
Talemzane | Algeria | N 33° 19' | E 4° 2' | 1.75 | < 3 | N | Y | S |
Image kindly submitted by Ross Richards.
Hassi R'Mel
integrated solar combined
cycle power station
The Hassi R'Mel integrated solar combined cycle power station is ahybridpower station that is to be built nearHassi R'MelinAlgeria, thought to be the first of its kind. The plant will combine a 25MWparabolic troughconcentrating solar powerarray, covering an area of over 180,000m2, in conjunction with a 130MW combined cycle gas turbineplant, so cutting carbon emissionsCO2 .
compared to a traditional power station. The output from the solar array will be used in the steam turbine.
Le pistachier de l'Atlas (Pistacia atlantica Desf.)
elbetoum,بطم أطلسي,Atlantic Pistachio
QSL INFO via Direct or Radio-Clubwith SAE and valid IRC if we receive without valid IRC , our QSL will be returned via the buro.Tnx for all.
We 100% REPLY to all Direct QSL Cards Received if postage is included! If you don't receive a Card in a reasonable length of time
pleaseemail me (see address below) and let me know.
Radio club manager 7X3DL DRISS
Last modified: 2014-01-09 17:21:42, 43205 bytes cached
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