From the Offices of Santa Claus Lapland - The North of FinlandDecember 19, 2013
Santa always appears on short notice every year, and so does OF9X from the Land of Santa Claus. There is one thing that we cannot skip and that is Christmas. It is because of all those wonderful children of the world who persuade us busy people to settle down and remember that Christmas is after all for children - for whose who truly believe. So, take a moment and join us - welcome your children or grandchildren on a trip to Christmas world with the dedication it deserves.
Last year Santa became a figure in Amateur Radio with thousands of followers, and more than 800 Santa Awards were issued throughout the world. Santa Radio (OF9X) established itself also through the pages of QST, DL-QTC and Japanese CQ Magazine. Santa is here to stay.
Starting yesterday, Santa has been loading up his sleigh and will soon begin his journey across the world. It all starts from Finnish Lapland and ends up on Christmas Day in the United States. The main activity will be over this coming weekend before Christmas and, as Santa is busy, his elves will be much of the time at the controls of Santa Radio, OF9X. Just stop by and say hello. Santa should be around 25KHz up the band edge (CW) and 14.225 KHz or thereabout.
But something new has happened since last year - Santa has become a pro on Morse code. In addition to SSB QSOs from a year ago or this year, you should now contact Santa also on CW to qualify for the 2013 Santa Cold Winter (CW) Award. You should track your two (2) QSOs on ClubLog at and send your request by email to One of the QSOs should be from this year - 2013.
If you don't manage to work Santa on CW or SSB, or you only make one QSO this winter? No problem - not everything is lost as you have the option of compensating for the missing QSO by solving the Christmas Puzzle. Just send the details of your one 2013 QSO together with the two mystery words from the Puzzle, and you will qualify.
In case you need any assistance in filling in the puzzle, you may ask Santa for help - talk to OF9X and just point out the question line number and Santa will whisper to you the needed word. But only two lines at the most. On CW please just send "QSC NR". (Q-Santa-Claus)
While Santa Cold Winter Awards will be sent free of charge by email to those eligible, many have requested the Santa Award by post. Such a feature (OQRS)is now introduced as part of the log checking procedure on the OF9X page.
Santa's elves this year include Olli, OH0XX, Ville, OH1JD, Jaska, OH1TX, Rami, OH2BCI, Pertti, OH2BEE, Martti, OH2BH, Kati, OH2FKX (YL), Mari, OH2FPK (YL), Pekka, OH2TA, Pertti, OH2PM, Olli, OH6CT, Veijo, OH6KN, Kim, OH6KZP - and even the busy old man Santa himself with all the gifts he's got, now CW included.
Tap the Video and Audio button on the OF9X page at and you can occasionally see Santa and hear how your own signal sounds in the Land of Christmas.
Merry Christmas to all Amateur Radio operators and their children and grandchildren the world over. Enjoy your Christmas and share the joy of being together. Always!
With the enclosed certificate you should be able to explain to your family and friends some basic facts about Santa Claus and his home in the Lapland region of Finland.
Lapland Region:

Those living in Lapland can be identified as OH9’s – number 9 – and they are the smallest number - a few dozen - of amateurs in any district of Finland. This region is geographically the largest in Finland and the Arctic Circle cuts the region in two.
The total population is 183.000 and it is decreasing. The capital Rovaniemi has over 60.000 residents and it is a vibrant, modern city with high standards, such as an institute of higher education at the University of Lapland. The number of people living above the Arctic Circle is the highest in the world. The Arctic Circle runs at Lat 66 33 39 N.
Characteristics of the Region:
Tourism represents the largest source of employment, with winter sports and Santa Claus dominating the scene. Both the shortest day and the longest day of the year can be experienced here: 24 hours of daylight and 24 hours of darkness. Lapland's nature is its biggest asset and Santa is its best known representative.
Ho-Ho Santa Claus:
While the history of Santa Claus dates back to 1820’s in Lapland, the mystique is still here specifically for the young ones of the family. But the scene is marred by lots of fake Santas at a variety of Christmas locations. Traveling in the North you will eventually find Santa’s representative offices everywhere – e.g. Nuuk, Greenland and Reykjavik, Iceland. Piratism is a tangible problem of today but no one has seriously questioned the true location of Santa headquarters.
Central Radio Club of Lapland:
The Amateur Radio Club of the Arctic Circle, OH9AB is the lead organization of Santa Claus on the air. The club has few dozen members. On-the-air activity of OH9SCL has been organized every Christmas since 1986. Santa Radio, OF9X, operated by Radio Arcala (OH8X), is chosen as an official broadcaster of Santa Claus.
There needs to be one person that all children of the world will respect at least once every year. These well-behaving children need an incentive and that is the hallmark of Santa. This year Santa has earned an amateur radio license and he is appearing on the short-waves for his worldwide audience.
Season's Greetings on Christmas 2012:
Santa Claus and Mrs Santa “Sara” Claus and the helpers at Arctic Circle and at Santa Radio.
Press Release from the Santa Claus Post Office December 20, 2012
Temperatures have dropped down to minus 34.5C ( -30.1F ) in Lapland (OH9) while ever energized Santa Claus will have his final radio sessions from the Far North, using his own Santa path this weekend around 14.225 kHz (Europe and North America) and 21.295 kHz (Asia and Europe) to greet children and True Believers alike before taking his long journey to the world. Today Santa’s office is busy sending out 150 operating awards often addressed to the children of radio families.Santa Radio OF9X is active this weekend but OH9SCL (Santa Claus Land) will stay on for a few more days after Christmas from the Far North of Lapland – the village of Lankojarvi, near Pello (Location 66.44N, 24.21E) with Kimmo, OH9MDV at the controls.
The members of Santa Team are here to wish everyone the very best of Season's Greetings for Christmas 2012.This can be any place with your choice.
Santa Claus! It is quite a remarkable name. When hearing this name, everyone forms their own image of the white-bearded bringer of Christmas cheer. Although we all have our own image of Santa Claus that may greatly differ from others, one thing is certain: Santa Claus represents Finnishness, warmth, joy and the magic of Christmas. But some secrets prevail this Christmas; for instance, that Santa is a ham, works DX, and lives under the largest antenna in the world.Have you ever wondered how long Santa's beard is, or how the Northern Lights in Lapland, Finland are created? Did you know this about Santain Lapland?There is a data archive maintained by Professor Elf that will answer all the questions you care to raise. Mrs. Santa Claus also wants to reveal some of her own secrets, so the Secret Recipe File is published as a cookbook telling you how to prepare delicious Yuletide delicacies. So, be prepared, on Saturday and Sunday this weekend. Slightly above 14.225 kHz, tune in to the famous Santa Radio, OF9X and listen. It is only a few days to Christmas and the Santa magic is here.
Release from the Santa Claus Land Post Office, December 06, 2012
Santa lives at the freezing North Pole, leading a harsh but exciting life under the Northern Lights (Aurora Oval). But no one has actually thought about Santa's specific location – there is no such DXCC entity as North Pole in the world – at least not yet.
Now much to everyone’s delight, Santa’s location is clearly marked on all maps. Santa lives in the Santa Claus region of Finland. That is Lapland, OH9 disctrict, situated North of the Arctic Circle, only a stone's throw away from the Radio Arcala operating site amid the barren tundra where reindeer run wild. In December, the locals they do not see daylight – it is dark all day. As compensation Mother Nature has created a distinctive polar path on 20 meters to North America.
Santa Claus Airport is the region's busiest while many of the world's leading carriers fly in with their jets, bringing young and old alike to sense the Christmas spirit and to enjoy many activities in beautiful nature, forgetting about their otherwise busy lifestyles and going with the mindset of children – such small children reside within all of us. More than 300.000 spirited people come in every winter.
Driving a little away from Radio Arcala along what seems an empty tundra you will enter another miracle of the North. While Lapland’s nature is harsh and not ideal for cultivation, it is a place where you can experience either months of no daylight or months of no darkness. Nonetheless, it provides the Northern folks with plenty of opportunities for an interesting livelihood.
The wintry experience of the Arctic Circle makes Santa Claus Airport at Rovaniemi busier than any other airport in the North. Thousands of young people from as far afield as Tokyo arrive there on direct flights to see and feel for themselves the Northern dimension of Finnish Lapland. Touching the snow and gazing at the Northern Lights not only affords the youngsters an experience of a lifetime but offers a modern stream of income to the locals who make a living in the Far North.
Northern Hemisphere Aurora
Santa Claus link:
Santa's own post officeSanta Claus Office
Santa Claus Official Airport
QTH of Santa-Radio

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