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20131226 1119UTC 10110kHz H40FN
Date : 26/Dec/2013 1118UTC
Freq : 10110kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording
Next H4ØFN DX-Expedition will be from December 21st, 2013 to January 10th, 2014
Dec. 16th: Luggage has been packed
Dec. 17th: Bad news from Singapore Airlines: Due to new strict luggage regulations Singapore Airlines does not allow anymore to take my hand luggage on board which is 12 kg (limit is 7 kg + Laptop + Foto). They said no exception, even if I pay for 5 kg excess luggage. The problem I have now that I have to put my basic 100 Watts radio some of it into the main luggage and no body knows wether it arrives damaged or not (nice gambling!). I have been using always Singapore Airlines to get to Australia for the last 7 trips. But it seems to me that it will be the last time using them. H44MS gave me the advice to use Emirates next time.
Dec 18th: Taxi will take me to the airport.
Dec. 19th: Operator just arrived Singapore for a 2 hours stop over.
Dec. 20th: I m sitting right now (8 am local time) at the departure gate at Brisbane (VK) airport for immediate departure to H44.
Dec. 20th: Operator just arrived Honiara Capital City of Solomon Islands H44. Staying over night for tomorrows flight to H40.
QRZ USA !!! I still need my last US state Delaware (DE) for my WAS Award. Could somebody activate the HAMs in DE to get on the air?
Equipment planned for the upcoming activity Dec. 2013 - Jan. 2014:
ICOM 7000 and Elecraft KX3
PA Ameritron ALS 500
Power Supply MEANWELL 14 Volt / 100 A
Vertical L-Antenna for 160/80 fed with MFJ automatic tuner MFJ 994 BRT (20m vert./20m hor.)
40-10m Wire Pyramide Antenna fed with 600 Ohm twin cable
6m Dipole
ONLINE-LOGS for previous expeditions 2011 - 2012 - 2013: www.dk9fn.darc.de
and for 2010: www.hamlog.eu
FOTOS and REPORTS about the previous expeditions to TEMOTU: www.hari-ham.com
NEW QSL - Manager effective from July 1st, 2013 (via home call)
Siegfried Hari, DK9FN
P.O. Box 1224
D-63488 Seligenstadt
Please send all QSL inquiries also from expeditions made in the past to this address (direct or via buro). Direct QSLs will be answered within moderate short time. QSL via buro will take much longer since I can do such a huge number of QSLs only during my small spare time.
I want to thank my previous managers HA8FW and HA8DD for their great work doing all the QSLing for me during the past.
QSL via Buro or Direct to my homecall DK9FN.
QSL via Direct rules: For those HAMs who want to have the QSL card directly via mail please add minimum 3 US $ which includes a donation for the hospital and suffering people of TEMOTU. Please no IRC !!! Hams who do not participate with a TEMOTU donation with less than 3 US $ or using IRC will be excluded from the QSL direct delivery (only via buro).
February 2012: A first donation about 700 US $ was handed over in February 2012 to the TEMOTU hospital Director of Nursing Mr. Augustine Bilve as a result of payments from direct QSL deliveries by H4ØFK and H4ØFN. Thanks for a few $ extra in your letters.
December 2012: H40FN was proud to handover to Lata Hospital again 700 US$, the second part of the donation activity "Children of Temotu", collected by H40FN and H40FK by their direct QSL-ing. Thanks to many hams round the world for their help. Many donations of 5 US $ have been received in letters.
Please NO EMAILS to advice me to do SKEDS against payments. My QSOs are not for sale. Each HAM should have same chance. I also do not do QSY on request and I do not answer questions about QSO is in the log ! I DO NOT ANSWER !
H4ØFN = mainly CW. No chance for QRQ-er. Keep your CW at a moderate speed.
H4ØFN = occasionally SSB. Please use only international letters for spelling like Alfa, Bravo, Charly etc. I do not accept national dialects or slang words, like Santiago, Mexico, Honululu !!! Also remember that I take only full call signs. Suffix callers will be totally ignored !
Remember, I'm a handicaped old man and also I'm only a one man show, suffering in heat with moskitos and rats around, threatened by Malaria and Denguee Fever, no real food supply, earthquake and tsunami dangered, extreme high costs . etc etc. That's all because I want H40 to get into your log while you sit relaxed at home beside aircon, beer and big steaks served by an excellent XYL ! After I will come back home please no complaints about my doings. If you are going to complain please come to Temotu and do it better.
Please read the advice given in: www.dx-code.org
About RST: Please use real and true RST reports. I hate permanent "599" liars.
NO commercial sponsors wanted for my personal ham pleasure. I still can finance my hobby by myself.
Sponsors who want to support the TEMOTU children hospital are most welcome.
Sponsor list for the upcoming expedition with more than 20 US $:
HA2QE, DL7DF, DO2AT, DG1FK, HA2EOW, WiMo-Germany,
Important: In order to avoid my QRT because of QRM please keep in mind that I will switch off my radio if there is no discipline on the band.
Please reply only once or twice your call sign when I call "QRZ" or "UP" !
Do not hammer continiously your callsign 5-10 times even I'm being in QSO with others.
My call saying "UP 1/5" means please spread out 1-5 KHz up and stay on one frequency stable. I will go up and down within this section to pick out one after the other. Remember, I always do RX-QSY after each QSO and I do not answer a call on the same frequency I just worked before.
It makes no sense to give me advice via DX cluster or email since I don't have access to internet and I also do not follow your advice or answering questions on the band like QSY x-band?, QRV when?
My weapon to fight back against rule ignorers is NOT to send a QSL card.
added DK8NC from DARC DXMB

Next H4ØFN DX-Expedition will be from December 21st, 2013 to January 10th, 2014
Dec. 16th: Luggage has been packed
Dec. 17th: Bad news from Singapore Airlines: Due to new strict luggage regulations Singapore Airlines does not allow anymore to take my hand luggage on board which is 12 kg (limit is 7 kg + Laptop + Foto). They said no exception, even if I pay for 5 kg excess luggage. The problem I have now that I have to put my basic 100 Watts radio some of it into the main luggage and no body knows wether it arrives damaged or not (nice gambling!). I have been using always Singapore Airlines to get to Australia for the last 7 trips. But it seems to me that it will be the last time using them. H44MS gave me the advice to use Emirates next time.
Dec 18th: Taxi will take me to the airport.
Dec. 19th: Operator just arrived Singapore for a 2 hours stop over.
Dec. 20th: I m sitting right now (8 am local time) at the departure gate at Brisbane (VK) airport for immediate departure to H44.
Dec. 20th: Operator just arrived Honiara Capital City of Solomon Islands H44. Staying over night for tomorrows flight to H40.
QRZ USA !!! I still need my last US state Delaware (DE) for my WAS Award. Could somebody activate the HAMs in DE to get on the air?
Equipment planned for the upcoming activity Dec. 2013 - Jan. 2014:
ICOM 7000 and Elecraft KX3
PA Ameritron ALS 500
Power Supply MEANWELL 14 Volt / 100 A
Vertical L-Antenna for 160/80 fed with MFJ automatic tuner MFJ 994 BRT (20m vert./20m hor.)
40-10m Wire Pyramide Antenna fed with 600 Ohm twin cable
6m Dipole
ONLINE-LOGS for previous expeditions 2011 - 2012 - 2013: www.dk9fn.darc.de
and for 2010: www.hamlog.eu
FOTOS and REPORTS about the previous expeditions to TEMOTU: www.hari-ham.com
NEW QSL - Manager effective from July 1st, 2013 (via home call)
Siegfried Hari, DK9FN
P.O. Box 1224
D-63488 Seligenstadt
Please send all QSL inquiries also from expeditions made in the past to this address (direct or via buro). Direct QSLs will be answered within moderate short time. QSL via buro will take much longer since I can do such a huge number of QSLs only during my small spare time.
I want to thank my previous managers HA8FW and HA8DD for their great work doing all the QSLing for me during the past.
QSL via Buro or Direct to my homecall DK9FN.
QSL via Direct rules: For those HAMs who want to have the QSL card directly via mail please add minimum 3 US $ which includes a donation for the hospital and suffering people of TEMOTU. Please no IRC !!! Hams who do not participate with a TEMOTU donation with less than 3 US $ or using IRC will be excluded from the QSL direct delivery (only via buro).
February 2012: A first donation about 700 US $ was handed over in February 2012 to the TEMOTU hospital Director of Nursing Mr. Augustine Bilve as a result of payments from direct QSL deliveries by H4ØFK and H4ØFN. Thanks for a few $ extra in your letters.
December 2012: H40FN was proud to handover to Lata Hospital again 700 US$, the second part of the donation activity "Children of Temotu", collected by H40FN and H40FK by their direct QSL-ing. Thanks to many hams round the world for their help. Many donations of 5 US $ have been received in letters.
Please NO EMAILS to advice me to do SKEDS against payments. My QSOs are not for sale. Each HAM should have same chance. I also do not do QSY on request and I do not answer questions about QSO is in the log ! I DO NOT ANSWER !
H4ØFN = mainly CW. No chance for QRQ-er. Keep your CW at a moderate speed.
H4ØFN = occasionally SSB. Please use only international letters for spelling like Alfa, Bravo, Charly etc. I do not accept national dialects or slang words, like Santiago, Mexico, Honululu !!! Also remember that I take only full call signs. Suffix callers will be totally ignored !
Remember, I'm a handicaped old man and also I'm only a one man show, suffering in heat with moskitos and rats around, threatened by Malaria and Denguee Fever, no real food supply, earthquake and tsunami dangered, extreme high costs . etc etc. That's all because I want H40 to get into your log while you sit relaxed at home beside aircon, beer and big steaks served by an excellent XYL ! After I will come back home please no complaints about my doings. If you are going to complain please come to Temotu and do it better.
Please read the advice given in: www.dx-code.org
About RST: Please use real and true RST reports. I hate permanent "599" liars.
NO commercial sponsors wanted for my personal ham pleasure. I still can finance my hobby by myself.
Sponsors who want to support the TEMOTU children hospital are most welcome.
Sponsor list for the upcoming expedition with more than 20 US $:
HA2QE, DL7DF, DO2AT, DG1FK, HA2EOW, WiMo-Germany,
Important: In order to avoid my QRT because of QRM please keep in mind that I will switch off my radio if there is no discipline on the band.
Please reply only once or twice your call sign when I call "QRZ" or "UP" !
Do not hammer continiously your callsign 5-10 times even I'm being in QSO with others.
My call saying "UP 1/5" means please spread out 1-5 KHz up and stay on one frequency stable. I will go up and down within this section to pick out one after the other. Remember, I always do RX-QSY after each QSO and I do not answer a call on the same frequency I just worked before.
It makes no sense to give me advice via DX cluster or email since I don't have access to internet and I also do not follow your advice or answering questions on the band like QSY x-band?, QRV when?
My weapon to fight back against rule ignorers is NOT to send a QSL card.
added DK8NC from DARC DXMB
Last modified: 2013-12-20 07:39:05, 12072 bytes cached
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