P.O BOX 3040 NOUMEA 98846 New Caledonia [+] Mailing label | ||
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20131214 0814UTC 14028kHz FK8DD/M
Date : 14/Dec/2013 0814UTC
Freq : 14028kHz CW
PC recording
Hi SAM san..everytime ..Your signal is very strong in JA!! Best 73's : )
FK8DD grid locator: RG37FS (22°14'29S 166°26'01E)
P.O BOX 185
Rig: Yaesu FT-897 in mobile and FT-857 at home, Ant: SpiderBeam 10/12/15/17/20m, 30/40m dipole,
2el HB9CV 50Mhz, MFJ-1526N VHF/UHF antenna.
My direct address:
BOX 3040 NOUMEA 98846
***All QSO's with FK8DD/m are uploaded on LoTW under my normal call "FK8DD"
Please visit my website:
***FK8DD logbook online 2006 to 2013***
Maybe some QSOs had not been correctly uploaded in this log, if so, please send me your request HERE!
*** Many thanks to all of you for the QSO's, it's a real pleasure to have you in my log! Best 73s! Sam FK8DD ***
Also QSL manager for TX8KA, special event call of ARANC radioclub
5bands Spiderbeam in low position, at 2.50 meter on the roof.
The Spiderbeam at 15 meter above the ground.
SSB QSO during last CQWW SSB contest, on november 29th, 2011.
10m whip in front of the car, and 20m band whip in the back of the roof.
This spot called "Tour Mobilis" is located on a small mountain, on the
Noumea-city highs, and it's about 116m above the sea level.
There are 4 antennas supports on my car with SO-239 and 3/8 base connectors.
FT-857 is screwed on the rear passenger seat. The battery is a 12V/68Ah.
Closed view of the 2 position coax switch.
FT-857 detachable front panel with YSK-857 remote cable.
FK8DD/M operating position with 10 in. computer on the right,
and Bencher keyer on the left hand.
Details of the equipment:
- FT-857 Yaesu transceiver running 50 watts on CW and 30 watts on Digimodes
- MFJ-904 travel Tuner with cross needle meter
- MFJ-4403 Voltage conditioner
- CF-50S Comet low pass filter
- Signalink USB for digimodes
- Multiple whip antennas for 6-10-15-17-20-30m and 40m bands (12m coming soon!)
*** This DC/AC converter is only used for computer when low in charge!
On july 31st 2012 and 02nd of august, i've tested this Buddistick antenna
on 20m band, directly mounted on the trimagnet support at the rear part
of the car. Keep in mind that all the settings here-below and adjustments
have been made by considering the various connections between devices
(transceiver, low pass filter, Tuner/swr-meter and of course the dualposition
antenna's switch).
For all bands: Coil lenght 11.5 cm (4.53 in.) and One small arm 27.5cm (10.83 in.)
20m, adjust long whip lenght to 228 cm (89.76 in.) clip to red tap 13 turns
20m band entirely covered from 14000 to 14350 khz, swr <1.1
17m, adjust long whip length to 183 cm (72.05 in.) clip to green tap 11 turns
17m band entirely covered from 18068 to 18168 khz, swr <1.1
15m, adjust long whip length to 199 cm (78.35 in.) clip to black tap 7 turns
15m band entirely covered from 21000 to 21450 khz, swr less than <1.3
10m, adjust long whip length to 219 cm (86.22 in.) clip to yellow tap 2turns
10m band entirely covered from 28000 to 29000 khz, swr lest than <1.3
Find the long whip (10 ft) on Buddipole website, see link below
**Caution: this antenna not to be used when the car is moving.
Only for mobile stationary use.
For more comfort, a small table, on which i have my 10 inches computer
and Bencher morse key, becomes necessary,no that is not a luxe hi!
August 15th, 2012. Well !Now the detachable Front Panel is fixed
on a mobile phone holder, placed on a thin glass (14x18cm).
Yes !!!!!!
On 31st of August 2012, i've got my New Battery 12V/140Ah/800A, LxlxH = 50cm/19cm/20cm, weight is about 35kg. This will give me more Power for mobile operation.
My homebrew vertical antenna G5IJ is attached in the front
of the car, it's mainly used for 30m and 40m bands.
It's not very nice but it looks very efficient!
A close view of the U bolts and the PVC tube protection of the fishing pole.
The double aluminium plate to ensure a maximum tightening on the towing hook!
In front of the car, are the 17m black vertical modified buddistick antenna, and at the opposite side in retracted position, the green G5IJ antenna for 30m.
In front of the car, the buddistick modified quarter wave vertical for 17m band.
The blue single quarter wave radial for 17m band, the antenna is 4,06m total length including PL-259 - 3/8 converter. During different try no any difference noted in receiving or transmitting signals with or whitout radial (swr 1:1 on entire band), but 6 or more radials are, without any doubt, more efficient !
The 17m quarter wave whip antenna is the best one for DX operations, very low noise, and it can be easily tuned for 15m and 20m bands.
On 17th june 2013, It was really a very sad day! Wind blowing by gusts to 40 knots and over!
I like to play radio in bad conditions hi!
Since 15th june 2013, my new set-up, the FT-897 is a very nice transceiver for mobile or portable operation. All CW and SSB filters are ready to be used.
Send me a call me if you are able to hear me, test your antennas with FK8DD/m New-Caledonia Hamradio Mobile Station!
New antenna set-up with the Telescopic Whip of MFJ-2286 without Coil, (for 10, 12 and 17m)
The Radial System with Easy and Quick Electrical Connectors, in order to make Radial wires extension on demand, mostly for 40m or 80m bands.
The 10 Radials, 5m lenght each in 5 pairs, laying by 180° directly on the ground
The MFJ-2286 Big Stick on 20m, this item is particularly effective on 30m and 40m bands.
Below FK8DD Flag counter
Last modified: 2013-11-28 19:10:20, 22759 bytes cached
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