NO IRC PLEASE - they do not work here. No buro here either.
FOR DIRECT QSL, Please send $ 3 and your card to:
直接QSLについては、3ドルを送ってください - いいえIRCを、彼らはアフリカでは動作しません
PO BOX 102303
KZN, 3901
We arrived in Mozambique 11 December and will be here until 20 December 2013
View from our shack over the Indian Ocean

The station - Flexradio Flex-3000, Icom IC-7000 (backup), 300 watt linear amplifier

The shack of C91B and C91J while on holiday in Mozambique. Triband rotary dipole
UPDATE: My new QSL cards arrived from Ukraine today 18 November 2013. They have been completed, and put in envelopes, and will be sent by air mail tomorrow morning. Thank you very much for your patience.
私は12月7日から2013年12月17日にC91Jとしてモザンビーク動作に戻ってきます。私はYL友人ベス2W0VOWとがあるでしょう、彼女のモザンビークコールサインはC91Bです。 73、私たちのために聞いてください
My new QSL cards are being printed by UX5UO in Ukraine. Thank you very much for all the QSL cards received. When my new QSL cards arrive, I will reply to all cards that have been sent to me by air mail. Here is what the front of the cards will look like.
My Mozambique licence (in Portugese) paid up and valid until 31 December 2018, and then renewable.
28 JULY 2013 - 4 AUGUST 2013 PICTURES
I'm currently camping in Mozambique 28 July - 4 August 2013, using hamstick rotary dipoles on a 30 ft push up fiberglass mast, for 40, 20, and 15 meter bands. This trip I'm operating from the south of Mozambique in a village called Ponta Do Ouro. Using an Icom IC-7000 and small 300 watt amplifier, right on the Indian Ocean beachfront.
Camping 3 August 2013 - Icom IC-7000 300 watts, rotary dipole
DECEMBER 2009 - camping at Laguna Campground, in Bilene, Mozambique - 200 km north of the capital Maputo, Mozambique. Here is a picture of me, operating from a tent with an Icom IC-7000, LDG Z-100 ATU, Icom AH-4, Astron SS-30 power supply, and the antenna is a G5RV strung between two coconut trees. Logging is by RUMLOG, on an Apple MacBook Pro.
This picture shows the campground staff helping me to get the antenna up into the coconut trees.
A picture of the operating position - the portable air conditioner is almost essential in the hot humid climate, during the summer months in Mozambique
The QTH I am operating from, is on the coast, and on the shores of a really large lagoon. I took these pictures of the sunset over the lagoon
Sunset at Laguna Campground, Bilene, Mozambique. Picture taken by C91J.
John C91J and ZS5J
Visitors to this page since 29 July 2013
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