ETHIOPIAN AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY (EARS) N2OO (current QSL manager) P.O.BOX 33743 ADDIS ABABA will be used later on Ethiopia [+] Mailing label | ||
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20130918 1055UTC 21020kHz ET3AA
Date : 18/Sep/2013 1055UTC
Freq : 21020kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording
The Trustee of the Ethiopian Amateur Radio Society was Sid May (ET3SID) who set up the club in 1993 with a group of other ham radio operators. The club station ET3AA has was set up by Sid May in four different elementary schools in different times before it was moved to its ideal location, Addis Ababa University, Institute of Technology, ET3SID has been training Amateur Radio courses to Ethiopian students for more than 15 years.He administered the RSGB International examination many times and got more than 16 students pass the exam. Despite the fact that none of them got licenses from the local authorities,He continued his efforts, and also renewed the club license each year to keep Ethiopians on the air.
In May 30,2011, the station ET3AA was inaugurated at Addis Ababa University, Insitute of Technology,with the presence of the president of the International Amateur Radio Union Region I and Scientific Director of the institute Prof.Dr. Heiko Shroider , to cut the ribbon.Various ministers from different government positions and professors of the university were also invited. The program had also a new coverage on the local television.
In June ,2011, EARS (Ethiopian Amateur Radio Society) became an official registered society under the FDRE (Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia) through the NGO and Society licensing agency.
In July 15,2011,ET3SID administered anther RSGB International examination and 23 newly trained students passed the exam. Recently a DX team consisting of volunteer examiners of the US FCC licenses conducted another exam and 57 students passed their exams and got their US call signs.
In September 25,2012 Sid May passed away leaving the station and the hobby he loved and lived to the young students at ET3AA.
Tsegaye Atsebeha (KB3WWJ) , Dagmawit Solomon (KB3WWY), Leul Abera (KB3WWR) , Getnet Zeleke (KB3WWU) and Hailemelekot Nigussie ( AB3OX) are currelntly overseeing the activity at ET3AA and maintaining the society.In ET3AA now there are more than 20 active university students, who study Electrical,Mechanical and Civil Engineering.
From Left to right: ET3SID/AB3OZ/G4CTQ , STUDENTS AT ET3AA ,
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