RUDY DE ROCKER GRIFFIERSTRAAT 16 4541EL SLUISKIL Netherlands [+] Mailing label | ||
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20130626 2057UTC 14086.9kHz PD5SS
Date : 26/Jun/2013 2057UTC
Freq : 14086.9kHz CW
Rig : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording
Tnx fer QSO..cuagn 73's : )
PD5SS - RUDY (14-01-2011)

My new
"I love the sound of backscatter in the morning"

200 meters NW from my home (09-01-2009)
Sunset at 16:30 local time - 15:30 Zulu (02/01/2012)
Ocean- and seagoing ships passing Sluiskil at canal Gent-Terneuzen, 900 meters NE from my home

Lighthouse "Nieuwesluis" NET-018 / NL-0007, 25 km NW from my QTH. Grid Square JO11SJ
activated by PI4ZVL (21-08-2010)
Looking North

Looking West, heading North Sea
My equipment (20-5-2013)
Icom IC-7600 with Icom PS-126 and Icom SP-23
Kenwood TS-850S(AT) with Kenwood PS-52 and Kenwood SP-31
Here I am with my 300 CE-24 (13-06-2011)

My cat "Catweazle" - Ragdoll, 3 months old (17-07-2010)
Enjoying the snow on 24-03-2013
My new
OB16-3, 16 element triband Yagi (29-07-2012)

"I love the sound of backscatter in the morning" 
Antenna 1 - Procom CXL 2-2C (VHF) @ 17 m. above ground level / 20 m. above sea level
Antenna 2 - OptiBeam OB1-40 @ 16 m. above ground level / 19 m. above sea level
Antenna 3 - OptiBeam OB16-3 @ 13 m. above ground level / 16 m. above sea level
Antenna 4 - Fritzel FD3 feedingpoint @ 12 m. above ground level / 15 m. above sea level
Visit my website for more pictures,
Sluiskil station around 1920
200 meters NW from my home (09-01-2009)

Sunset at 16:30 local time - 15:30 Zulu (02/01/2012)

Ocean- and seagoing ships passing Sluiskil at canal Gent-Terneuzen, 900 meters NE from my home

Petunia Seaways - 200 X 30 meters (03-09-2011)
Sluiskil is located in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, a part of the province Zeeland. The official flag of Zeeuws-Vlaanderen.

WX conditions at Sluiskil
Lighthouse "Nieuwesluis" NET-018 / NL-0007, 25 km NW from my QTH. Grid Square JO11SJ
activated by PI4ZVL (21-08-2010)
Looking North
View from the lighthouse, looking East
Looking South
Looking West, heading North Sea

Last modified: 2013-06-02 18:13:26, 11128 bytes cached
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