Robert Young
HONIARA GUADALCANAL Solomon Islands Mail c/o VK4QX hm address for QSL Card Solomon Islands [+] Mailing label | |
Lookups: 540 Ham Member
20130629 1935UTC 14069.8kHz H44QX
Date : 29/Jun/2013 1935UTC
Freq : 14069.8kHz BPSK31
Rig : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording
Tnx fer 1st QSO..cuagn 73's : )
Thanks for stopping in and having a look, been coming to Solomon Islands since 2009 for work and also helped a few fellow hams who have visited Honiara to get some signals out but am only now finding time to get a bit of HAM Radio into my time here finally!!
I operate from a hotel complex here in Honiara so can be difficult at times with particularly bad qrm and obviously being in a hotel is challenging for antennas. Equipment I use is TS2000 , KX3 , IC92AD, BARRETT 2050, MFJ Auto tuner, Signalink adaptor, Buddipole Dipole, Arrow portable 2/6 Mtr crossed yagi and Magnetic loop I also from time to time make up my own custom antennas, everything from Hentennas to resonant toilet paper!!
A bit about me, have been involved in electronics and radio since I was old enough to hold a screw driver with my first real mistake being to disassemble my parents first new B/W TV the second mistake was touching the nice shiny bits Won’t go there !! but boy that was a long time ago and the fingers and brain are now a bit better informed !.
Since finishing school I have worked in Sydney for Australian PMG now Telecom, a private company in Canberra servicing and installing electronics in consumer, industrial and broadcast advancing to senior technician and manager of the electronics repair area what a great time that was, so many advances in electronics in such a short time and unfortunately the demise of Valves and discreet transistors except for specialist applications and high power. From there decided to chase the warmer weather as Canberra can get COLD !! so moved to Perth W.A. as Engineering Shift Supervisor for Australian Broadcasting Corporation another great place to work and a great bunch of guys and girls my hats off to A.B.C for running the Women in Engineering Scholarship every year more organizations could learn a lesson there.
Anyway from Perth still a bit cool in winter !! so move again, this time to Brisbane where I am employed by another government area as a Radio Communications Technical Officer, finally nice and warm and an added bonus spend a lot of my time in Soloman Islands working, this time on a 2 year stint. I am also fortunate that with my job I travel to pretty much every part of the Solomon’s chain of islands . so keep an ear out as you may here me around the bands usually operating QRP as I now have personal gear that is nice and portable.
So when I think back I consider myself one lucky son of a gun !, always worked with great people, observed and had to deal with lot of major advancements in the electronics and communications fields and worked on every thing from Consumer and Broadcast equipment to remote HF, UHF , VHF and Satellite ground stations . to boot I love electronics its not my only passion but certainly up there as a favorite.
Operate on almost any mode (my cw is so rusty to save embarresment I give it a miss but plan to get it sorted again) and happy for scheds for anyone who is interested, I am particularly interested in QRP with my first contact into the states on USB 5w that’s over 1000km per watt !! the 5 watts maybe not a big deal but under really really bad local conditions it was an achievement . Only really just started using this program so my apologies to those over the years I have not logged you are on the one of the many pieces of paper I have . I am happy and prefer to QSL the old fashioned way direct and will always reply to a sent QSL Card please use my VK4QX address "29 Jarrow Street Tingalpa, Queensland, Australia 4173" this is Australian QTH address and is always checked.
Cheers and 73's
Remote Airport, when last there it was being demolished for a new one & My last visit to Lofung Post now closed 2013
Broadband Inv V Kulutanai Shortland Island & Typical of the Voice / Data HF Stations we install at remote posts
Just nice Solomon Sunsets, from memory these were half way to Choiseul Province to many to post here !!
Close to Malaita coast, some of things you see travelling around Solomons by boat are not only amazing but make it all worthwhile.
Tulaghi Post & Buala Post both New Inv V with all posts also getting Solar Backup DC for Radio Communications.
Some of the ways i get around, coming in to land and later waiting for a pick up, Solomon air remote refuel and PPF Vessel at dock in Auki and
an earlier trip on the way to Western Province . all these guys and in the case of Helos and Solomon Airlines the guys and girls do a fantastic job !!.
Another typical Data / Voice install around 30 of these new stations on the HF network & another Broadband HF Inv V
Buisness colleague, Friend and fellow HAM from Australia
Two of my favourite sayings
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