Wednesday, September 9, 2015

20150909 JR3IXB/VP9(Bermuda) on 40m CW

20150909 JR3IXB/VP9(Bermuda) on 40m CW

JR3IXB Japan flag Japan
Sanda, Hyogo 669-1321
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 4355 

20150909 0935UTC 7010.5kHz JR3IXB/VP9

Date : 09/Sep/2015 0935UTC
Freq : 7010.5kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording

QSL info for FG/JR3IXB/P(1/17/03-1/19/03), JR3IXB/VP9(4/17/03-4/21/03, 8/26/04-8/30/04,7/27/06-7/30/06, 9/7/15-9/9/15 ==>> Now On the Air...Hi! laugh), KL7/JR3IXB(9/10/03-9/13/03), KP2/JR3IXB(11/21/03-11/24/03) , KP4/JR3IXB(12/28/04-1/1/05) & KH6/JR3IXB(4/19/15-4/26/15): LoTW or SASE only, please.
All logs of my overseas operation have been uploaded to ARRL's LoTW server.  Thanks!

6696157 Last modified: 2015-09-08 02:54:53, 817 bytes

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

20150907 3Z0LH(Poland) on 30m CW

20150907 3Z0LH(Poland) on 30m CW

3Z0LH Poland flag Poland
Page managed by SQ1EUG Lookups: 24304 

20150907 1738UTC 10250kHz 3Z0LM
Date : 07/Sep/2015 1738UTC
Freq : 10250kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording


Awards info at: 1/dyplom.html

Lighthouse activities
8th activity:  31.08-07.09.2015 
ARLHS:  POL 066 Brama Torowa 1E/Piastowski Kanal Entrance East
SPFF: 269
PGA: SF 01 (for Polish Gmina Award hunters)
WWloc. JO73et
QSL via: SP1DPA (prefered way - bureau)
7th activity:

from 16th of  June to 22nd of June  2014.
Domańce Dolne (Front Range) POL052 53 33’6.9’’N 014 35’56.3’’E JO73hn - 3Z0LH;
Domańce Górne (Rear Range) POL053 53 32’45.7’’N 014 35’58.6’’E JO73hn - 3Z1BLH.
All bands. All modes.
6th activity: 04-11.06.2012 from signal lights of the fairway Szczecin - Swinoujscie
 ARLHS POL 071 (Stepnica Range Front) ARLHS POL 072 (Stepnica Range Rear)
WWloc. JO73gp; SPPA: Z-GL; PGA: GL06.
QSL via SP1PBW (prefered via the bureau).
More info: 1/index.html (in polish).

5th activity: 09.08-14.08.2011 and 20.08-21.08.2011 from Inoujscie.
Lights activated:
Ina Range Common Rear ARLHS POL054, Ina Range Southbound Front POL056.
Operators: 3Z1BLH - Slawek, SP1DPA - Waldek, SP1FFC - Wojtek, SP1TMN - Janusz, SQ1EUG - Jacek, SQ1PSA - Janek.
QSL via: SP1PBW.
more info: 1/index.html

4th activity: 31.07-10.08.2010 - Chelminek Island: 53,67N 14,53E
SPIA: SZ18 but not valid for IOTA; SPPA: Z-GL; PGA: GL06, grid square: JO73gq; activated ARLHS lights: POL-050 and POL-051.
QSL via: SP1DPA (prefered way - bureau)
see also: 3Z1BLH, 3Z1CLH.

3rd activity: April 30th - May 8th 2009 from CHELMINEK ISLAND.
Loc. JO73gq, for PGA:GL06, for SPPA: (Z)GL,for SP IOTA: SZ-18. Operators: SP1DOZ, DPA, FFC, TMN, SQ1EUG, DK9WE.
QSO: 2488
DXCC: 79 ( CW - 58, SSB - 55, RTTY - 16, PSK - 49 )
WAC: 6
Lights activated:
30.04.2009 - 03.05.2009 ARLHS POL050
04.05.2009 ARLHS POL051
05.05.2009 ARLHS POL047
06.05.2009 - 07.05.2009 ARLHS POL046
QSL via SP1TMN, QSL direct need SAE + 1IRC
2nd activity: 17-22.09.2008 from CHELMINEK ISLAND: 17-19.09.2008 CHELMINEK NORTH LIGHT POL 050 (ARLHS number) and 20-22.09.2008 CHELMINEK SOUTH LIGHT POL 051 (ARLHS number). More information about this lights on Loc. JO73gq, for PGA:GL06, for SPPA: (Z)GL,for SP IOTA: SZ-18. Operators: SP1DOZ, DPA, FFC, TMN, SQ1EUG.
Chelminek (do 1945 niem. Leitholm) - sztuczna wyspa na Zalewie Szczecinskim u ujscia Odry do Zalewu (Roztoka Odrzanska), na polnocny wschod od Trzebiezy. Ma ok. 0,10 km powierzchni i wznosi sie ok. 1,7 m n. p. m. Powstala na mieliznie po roku 1889 z urobku, podczas poglebiania toru wodnego Szczecin-Swinouscie wytyczonego bezposrednio na zachod od wyspy. Jest waznym punktem nawigacyjnym oznaczonym dwoma latarniami swiecacymi swiatlem koloru czerwonego. Na Chelminku znajduja sie: dawny dom latarnika, mala przystan, tory wagonikow waskotorowych.
Chelminek ( to 1945 Leitholm German ) - artificial island in the Szczecin Lagoon at the mouth of the Oder Lagoon ( Glen Oder ), to the north - east of thinning . Is approximately 0.10 km and rises about 1.7 m above sea level on a sandbar formed after the 1889 excavations , while deepening the fairway Szczecin- Swinoujscie outlined, immediately west of the island. Navigation is an important point marked with two lanterns glowing red light . On Chelminek are : former home lighter, a small harbor , narrow gauge track coaches. .
Chelminek (bis 1945 deutsche Leitholm ) - eine kunstliche Insel im Stettiner Haff bis zur Mundung des Stettiner Haff ( Glen Odrzanska ) , im Norden - oestlich der Durchforstung . Ist etwa 0,10 km und erhebt sich etwa 1,7 m ueber dem Meeresspiegel auf einer Sandbank nach dem Jahre 1889 Ausgrabungen gebildet , wahrend die Vertiefung des Fahrwassers Szczecin- Swinoujscie dargelegt, unmittelbar westlich der Insel. Es war ein wichtiger Punkt der Navigation zwei Laternen Licht leuchtend rot . Am Chelminek sind: alte Haus , kleinen Hafen, Schmalspur Coaches.

1st activity: 17-18.08.2007 from POLICE RANGE FRONT POL 069 (ARLHS number) and 19-21.08.2007 from POLICE RANGE REAR POL 070 (ARLHS number). Loc. JO73hn, for PGA: CE04, for SPPA:(Z)CE. Operators: SP1DOZ, DPA, FFC, JW, QW, TMN, WSR,SQ1EUG, WSR.

free counters

6686702 Last modified: 2015-09-04 07:38:36, 9066 bytes

20150907 ZA/IK2RLM(Albania) on 20m USB

20150907 ZA/IK2RLM(Albania) on 20m USB

IK2RLM Italy flag Italy

QSL: eQSL and LoTW automatic or direct via QSL manager IZ2LSP
Email: Use mouse to view..
XML Subscriber Lookups: 20108 

20150907 1725UTC 14290kHz ZA/IK2RLM
Date : 07/Sep/2015 1725UTC
Freq : 14290kHz USB
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording




6223582 Last modified: 2015-07-16 00:24:53, 1463 bytes

20150907 EA8AF(Canary Islands) on 20m CW

20150907 EA8AF(Canary Islands) on 20m CW

EA8AF Canary Islands flag Canary Islands
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 22562 

20150907 1709UTC 14016kHz EA8AF
Date : 07/Sep/2015 1709UTC
Freq : 14016kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording

6161992 Last modified: 2015-07-16 00:20:13, 744 bytes

Monday, September 7, 2015

20150907 CT9/DK1AX(Madeira) on 20m CW

20150907 CT9/DK1AX(Madeira) on 20m CW

DK1AX Germany flag Germany
Klaus-Dieter Graef
Eduard-Krauss-Str. 11
71634 Ludwigsburg
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 38845 

20150907 0646UTC 14007.8kHz CT9/DK1AX
Date : 07/Sep/2015 0646UTC
Freq : 14007.8kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording


NEW ### Aug. 27th - Sept. 10th 2015 - on DXpedition Holiday Style to Madeira CT9/DK1AX - IOTA AF-014 ###
---- Info see CT9/DK1AX at ---

### Jan. 24th - Feb. 07th 2015 on DXpedition Holiday Style to Denmark - OZ/DK1AX - IOTA EU125; OZFF-004 ###
### December. 2014 - with 6m I got my 10-Band-DXCC ###
### From March, 11th to March, 16th qrv as ZL/DK1AX from Auckland ###
### Feb. 24th - Mar. 07th 2014 on DXpedition to Tonga - A35AX ###
### Apr. 4th - Apr. 18th 2013 on DXpedition to Samoa - 5W0M ###
### Feb. 3rd - Feb. 17th 2012 on DXpedition to Niue - ZK2C ###
I was qrv from Niue also with my personal call: ZK2CD - this call is valid and ok.
QSL ok - please send one, if you where lucky and had a qso with me :-)
### Feb. 4th - Feb. 17th 2011 on DXpedition to Sao Tome - S9DX ###


I will not send a QSL out when on incoming QSL I cannot find marked "PSE QSL"

QSLs are ok via bureau or direct to my homecall - adress see up.
For direct requests pse send min. 2 US$ or 1 NEW IRC for all stations to cover the postage.
All other QSLs will be send via bureau!


KlausMy name is
Klaus-Dieter Graef, DK1AX
and I live in Ludwigsburg,
Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany.
Member ofBavarian Contest Club
DOK:P61, Hohenasperg
More info see:my homepage
Please sign my:guestbook
See here some pictures from the city of Ludwigsburg, Germany

Castle Ludwigsburg

Castle Favorite

Evangelic Church

Friedenskirche "Peace Church" Ludwigsburg
Some infos about me:
I got my amateur radio license in March 1982 and my first QSO I ever had was with
DD9MZ, Hans in Augsburg on a 70 cm repeater!My second QSO was on 10 GHz
with a friend who just completed a home-made-TRX. He was testing his new rig and
made a "dx-qso" for a distance of about 1500 m! So I got the opportunity to make a qso too!!
What a start in a "DX" career!!
My first callsign was DG3MBC. (Whoever reads these lines and got a qsl from me from those times, I search for these old cards! Contact me please.)
A year and 4 months later, I passed my CW exam and after 862 QSOs on 2m and 70cm in FM and SSB I got my new call sign DH1MAR .
CW and DXing should now became two of my greatest passions.
My call sign today is DK1AX
My first QSO in CW - being very nervous and with damp fingers, prescribed text and finally a cramp in my fingers - I had a few days after the CW test with G4RKK on 80 m! Thousands should follow! Today, I am the owner of the 10-Band-DXCC award and of course the DXCC in CW (318 confirmed, 318 worked)!
The first DX-QSO I had on 9.7.1983 at 28 MHz with 5N0UDB, Udo in Lagos, Nigeria!
So began my hunting for DX stations and that still has not stopped until today!
During this time I first bought a Kenwood TS 430, I sold it after 2 years and purchased a new ICOM IC 751. I used narrow CW filters, FM module (expecting the open 10-meter band, even to use the repeaters on 29 MHz!) and so on.
This transceiver is still in my possession and was in use almost every day! The receiver part of this ICOM was great! Many tests made later, with much more expensive and more modern equipment from different manufacturers could not top this receiver!
Open minded for all new things I always had fun with the so-called special modes in amateur radio like packet radio, AMTOR, RTTY and now PSK, HELL, SSTV, OLIVIA etc! Everything is written in my log.
By the way, speaking about my log: at the time when I got my license, we had still had to keep a log: containing detailed information about name, location, QSO data, output power and last but not least: signature.
Then, I bound these old logbooks all into two books and so I got two really thick - in the truest sense of the word - logbooks. These books stand in my shack and I always enjoy browsing through them. I will continue it this way for the next years as well.
With the appearance of the computer, I hade to put thousands of QSOs in a dBase database I made, so I used a homemade logbook for the next years. Later, I used a commercial program Swisslog and today I use HAM-Office, a very good software too! So I am lucky, I have all my QSOs digitally recorded!
As far as the time allowed, I made a lot of homebrewed amateur radio stuff. Less transceivers or so but much VHF, UHF and especially short waves antennas.
I never had the opportunity, to raise big antennas: I have never owned a beam - only long wire antennas. First a FD4 - windom antenna - than a W3DZZ and later only self-made dipoles for different amateur bands.
Today I use a self-made multi band dipole which I feed symmetrically. My motto: better 100 watt into a dipole than 1 kW into a dummy!
With these antennas I reached the DXCC in mixed mode and the DXCC in CW!!!
And a lot of other awards (see my homepage).
Until now, I never had a PA! I made qrm with maximum 100 W. Amazing, it was fine with low power too. Practicing HAM-spirit, a good operating technique, ability and patience always helped me!
In the future perhaps I will experience something new: I will try to get familiar with a ACOM 1500.
These antennas and this power output gave me until today exactly 318 DXCC entities which I worked, and were confirmed 318 by QSL cards including LotW (in June 2015).
My shack
For my website I have scanned all my QSL cards of all confirmed DXCC entities and put them online.
A comment in this case: it is very disappointing for me, seeing the returning quote of the QSL cards! Especially the DX stations - the very rare stations - you really have to buy every card! Often I have to spend about 5 EUR ? which is about 9 US$ to get a rare card!! I can remember other times!
But I have also positive, unforgettable experiences! My best QSO for ever!
One day I called in CW on 15m "cq cq". To be honest: I didn't aspect any answer! Who expects an answer with 100 W and an indoor FD4-windom?? But a station was coming back to my call, a little bit quite, but good to copy! The call sign was quick written on paper and I had a great QSO with Juan! Not only faifnainnain tu gl. For the first moment I didn't associate the call HK0ER with a rare station, but after I finish the QSO, I amazed to hear hundreds of stations calling Juan! So I was the lucky first one, then a very big pile up starts - a pile up, where I never had a chance to break it with my equipment! After that, I took a look in the callbook and in my radio amateur's map and found San Andres Island!! I was proud and happy, I had worked this station! By the way, we exchanged QSLs via direct! This QSL is one of the most beautiful and precious for me!
What perhaps is important too: from 1993 to 2006 - this is 13 long years - I was QRT! No microphone and no keyer in my hands! Sometimes, the life took the microphone in his own hand and is doing his own qso!
But once HAM, HAM for ever!
Today I am qrv from 2m, 6m, 10m (if the sunspots are with us) to 160m!!
I had the opportunity to operate from:
DQ2006P (2006), DC0ASP (2006-2013), DK0ASP (2006-2013), DL2A (2006-2013), DQ4W (2007-BCC, bavarian contest club station), OZ5E (2007 CQWWDX CW), DA0BCC (2008), DL0AO (2008, 2009 CQWWDX SSB and CW), DK0NS/p (2009 IARU Region 1 Fieldday), DP6A (2009 and 2010 WAEDC CW), DR4W (2010-2013), SM/DK1AX and LA/DK1AX in summer hollidays 2009, EA8/DK1AX (2010+2011) with my K1 (qrp, 5 W) from Tenerife, S9DX (Feb. 2011), ZK2C (Feb. 2012), ZK2CD (Feb. 2012), DL2A (DLFF-146 first activation), OE/DK1AX (SOTA OE/TI-178 first activation, july 2012), HB9/DK1AX (SOTA HB/VS-110, august 2012), OE/DK1AX/P (SOTA OE/TI-119, 434, 228 and 373), 5W0M (2013), A35AX (2014), ZL/DK1AX (2014), DL65DARC (2015), OZ/DK1AX (2015), DK65DARC (2015), DL0HN/p .... to be continued!
I hope to make a QSO with you!
Okay, that's it for now about me.
For questions, comments or suggestions or for a sked: please send me a mail or call me on the qrg!!
Klaus-Dieter Graef
- DK1AX -

6678665 Last modified: 2015-08-31 15:32:06, 14477 bytes

Sunday, September 6, 2015

20150906 Today's eQSL -Rwanda-

20150906 Today's eQSL -Rwanda-

9X0ZM Rwanda flag Rwanda
Kiyoshi "KIYO" Takagi / JR1IZM,V31IZ,7P8ZM

Page managed by JO1CRA Lookups: 73456 

Many thanks Kiyo san Best 73's  ... ; )

20150906 Today's eQSL -Ukraine-

20150906 Today's eQSL -Ukraine-

UT1US Ukraine flag Ukraine
Alex Nyevyerov
2a-129, per. Volgo-Donsky,
Kiev, 02099
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 17573 


Many thanks all ... ; )

20150906 7Z1LM(Saudi Arabia) on 20m USB

20150906 7Z1LM(Saudi Arabia) on 20m USB

7Z1LM Saudi Arabia flag Saudi Arabia
Sultan Moteb

PO Box 150945 riyadh, 11757
Saudi Arabia
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 1652 

20150906 0503UTC 14269kHz 7Z1LM

Date : 06/Sep/2015 0503UTC
Freq : 14269kHz USB
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording

Lookups1652 (2704)
QRZ Record#2020483
QRZ Admin7Z1LM
Last Update2015-06-15 00:01:50
Latitude25.270000 (25° 16' 11'' N)
Longitude45.873333 (45° 52' 23'' E)
Grid SquareLL25wg
Geo SourceUser supplied
Bearing290.6° WNW (from JJ5IZX)
Distance5171.7 mi (8323.1 km)
Long Path19685.1 mi (31680.1 km)
Sunrise02:38:57 UTC
Sunset15:11:03 UTC
QSL by eQSL?No (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?)
Uses LOTW?No (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?)
Admin For(1) 7Z1LM

6213928 Last modified: 2015-07-16 00:24:24, 0 bytes

20150906 P3F(Cyprus) on 20m USB

20150906 P3F(Cyprus) on 20m USB

P3F Cyprus flag Cyprus
P3F Contest Group
Page managed by G3ZEM Lookups: 47500 

20150906 0451UTC 14209kHz P3F

Date : 06/Sep/2015 0451UTC
Freq : 14209kHz USB
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording

QSL info:
The P3F log is uploaded to LoTW soon after each contest.
If you wish to request a paper QSL, here are your options, in order of preference:
  • OQRS:via M0URX- bureau or direct QSLing options are available.
  • Direct:via snail-mail - see M0URX
  • Via bureau:PLEASE try the OQRS bureau request in preference to sending your QSL via the bureau. Send your card via the bureau only as a last resort.
Benefits of OQRS
OQRS saves time and money!
  • you don't have to send your QSL
  • when using OQRS to request direct QSLs, you don't have to pay to mail your card to me
  • when using OQRS to request bureau QSLs, you save the transit time from you to your local bureau and from there to the incoming bureau PO box and from there to me. There are huge time savings to be had.
  • when using OQRS to request bureau QSLs, not only do you save lots of time, but you help to cut down the workload of your local outgoing bureau and the incoming bureau.
There is no reason NOT to use OQRS!

6303991 Last modified: 2015-07-16 00:29:20, 2666 bytes