3Z0LH ![]()
* Szczecin Poland
Page managed by SQ1EUG Lookups: 24304
20150907 1738UTC 10250kHz 3Z0LM
Date : 07/Sep/2015 1738UTC
Freq : 10250kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording

8th activity: 31.08-07.09.2015

ARLHS: POL 066 Brama Torowa 1E/Piastowski Kanal Entrance East
PGA: SF 01 (for Polish Gmina Award hunters)
WWloc. JO73et
QSL via: SP1DPA (prefered way - bureau)
7th activity:

from 16th of June to 22nd of June 2014.
Domańce Dolne (Front Range) POL052 53 33’6.9’’N 014 35’56.3’’E JO73hn - 3Z0LH;
Domańce Górne (Rear Range) POL053 53 32’45.7’’N 014 35’58.6’’E JO73hn - 3Z1BLH.
All bands. All modes.
6th activity: 04-11.06.2012 from signal lights of the fairway Szczecin - Swinoujscie

WWloc. JO73gp; SPPA: Z-GL; PGA: GL06.
QSL via SP1PBW (prefered via the bureau).
More info:http://www.sp1pbw.pl/3Z0LH 1/index.html (in polish).
5th activity: 09.08-14.08.2011 and 20.08-21.08.2011 from Inoujscie.
Ina Range Common Rear ARLHS POL054, Ina Range Southbound Front POL056.
Operators: 3Z1BLH - Slawek, SP1DPA - Waldek, SP1FFC - Wojtek, SP1TMN - Janusz, SQ1EUG - Jacek, SQ1PSA - Janek.
QSL via: SP1PBW.
more info: http://www.sp1pbw.pl/3Z0LH 1/index.html
4th activity: 31.07-10.08.2010 - Chelminek Island: 53,67N 14,53E
SPIA: SZ18 but not valid for IOTA; SPPA: Z-GL; PGA: GL06, grid square: JO73gq; activated ARLHS lights: POL-050 and POL-051.
QSL via: SP1DPA (prefered way - bureau)
see also: 3Z1BLH, 3Z1CLH.

3rd activity: April 30th - May 8th 2009 from CHELMINEK ISLAND.
Loc. JO73gq, for PGA:GL06, for SPPA: (Z)GL,for SP IOTA: SZ-18. Operators: SP1DOZ, DPA, FFC, TMN, SQ1EUG, DK9WE.

QSO: 2488
DXCC: 79 ( CW - 58, SSB - 55, RTTY - 16, PSK - 49 )
WAC: 6
Lights activated:
30.04.2009 - 03.05.2009 ARLHS POL050
04.05.2009 ARLHS POL051
05.05.2009 ARLHS POL047
06.05.2009 - 07.05.2009 ARLHS POL046
QSL via SP1TMN, QSL direct need SAE + 1IRC
2nd activity: 17-22.09.2008 from CHELMINEK ISLAND: 17-19.09.2008 CHELMINEK NORTH LIGHT POL 050 (ARLHS number) and 20-22.09.2008 CHELMINEK SOUTH LIGHT POL 051 (ARLHS number). More information about this lights on http://wlol.arlhs.com. Loc. JO73gq, for PGA:GL06, for SPPA: (Z)GL,for SP IOTA: SZ-18. Operators: SP1DOZ, DPA, FFC, TMN, SQ1EUG.
Chelminek (do 1945 niem. Leitholm) - sztuczna wyspa na Zalewie Szczecinskim u ujscia Odry do Zalewu (Roztoka Odrzanska), na polnocny wschod od Trzebiezy. Ma ok. 0,10 km powierzchni i wznosi sie ok. 1,7 m n. p. m. Powstala na mieliznie po roku 1889 z urobku, podczas poglebiania toru wodnego Szczecin-Swinouscie wytyczonego bezposrednio na zachod od wyspy. Jest waznym punktem nawigacyjnym oznaczonym dwoma latarniami swiecacymi swiatlem koloru czerwonego. Na Chelminku znajduja sie: dawny dom latarnika, mala przystan, tory wagonikow waskotorowych.
Chelminek ( to 1945 Leitholm German ) - artificial island in the Szczecin Lagoon at the mouth of the Oder Lagoon ( Glen Oder ), to the north - east of thinning . Is approximately 0.10 km and rises about 1.7 m above sea level on a sandbar formed after the 1889 excavations , while deepening the fairway Szczecin- Swinoujscie outlined, immediately west of the island. Navigation is an important point marked with two lanterns glowing red light . On Chelminek are : former home lighter, a small harbor , narrow gauge track coaches. .
Chelminek (bis 1945 deutsche Leitholm ) - eine kunstliche Insel im Stettiner Haff bis zur Mundung des Stettiner Haff ( Glen Odrzanska ) , im Norden - oestlich der Durchforstung . Ist etwa 0,10 km und erhebt sich etwa 1,7 m ueber dem Meeresspiegel auf einer Sandbank nach dem Jahre 1889 Ausgrabungen gebildet , wahrend die Vertiefung des Fahrwassers Szczecin- Swinoujscie dargelegt, unmittelbar westlich der Insel. Es war ein wichtiger Punkt der Navigation zwei Laternen Licht leuchtend rot . Am Chelminek sind: alte Haus , kleinen Hafen, Schmalspur Coaches.
1st activity: 17-18.08.2007 from POLICE RANGE FRONT POL 069 (ARLHS number) and 19-21.08.2007 from POLICE RANGE REAR POL 070 (ARLHS number). Loc. JO73hn, for PGA: CE04, for SPPA:(Z)CE. Operators: SP1DOZ, DPA, FFC, JW, QW, TMN, WSR,SQ1EUG, WSR.
6686702 Last modified: 2015-09-04 07:38:36, 9066 bytes
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