Sunday, September 10, 2017

20170910 3B9FR (Rodriguez Is) on 15m CW

20170910 3B9FR (Rodriguez Is) on 15m CW

3B9FR Rodriguez Island flag Rodriguez Island
Address Withheld

Rodriguez Island
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 371099 

20170910 1220UTC 21020kHz 3B9FR

Date : 10/Sep/2017 1220UTC
Freq : 21020kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording

Hi.. Long time can not see you...but Now I can get your signal : )  73's

QSL for 3B9FR is via Charles MØOXO

Please DO NOT send your QSL via the Bureau - They WILL NOT BE RECEIVED HERE
Use ONLY OQRS for ALL bureau requests

Although Robert enjoys meeting people on the air he asks that people bear in mind that for some, 3B9FR is a new DXCC, not least a new IOTA and/or Band Slot. For this reason he asks that people remember this when making triple/quadruple (and many more) qso's on the same band and mode when the pile up is heavy. Is is more than happy to work everyone but please bear in mind the pile size of the pile up and allow some others to make the qso as well. Thank you!

7889043 Last modified: 2017-02-09 07:00:31, 2900 bytes

20170910 7Z1SJ (Saudi Arabia) on 15m USB

20170910 7Z1SJ (Saudi Arabia) on 15m USB

7Z1SJ Saudi Arabia flag Saudi Arabia
If you need direct QSL send email To confirm the new address
Saudi Arabia
QSL: LOTW is preferable
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 208182 

20170910 1208UTC 21263kHz 7Z1SJ

Date : 10/Sep/2017 1208UTC
Freq : 21263kHz USB
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording


Flag Counter
Flag Counter
6188673 Last modified: 2015-07-16 00:22:39, 1981 bytes

20170910 CN2ZC (Morocco) on 20m USB

20170910 CN2ZC (Morocco) on 20m USB

CN2ZC Morocco flag Morocco
Golkem Cagri ZIVALI
Kavaklar Mh.Hasan Vehbi Sk.Acarlar Sitesi No:40 A3 D.3
QSL: Direct or LoTW
Page managed by TA1HZ Lookups: 2900 

20170910 0840UTC 14255kHz CN2ZC

Date : 10/Sep/2017 0840UTC
Freq : 14255kHz USB
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording   DX Code of Conduct  please by the rules

TA7AZC, Golkem, will be active from CN- Ksar Es Sghir as CN2ZC for the week of WAE DX SSB Contest 2017. He will be accompanied by TA1HZ Tev who will on the air as CN2HZ . QSL direct or LoTW.
We will be working with a Yaesu FT-991 running barefoot 100w into a windom wire antenna from the "shack" @ Ksar es Sghir. The qth looks like having a bad hill towards the south and west so SA/Africa might be troublesome but come on, folks, we are there for the WAE DX Contest, Europe will be our main target during the contest. And for the other times, let us see what will RF tricks show us :) .

Flag Counter Flag Counter

8308675 Last modified: 2017-09-02 09:09:51, 3818 bytes

20170910 V51WW (Namibia) on 20m USB

20170910 V51WW (Namibia) on 20m USB

V51WW Namibia flag Namibia
Wynand A Wolmarans
Pobox 962 Tsumeb
po box 962 tsumeb namibia 9000
Ham Member Lookups: 309226 

20170910 0829UTC 14225kHz V51WW

Date : 10/Sep/2017 0829UTC
Freq : 14225kHz USB
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording

Wooo...too late and QSB... but get V51WW : )

 Welcome to my qrz page.
Keep suporting the africa net"(aka real africa net )also called dx net from Friday's on 14225 to about 14200 range depending band conditions in busy we can even move to top of the band only in real bad busy contest we go qrt .The Africa net and or dx net started a couple years back with the dream of giving "small pistol stations" from Africa change to  work dx without Danny difficulty and to get Africa noticed.We are working on a first Africa dx net Africa net  buliten once month in central Africa and once a month between Europe for this we need ideas and audio clips plus a beam t rotate we got a th3 with missing parts that we recently putting up a band aid not the right way t do it but  desperate times call for desperate measures if u can help fix it properly with right spares let me now on the bands.We are looking desperately donations  welcome looking for flexiweave wire rolls and acorn and or kevlar rope.We trying to get some rare African countries back on air so also looking options for clean energy were electricity is scarce.Do.nt get fooled by a another callsign  advertise the same name for a different idea for the net Africa the net there is so more involved than just a net is a dream to unite Africa with the rest of the world.So no rare African stations on the similar net advertised.In life it's more than follow you own head with your buddy it's about principle and honour ,peace,love and getting along the bands so no tuning,whistling or out of turn calling as this prolong the pileup  and your fellow ham can miss out of a new band or country.Thx to all may hams friends out
there see u for a ragchew  or in the pileup.


My 1st ever yagi 4 el mononbander homebuit up from 13 august 2016
20 m up in height
Rebuilt Windmill tower
It was built orignaly oct 2015 but had mechanical problems and rebuilt august 2016.
Thx with some help from an friend.

Stations that did sended card through the slow bureu way plz send your details of qso both sides and i check if received in the recent past didn't received any cards til date yet for more than a year as this is not my priority as this is incoming i save up cards and send it at once on my own to the bureau to save costs on postage.
.I gladly offer my services as a qsl manager for African stations and the like

times normaly 15 utc plus minus 30 everyday for longpath stateside and officially call dx from 18utc.
weekends we try more to concentrate on dx(aka ,the africa dx net part)
on till about 20 utc
The africa net where africa meets the world.
If you hear anything similair to this it's a copy cat not the original.
do your homework and read up on the origin on qrz.
Starting fresh 2015 year big plans and rare stations.
bilingial net if not bussy in dutch qso break in if conditions is good
There can only be one!!
merry christmas and blesses holidays Happy New Year
hope to work you in the new year.
The Africa net webpage  is up and running on a new domain and  trying to sort out a few hiccups if anybody wants to help sort it out would be a blessing any volunteers?
any donations welcome in time expertise help setting up better antennas with the right equipment also looking for sombody to help cordinate an bilite nonce an month
basic station from 2015  t march was a borrowed ic 706 mk 1 100w
atu in to a longwire 2 wavelengths on 20m 42 feet up and a sloping vee beam 30m per leg plus aliminiuim tubing  same height planning asap to upgrade to about 18m /20m

recently  the sloping  v beam t zs had been upgraded  t 20m height sloping down 4m height ,stil a little bit fussy  t get it resonating  on both 160 and 20m recently changed the coax out from rg8 t a scrap piece lm r 400 bought at a telecom auction on a junk pile of old redundant telephone antennas the old solar system.
Got an other v beam down  almost same height 60m per length down because of mast failure
Rebuilding mast little higher this time about 30m .

Thanks for visting see u on the bands

8251181 Last modified: 2017-08-21 12:55:06, 5031 bytes

20170910 CR3W(Madeira Island) on 20m USB

20170910 CR3W(Madeira Island) on 20m USB

CR3W Madeira Island flag Madeira Island
Santana RRDXA Contest Team

Madeira Island
Page managed by DL5AXX Lookups: 18718 

20170910 0809UTC 14192kHz CR3W

Date : 10/Sep/2017 0809UTC
Freq : 14192kHz USB
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording

Please use the Online-QSL-request-system at
On the north coast of Madeira Island in the city of Santana Walter, DJ6QT, and his friends from the Rhein Ruhr DX Association (RRDXA) have built up a competitive contest station over the last ten years. CT9L, CQ3L and CR3L have been active in nearly each major contest with outstanding results.
Now Walter has decided to step down from the front line. A small group of RRDXA members have taken over the duty to keep this location running. They are Uli (DJ2YA), Dieter (DJ4QT), Falk (DK7YY), Ulf (DL5AXX) and Thomas (DL6TK) so far.
In February 2016 we have started with the new call sign CR3W and piled up more than 6000 QSOs in the ARRL-CW contest. Many other activities will follow.
If you are interested in joining one of our RRDXA teams in a major contest, feel free to contact us and we will find a good solution.
7158104 Last modified: 2016-03-11 18:50:46, 993 bytes
Please use the Online-QSL-request-system at
On the north coast of Madeira Island in the city of Santana Walter, DJ6QT, and his friends from the Rhein Ruhr DX Association (RRDXA) have built up a competitive contest station over the last ten years. CT9L, CQ3L and CR3L have been active in nearly each major contest with outstanding results.
Now Walter has decided to step down from the front line. A small group of RRDXA members have taken over the duty to keep this location running. They are Uli (DJ2YA), Dieter (DJ4QT), Falk (DK7YY), Ulf (DL5AXX) and Thomas (DL6TK) so far.
In February 2016 we have started with the new call sign CR3W and piled up more than 6000 QSOs in the ARRL-CW contest. Many other activities will follow.
If you are interested in joining one of our RRDXA teams in a major contest, feel free to contact us and we will find a good solution.
7158104 Last modified: 2016-03-11 18:50:46, 993 bytes
Please use the Online-QSL-request-system at
On the north coast of Madeira Island in the city of Santana Walter, DJ6QT, and his friends from the Rhein Ruhr DX Association (RRDXA) have built up a competitive contest station over the last ten years. CT9L, CQ3L and CR3L have been active in nearly each major contest with outstanding results.
Now Walter has decided to step down from the front line. A small group of RRDXA members have taken over the duty to keep this location running. They are Uli (DJ2YA), Dieter (DJ4QT), Falk (DK7YY), Ulf (DL5AXX) and Thomas (DL6TK) so far.
In February 2016 we have started with the new call sign CR3W and piled up more than 6000 QSOs in the ARRL-CW contest. Many other activities will follow.
If you are interested in joining one of our RRDXA teams in a major contest, feel free to contact us and we will find a good solution.
7158104 Last modified: 2016-03-11 18:50:46, 993 bytes

20170910 SV3/SV2DSJ/P(Greece) on 20m CW

20170910 SV3/SV2DSJ/P(Greece) on 20m CW

SV2DSJ Greece flag Greece
Panagiotis Violistis
18 Stroggili str.
Kalamaria, Thessaloniki 551 32
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 40610 

20170910 0756UTC 14060kHz SV3/SV2DSJ/P

Date : 10/Sep/2017 0756UTC
Freq : 14060kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording

QSL policy:

I prefer upload my Logs to LoTW.
I send QSL cards only to reply to the cards I have received DIRECT.
Please from 2015....NO BUREAU!!!!   only DIRECT or LOTW!!!!!!
Due to the ham spirit, you don`t need to enclose any money or stamps in your direct QSL, but a self-addressed envelope (SAE) only.
Also SWL reports are most welcome and will be 100% replied.

I like very much portable/QRP operations & contesting!!!
Prefered CW & SSB but I work all modes!!

   Proud member of   NORTHERN GREECE CONTEST TEAM        J42T 

member of  R.A.U.N.G.(Radio Amateur Union of Nothern Greece)
member of  R.A.A.G.(Radio Amateur Association of Greece)
& finally ... Proud Member of the famous Pikra DX Club in Thessaloniki Greece.

All the members are DXCC holders and DX freaks.

Flag Counter

Flag Counter
7458702 Last modified: 2016-07-22 19:47:12, 7781 bytes

20170910 A61HA(United Arab Emirates) on 20m USB

20170910 A61HA(United Arab Emirateson 20m USB

A61HA United Arab Emirates flag United Arab Emirates
Abu Dhabi
QTH: Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 110865 

20170910 0739UTC 14260kHz A61HA

Date : 10/Sep/2017 0739UTC
Freq : 14260kHz USB
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording

Nice signal and WAE : )
8133975 Last modified: 2017-06-02 21:34:46, 1627 bytes