20170910 CN2ZC (Morocco) on 20m USB
CN2ZC Morocco
Golkem Cagri ZIVALI
Kavaklar Mh.Hasan Vehbi Sk.Acarlar Sitesi No:40 A3 D.3 TURKEY/GİRESUN P.K. 73 28100 Morocco
QSL: Direct or LoTW
Page managed by TA1HZ Lookups: 2900
20170910 0840UTC 14255kHz CN2ZC
Date : 10/Sep/2017 0840UTC
Freq : 14255kHz USB
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
http://www.dx-code.org/home.html DX Code of Conduct please by the rules
TA7AZC, Golkem, will be active from CN- Ksar Es Sghir as CN2ZC for the week of WAE DX SSB Contest 2017. He will be accompanied by TA1HZ Tev who will on the air as CN2HZ . QSL direct or LoTW.
We will be working with a Yaesu FT-991 running barefoot 100w into a windom wire antenna from the "shack" @ Ksar es Sghir. The qth looks like having a bad hill towards the south and west so SA/Africa might be troublesome but come on, folks, we are there for the WAE DX Contest, Europe will be our main target during the contest. And for the other times, let us see what will RF tricks show us :) .
8308675 Last modified: 2017-09-02 09:09:51, 3818 bytes
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