Z21MG Zimbabwe
David Beran
Dolni Kamenice 55 Holysov, CZ 34562 Czech Republic
QSL: www.cdxp.cz
Email: Use mouse to view..
Page managed by OK6DJ Lookups: 9284
20150922 1923UTC 14030kHz Z21MG
Date : 22/Sep/2015 1923UTC
Freq : 14030kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
Dates: Arrival : 20th September , Departure : 02nd October
On air approx: limited/building up 20,21th, fully from 21st till 30th, limited/dismantling 1st
OK6DJ David
OK1FPS Pavel
Dates: Arrival : 20th September , Departure : 02nd October
On air approx: limited/building up 20,21th, fully from 21st till 30th, limited/dismantling 1st
OK6DJ David
OK1FPS Pavel
Antenna/radio setup:
3 x Elecraft K3, 3x PA, Antennas 2 x Spiderbeam incl WARC, 1 x vertical 40m-30m, 1 vertical 160/80m + special RX ant for low bands.
3 x Elecraft K3, 3x PA, Antennas 2 x Spiderbeam incl WARC, 1 x vertical 40m-30m, 1 vertical 160/80m + special RX ant for low bands.
SSB, CW, Digital including RTTY. CQ WW RTTY
SSB, CW, Digital including RTTY. CQ WW RTTY
Please use Clublog’s excellent OQRS to request your Direct or Bureau QSLs for all DXpedition. Please do NOT send cards through the Bureau or through the mail. Use OQRS instead! It’s so much easier, faster and cheaper.
QSL via OK6DJ/ OQRS Clublog/direct/Lotw/eqsl, buro
QSL info : OK6DJ
1. OQRS – direct QSO to LOTW send every month
1. OQRS – direct QSO to LOTW send every month
2. DIRECT – minimum 3 Usd or new 2 IRC – accept expiring end 2017 – QSO to LOTW send every month
3. No stamps accepted
4. Lotw, Eqsl.cc – 6 months
5. OQRS via buro 6 months
6. Paper QSL via buro 12 months
6663202 Last modified: 2015-08-24 09:26:51, 3639 bytes