E6GG Niue
Six-G DX-ped Group : G3BJ, G3SVL, G3TXF, G3WGN, G3WPH, G4JKS and G4TSH
DX-pedition to Niue : Sep 2015 Niue
Page managed by G3TXF Lookups: 26400
20150922 0708UTC 14017kHz E6GG
Date : 22/Sep/2015 0708UTC
Freq : 14017kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
E6GG is the callsign of the DX-pedition to Niue scheduled for the second half of September 2015.
Don G3BJ, Chris G3SVL, Nigel G3TXF, David G3WGN, Mike G3WPH, Hilary G4JKS and Justin G4TSH.
Please check the E6GG web-site www.e6gg.com for further details..
Use the link above, to go to the Club Log page, put in your own callsign and then press “Request QSL”. You can then choose to receive your E6GG QSLs either via the Bureau or Direct
The full E6GG log will be up-loaded to LoTW.
Don G3BJ, Chris G3SVL, Nigel G3TXF, David G3WGN, Mike G3WPH, Hilary G4JKS and Justin G4TSH.
Please check the E6GG web-site www.e6gg.com for further details..
Please use Club Log’s OQRS for requesting either Bureau or Directs QSLs for E6GG.
Request a QSL via OQRS Use the link above, to go to the Club Log page, put in your own callsign and then press “Request QSL”. You can then choose to receive your E6GG QSLs either via the Bureau or Direct
The full E6GG log will be up-loaded to LoTW.
We are happy to send you an E6GG QSL, but your QSL card is not needed. Thank you.
Please do not send QSLs through the Bureau to request a Bureau QSL. Use Club Log’s OQRS to request a Bureau QSL from E6GG. It is much faster using OQRS to request a Bureau QSL than sending your card to request a reply Bureau QSL. We will be despatching E6GG reply Bureau QSLs directly to each of the national QSL Bureaux around the world.
Please do not mail letters with Direct QSLs to G3TXF. Use the E6GG OQRS to request your Direct QSL. OQRS is much faster, cheaper and simpler for Direct QSLs.
The E6GG QSL Manager always replies to all requests for QSLs. But please use only Club Log’s OQRS for requesting either Bureau QSLs or Direct QSLs.
73 – Nigel G3TXF
6709477 Last modified: 2015-09-21 18:41:01, 3534 bytes