5R8SV ![]()
Jack Welch
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20150824 1644UTC 14033kHz 5R8SV
Date : 24/Aug/2015 1644UTC
Freq : 14033kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
QSL VIA G3SWH ONLY. IRCs are NOT accepted (sorry).
For log searches and full QSL information, please visit the 5R8SV page on the G3SWH web site.
Some insight on the way I operate: The noise level around my house varies greatly, but is typically high. Between that and trying to pick call signs out of pile ups, I may have difficulty hearing what should be a reasonably strong signal. This may explain why I seem to have difficulty copying a signal but then give it a pretty good RST.
My general goal in operating is to work everyone that I can. If I say "up 1", I mean literally up one khz. If I say "up" and don't specify the offset, it means that I'm hearing a bunch of stations and am encouraging some spreading. If I'm not working split, I appreciate it if stations spread themselves out a bit -- I do twist the RIT and often can hear the stations at either edge of the pack better than those in the center. Thanks!
I will keep the most recent info here and archive the updates on my blog.
August 20, 2015: I've installed a new laptop (T420) and sound interface (EMU-0204) in the shack, dedicated to the TS450 that I use for digital. In addition to working a slew of PSK and RTTY contacts, last night I had my first JT9 and JT65 contacts. 5W seems to do fine for contacts in the US and EU. I'll continue to alternate phone, cw, and digital. More good news: no travel planned for the next month, so looking forward to logging some more on-air time.
August 16, 2015: The hex beam is up at full height. I'm still tweaking it, but by and large, it is functional and makes a huge difference in terms of what I can hear. I have also replaced the G5RV with a dedicated 40m dipole. This weekend I tried a bit of digital including the SARL digital HF contest.
August 10, 2015: I got the hex beam in place, albeit not fully raised, in time for the Skeeter Hunt. I worked a number of EU stations on 5W, but alas no Skeeters. At about 7 meters up, the antenna tested resonant for all bands and seemed to perform fine. I should finish raising and guying it today.
August 5, 2015: I'm back in Madagascar after about 5 weeks in the US. Currently jet-lagged and drenched in email, I'm hoping to participate in the NJQRP Skeeter Hunt this weekend -- if you hear me calling "CQ BZZ" that's what's going on. I've worked 2-way QRP to the US before, so let's hope propagation is favorable. For that contest, I'd be happy to work any QRP station worldwide. I am skeeter station #96, so I will send the exchange "{rst} Jack DX 96". If you are a Skeeter station, please send a similar exchange, but other stations should send their report, first name, S/P/C ("DX" for stations outside North America) and their power in watts, e.g., "449 Vlad DX 5W".
6655923 Last modified: 2015-08-21 09:55:13, 4009 bytes
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