Andre Bourbon
(ex) C56YK - ON7YK - C5S Bijilo The Gambia
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Page managed by ON7YK Lookups: 132149
20150425 1139UTC 21310kHz C5YK
Date : 25/Apr/2015 1139UTC
Freq : 21310kHz USB
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
The only resident licensed operator here in The Gambia !
Last info about my activity see on my blog : http://www.on7yk.eu/
My QSL policy , read it before you send me a qsl card :
Logsearch : Logsearch Webpage !!!!!! Logbook Updated the day after our Qso !!!!!!!!!
MyQSL Manager from January , The 9,2012 !!!!!
I make a collection of all Gambian call sign , used since the beginning of ham radio activity in The Gambia.
Started with the call signs : ZD3.. ( old Gambian dxcc ) and later with C5...
Are you the owner of a real Gambian callsign, would it be possible to send me a digital copy of the front of the QSL card, or by normal post is also possible to my qsl manager,see adress below.
My sincere thanks to all the ham's for their help.
Owner of the first C5 6M EME QSO !!
Last info about my activity see on my blog : http://www.on7yk.eu/
My QSL policy , read it before you send me a qsl card :
- please read the qsl information and be sure that your call is in my online logbook !!!!!!
- If you are not in the online logbook than there was no valid ( complete) QSO !!!!!!!
- Please use only IRC with a valid date till 2017
- No QSL or logbook request via QRZ.com !
MyQSL Manager from January , The 9,2012 !!!!!
- Generet Eddy ON6EG
- PO BOX 86
- 4800 Verviers
- Belgium
- Be aware that some qsl-cards are lost or even stolen by post employees. When you send a qsl card to me NEVER use your call sign are my call sign on the letter . Just put my adress or the adress form my QSL-Manager and on the S.A.S.E only your adress. Also close the letter with a tape . ----- I don't send twice my qsl card when the letter is lost in that case.
I make a collection of all Gambian call sign , used since the beginning of ham radio activity in The Gambia.
Started with the call signs : ZD3.. ( old Gambian dxcc ) and later with C5...
Are you the owner of a real Gambian callsign, would it be possible to send me a digital copy of the front of the QSL card, or by normal post is also possible to my qsl manager,see adress below.
My sincere thanks to all the ham's for their help.
Owner of the first C5 6M EME QSO !!
- Hamspirit my friends is very important. So please respect The DX CODE of CONDUCT.
- My station is NOT a DX EXPEDITION !!!!!!!!!!!
- And there are still many weak stations want to work me, for some C5 is still a new one, especially outside EU.
- So let us enjoy amateurradio worldwide !!!!!!!!!!!
- First by :E'qsl
- Second by : LoTW (Update Monthly)
- Third by:Direct ( adress see below)
- Last by : the bureau.( but that can take a long time)
- For Direct : Generet Eddy ON6EG , PO BOX 86 4800 VERVIERS BELGIUM
- For qsl direct please send a SAE :
- Belgium post office increase there post tax !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- One(1) IRC or Two(2) US dollars will pay for return postage in Europe for up to two cards.
One(1) IRC or Two(2) US dollars are needed for outside Europe for up to two cards. - I have a number of direct cards who have not enclosed either dollars or IRCs or SAE.
I have already stated that if no postage or SAE is sent with your card I will treat your card as a bureau request. - Please on your qsl card the time of the qso in UTC
- Use only green stamps
- If the qsl is confirmd for band x I don't send a second card for the same band, except the mode is different.
- E'qsl will be confirmd with E'qsl.
- If you send a Qsl card this will be confirmd with a qsl card.
- Confirming of maximum 3 qso 's on your qsl card !!!!!!!!!!!!!
1883427 Last modified: 2015-04-18 09:08:34, 10164 bytes
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