DXpedition To Iran Kish Island IOTA AS166
January 2015
By The Rockall DX Group
January 2015
By The Rockall DX Group
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Date : 17/Jan/2015 1911UTC
Freq : 7013kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
publication many DX groups and individuals offered to support this
expedition which we highly appreciate. So far, the preparations are
progressing smoothly and according to plan.
of QSL cards with EP is not always going smoothly and sometimes high
costs are involved to cover postal expenses. As in the past with
previous Rockall DX Group expeditions we asked Tim M0URX to take care
of the QSL chores for the EP6T operation. Together with Max ON5UR,
responsible for the QSL card design and printing, they are a great team
and without doubt you can count on a fast service. And, yes, the
complete log will be uploaded to LoTW right after the expedition has
would like to thank Dr. Azim Fard, Director General of the
Communication Regulatory Authority (CRA) and amongst others is
responsible for the radio amateur licenses in the I.R of Iran. Together
with his team and the people of national security, he has made this
expedition possible. This expedition stands for “friendship and cultural
In a country with 80 million inhabitants and only 13 (!) radio amateurs,
the user manual written and edited by Tony ON6TM will be a guide for
students to learn the basics for their Ham radio ticket. Dr. Fard has
confirmed his support towards amateur radio in Iran and is planning
assessments at various locations across the nation. Since our last
meeting in Tehran, already 300 candidates have announced their
participation for these exams!
Rockall DX group has been granted permission to welcome the radio
amateurs from Iran at the expedition location. Some of them will be
right next to our side to learn the skills about pile-up handling and
get some insight in station managing.
Mohammad EP3MIR will be our guide and will also assist with local negotiations.
Our pilot stations Bjorn ON9CFG and Floyd N5FG will work together with Theo ON4ATW and provide us with the necessary feedback.
In the meantime we have our website up and running ! Feel free to visit us at www.rockall.be to
meet our team and view our plans. Be sure not to forget to fill in our
poll and leave a message @ the guestbook ! Or follow us on twitter @RockallDX or like us on Facebook Rockall DX Group
The Rockall DX group.
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1596894 Last modified: 2015-01-10 23:04:31, 15355 bytes
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