Douglas N Turnbull
DeForest House Coolfore, Monasterboice, Co. Louth Ireland
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 47206
20140927 2025UTC 10118kHz EI2CN
Date : 27/Sep/2014 2025UTC
Freq : 10118kHz CW
PC recording
The photos immediately above are of myself and the QTH.
Please, No IRCs! I can not use them in Ireland. Sorry for this inconvenience.
Old call signs were W1CGG and K4WQZ. I was first Licensed as KN4WQZ in 1960. American licnense class is Amateur Extra and current call is KC1AV.
First liecensed in Ireland in 1973. After a number of years inactivity I am now back on the bands and gradually restoring my antenna system. At the moment my main interest is 160M CW. Top band is new to me and due to a long absence I am trying to rebuild CW skills.
My interests in the past were Homebrew, DX and Contests. While a young man I was privileged to belong to Potomac Valley Radio Club.
Radio Elecraft K3
RX antenna for low bands K9AY and Hi-Z Four Square
(720 foot Beverage on Japan
580 foot Beverage on North America
720 foot Beverage on Africa
720 foot Beverage on KH6/W6
Beverages down for warmer months while farmers graze horses and cattle)
4 el SteppIR at 80 feet height PST 61 Rotator
Inverted L for 160M 85/95 feet vertical run 8 raised radials
SteppIR Big Vertical with 80M loading coil and 128 60' radials
MicroKeyer II Wintest log for contest
DXCC 160M 190 confirmed
DXCC mixed 319 confirmed
QSL Direct with SAE and preferably $2 for outside europe. Inside the EU $1 is fine. Please no IRCs, the Irish Post Office does not want to see them. If IRCs are received then reply will be via the bureau. I reply to all bureau cards though the bureau is slow so please be patient. I prefer paper logs except for contests and so do not use on line QSL services. I do not use LOTW, dinosaurs still roam this planet.
The very top photo is a view from ten feet below the Yagi looking south. The photos of teh QTH and towers were taken from a small plane. There is a buisness in EI land of taking such photos which are popular with farmers.
91312 Last modified: 2013-07-14 17:27:18, 2509 bytes
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