Association Of OH-DX-Ring
P.O. Box 73 02380 Espoo Finland
Page managed by OH2BH Lookups: 5101
20140925 1442UTC 14011kHz OJ0AM
Date : 25Sep/2014 1442UTC
Freq : 14011kHz CW
PC recording
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMARKET REEF, OJ0AM, ALAND ISLANDS, OH0AM AND OF2AM AS PART OF 50th ANNIVERSARY OF OH-DX-RING, OH2AMThis coming Saturday, September 20 a party of Juha, OH9MM and Martti, OH2BH will attempt a landing on Market Reef to put OJ0AM on the air for one week on all bands. A permanent beam is in place to boost their signals. But not only will they operate on the air; they also plan to proceed with an experiment of real and virtual Amateur Radio coexisting by conducting a first-ever activity from Market in Virtual Reality. As Market Reef is outside of regular cell phone and terrestrial internet coverage, the team has made an arrangement with Eutelsat Ka-Sat to secure OJ0AM with a satellite broadband link. They tested the link from mainland Finland and a downlink speed of 18Mbit/s and uplink of 6Mbit/s was verified. A latency of some 800 ms was experienced, posing a challenge for operators at both ends of the satellite circuit. www.eutelsat.com/en/satellites/the-fleet/EUTELSAT-KA-SAT.html This is a classic example of regular Amateur Radio’s role in presenting attractive opportunities for young people who would like to see the Amateur Radio community move ahead in concert with today’s technology while honoring the traditional radio spectrum as the backbone of Amateur Radio serving many segments of society at large. www.radioarcala.com/?page_id=217 RECAP OF OH-DX-RING, OH2AMBack in August 15, 1964 a bunch of schoolboys got together and they were talking loud. Their idea was to form a club focusing on DX and contests and reaching out beyond the borders of their own country. That was the day when OH-DX-Ring was formally added to the official files of registered associations in Finland. The gang and spirit of OH2AM was born.That single day meant a lot to Amateur Radio in Finland. Already in 1966 OH2AM won the world (multi-multi) in CQWW (OF2AM call was used in the first top scoring effort) and that marked the start of multiple wins from Finland, Gambia, Lebanon, Canary Islands, Madeira and Azores as a team. Later many of the original members embarked on their own individual paths, still working together in the same original spirit: OH0XX, OH2BBR, OH2BC (6m) , OH2BH and OH2MM launched their own global adventures in Amateur Radio. Their famous Brando site, originally OH0AM, was established 34 years ago and it is still going strong now under a variety of slick two-by-one callsigns. Several successive generations saw the light in the famed Aland Islands sauna, well known to numerous visiting DXers from all continents. In 1969 Market Reef was introduced as a new DXCC country courtesy of the efforts of this same group, and this started a stream of new country initiatives taking Finns to rare or new DXCC entities on many occasions. An interesting feature of OJ0-land was that a permanent lighthouse keeper, Kee, OJ0MA made Market Reef a regular fixture on the bands, NCDXF was instrumental in furnishing him with needed equipment. On one special outing, bringing him the equipment, OJ0AM callsign was activated. Today the lighthouse is fully automated but under the special care of the Finnish Lighthouse Society, always friendly to visiting DX types. Please follow the days of OJ0AM at www.majakkaseura.fi/eng/market/ While the actual 50th anniversary ceremony took place on August 15, 2014 in the heart of Helsinki, it was decided that the OJ0AM, OH0AM and OF2AM callsigns would appear on the air for the remainder of 2014 with some of these highlights featured in special certificate size combo OF2AM/OH0AM/OJ0AM QSL cards for those contacting all three stations. QSL via OH2BH. ANNIVERSARY MESSAGE FROM YV5AM TO THE GANG AT OH2AMWhat a collection of happy times all those marvelous 50 years.Somehow the YV hams felt so close to those distant Nordic hams with whom we had so many QSO on 20 meters sometimes via long path; and the healthy competition on contest with our own Radio Club Venezolano and the Venezuelan DX Club teams, alas most of their operators have already gone to the superior spectrum. I was privileged by destiny to live for almost five years in your wonderful country and had the opportunity to meet the majority of the OH-DX-Ring in person and share such good times operating OH0AM from Brando, Aland Island; other times telling stories and enjoying the virtues of a savusauna followed by a generous ingestion of Koskenkorva and Olut. Briefly, those were the happiest five years for myself and my family. My friends, congratulations for the great achievements of the OH hams, which as a group and individuals gave the example to other hams all over the world. Thanks for your friendship and hospitality. Reinaldo "Reiska" Leandro, YV5AM |
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