P O BOX 1148 Gibraltar Gibraltar
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Ham Member Lookups: 87872
20140914 1930UTC 7123kHz ZB2JK
Date : 14/Sep/2014 1930UTC
Freq : 7123kHz LSB
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
QSL Direct only $2 or 2 IRC, include a SAE
I get many QSL cards, for (ZB2JK + ZG2JK + ZB2LGT + HS0ZIQ + M0JAF/MM + 9H3JK + ZQ2JK ) so please be patient, and follow the rules, cards with no IRC or $ will not be replied to, sorry.. also if you are not in the log no reply QSL card will be sent back, money will be put in a local charity collection box, if any recieved, recently I have been getting QSL cards from stations who I have not worked, and in some cases stations who say they have worked me on 80m unfortunatly i have never opperated on this band as no Antenna., Gibraltar is a small palce and many restrictons in place for Antennas.
Mainly work portable, and enjoy working from the top of the rock of Gibraltar or by the sea with low Power radios
When Mobile use my FT 857 with a ATAS 120.
Visit the below facebok page for info on GARS, and additional pictures etc..
Other call's used..
ZG2JK 10th September every Year Gibraltar National Day
ZQ2JK Special call for the HRH Queen Elizibeth May-June 2012
HS0ZIQ 2007-2014
9H3JK Malta 2011 + 2013
9V1/M0JAF Singapore 2007-2013
HL/M0JAF S Korea 2009
M0JAF/MM from Indian Ocean/Med/Atlantic 2005-Present
I also managed
ZB2LGT, Gibraltar Light House 2010-Present
ZB2MOLE, Special Activation from the Detached Mole Gibraltar March 2013.

Portable from the Top of the Rock 450m ASL


I get many QSL cards, for (ZB2JK + ZG2JK + ZB2LGT + HS0ZIQ + M0JAF/MM + 9H3JK + ZQ2JK ) so please be patient, and follow the rules, cards with no IRC or $ will not be replied to, sorry.. also if you are not in the log no reply QSL card will be sent back, money will be put in a local charity collection box, if any recieved, recently I have been getting QSL cards from stations who I have not worked, and in some cases stations who say they have worked me on 80m unfortunatly i have never opperated on this band as no Antenna., Gibraltar is a small palce and many restrictons in place for Antennas.
Mainly work portable, and enjoy working from the top of the rock of Gibraltar or by the sea with low Power radios
When Mobile use my FT 857 with a ATAS 120.
Visit the below facebok page for info on GARS, and additional pictures etc..
Other call's used..
ZG2JK 10th September every Year Gibraltar National Day
ZQ2JK Special call for the HRH Queen Elizibeth May-June 2012
HS0ZIQ 2007-2014
9H3JK Malta 2011 + 2013
9V1/M0JAF Singapore 2007-2013
HL/M0JAF S Korea 2009
M0JAF/MM from Indian Ocean/Med/Atlantic 2005-Present
I also managed
ZB2LGT, Gibraltar Light House 2010-Present
ZB2MOLE, Special Activation from the Detached Mole Gibraltar March 2013.
Portable from the Top of the Rock 450m ASL
1250240 Last modified: 2014-09-09 15:29:39, 2913 bytes
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