Arno Polinsky
QSL via DL1CW (prefered via Bureau) Cape Coast Ghana
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20140528 2016UTC 10124kHz 9G5ZZ
Date : 28/May/2014 2016UTC
Freq : 10124kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
Bureau cards will be surely answered, only if you cannot resist, send your card direct to my home address (see DL1CW).
No LotW or eQSL.
Remark: German postage for a letter to overseas is 1 (valid) IRC or 0,75 EURO. That is the exchange of a bit more then one GS. 2.00 US$ will make the job for sure, what you spend more, please see below!
Like on all trips before: All money beyond the needed postage, is going to sponsor the "Bjorn-Schultz-Stiftung", who is helping children affected by cancer.
QTH is near Cape Coast, at the Biriwa Beach Hotel. www.hotelbiriwabeach.de
Since internet is working with a UMTS stick, at CLUBLOG you will find a realtime log for search. (CW QSOs only!)
For RTTY, I upload them manually every 2 days.
If I just disappear, do not take it personal. It is most likely the effect of an unexpected power cut. That is daily business here, since we are in Africa.
Rig: IC-7000 (100W) and Vertical R-7000. GP for 80m is under preparation.
Hope to hear you on the bands. 73 de Arno
No LotW or eQSL.
Actual operation is in around CQ-WPX-CW (from 18.May till 1.June 2014).
CW only from 40m to 10m. Probably some 80m too, but no effort for Top Band.
Small chance of making RTTY, but if, then please be patient with me since I do not have RTTY-Pile-Up experiences at all.�
I will NOT have a microfon with me - so, no SSB!CW only from 40m to 10m. Probably some 80m too, but no effort for Top Band.
Small chance of making RTTY, but if, then please be patient with me since I do not have RTTY-Pile-Up experiences at all.�
Remark: German postage for a letter to overseas is 1 (valid) IRC or 0,75 EURO. That is the exchange of a bit more then one GS. 2.00 US$ will make the job for sure, what you spend more, please see below!
Like on all trips before: All money beyond the needed postage, is going to sponsor the "Bjorn-Schultz-Stiftung", who is helping children affected by cancer.
QTH is near Cape Coast, at the Biriwa Beach Hotel. www.hotelbiriwabeach.de
Since internet is working with a UMTS stick, at CLUBLOG you will find a realtime log for search. (CW QSOs only!)
For RTTY, I upload them manually every 2 days.
If I just disappear, do not take it personal. It is most likely the effect of an unexpected power cut. That is daily business here, since we are in Africa.
Rig: IC-7000 (100W) and Vertical R-7000. GP for 80m is under preparation.
Hope to hear you on the bands. 73 de Arno
943758 Last modified: 2014-05-22 08:34:35, 1871 bytes
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