David Meadows 46 Mbretresha Teuta, Pristina Republic of Kosovo [+] Mailing label | ||
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20140412 0648UTC 14004kHz Z63MED
Date : 12/Apr/2014 0648UTC
Freq : 14004kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
OPERATING FROM PRISTINA, KOSOVO - for further details on the status of Kosovo please see QRZ.COM Callsign Z60A - A developing story on Amateur Radio in Kosovo which is not currently a DXCC entity.
QSL to USA direct to David Meadows, CTS, P.O. Box 4778 UNMIK, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163-4778. USA to be sure of receiving a QSL card. You send me a card you get one back. Simple. Please include postage. IRC's no use here !! US Stations SASE is fine.
Running a Yaesu ftdx 3000 to a 3 Element Beam up to 400w (with rotator) and an inverted V dipole for 40 Metres. A new piece of equipment on my inventory is an ACOM 1010 linear amplifier - Fantastic performance. Bencher RJ1 straight key, Microphone MD-200 A8X dynamic microphone. Hungarian made single paddle key and new addition double paddle Kent key -
Fanatical CW operator on all bands - propagation allowing :) Bencher straight key and after 45 years of operating have just acquired a single paddle automatic keyer (might take me a day or two to get used to it :)
Member of the RSARS -(Royal Signals Amateur Radio Society) NUMBER RSARS 4211
Member of the Croatian Telegraphy Club - CTC 3.093
I would be happy to join any SSB/CW/Telegraphy Club that I am invited to. :) This is a Global Hobby !!!!
Not contesting at this time
Lived and worked in the following Countries during my career, (Born in Neston, Wirral, Cheshire UK), Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Namibia,South Africa, Liberia, Angola, Uganda, Haiti, USA New York, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Maldives, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Sudan, South Sudan, Darfur, Kenya, Ivory Coast, East Timor, Australia, Nigeria, India, Indonesia, Phillipines, Italy, Germany, France, Switzerland, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Eastern Slavonia, Morocco, Algeria, Western Sahara,Ethiopia, Eritrea. Denmark, Holland, Cyprus, Currently Kosovo.
Special thanks to Fehmi - Z62FB for his invaluable assistance in building my shack/rig
Best 73's
My Antenna's on 20 Metre tower
Living and Working in Pristina Kosovo. Originally from Neston, Wirral, Cheshire. United Kingdom.
(If you really need my QSL for your award and you cannot get into the pile up - send me an e mail and I will try my best to help :):) by exception either SSB or CW in an unscheduled meeting on the band ). QSL only to stations worked. !!!
Member CTC - #3.093
Last modified: 2014-04-09 08:15:47, 4395 bytes
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