J52HF VRDXT J52HF c/o Lucio Bresciani I3LDP Via Locchi 29 37124 VERONA Italy [+] Mailing label | ||
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20140401 2003UTC 14210kHz J52HF
Date : 01/Apr/2014 2003UTC
Freq : 14210kHz USB
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
J52HF is again on air till April 5 2014
(2 operators, in the spare time, mainly on 20-15-10-6 m SSB, RTTY, JT65HF)
J52HF was again on air from February 10 to March 2 2013
Some members of Verona DX Team returned in Cumura to help the mission with their work. In the spare time they were on air on HF and 50 MHz, only SSB.Operators: IZ3BUR Livio - IK3RBE Libero - IK3VVD Enzo - IZ3STA Ilario - IK3VZJ Milena. With the support of Rosy and Loris.
For info see our site: www.ari.verona.it/veronadxteam/en
J52HF & J52EME DXpedition ended April 6 2012
All QSL cards requested via direct or via OQRS were answered.
If you didn't receive yours please write to veronadxteam@gmail.com
J52HF operations were approved for
DXCC credit on 20 september 2012.
After the foundation of the VERONA DX TEAM (VRDXT), we are happy to announce our upcomingactivity from J5 Guinea Bissau.
TheHF operations are scheduled from 24 March to 6 April 2012.
The call will be J52HF, locator IK21dtSimultaneously we'll also be active with an EME station on 144, 432 and 50 MHz with the call J52EME
From Cumura we’ll try to operate 2 stations on the HF bands. One station will be active from the Father Gianfranco J52OFM radio shack, equipped with a 3 elem. for 10/15/20 meters and the other station will be field day style, with a home made spiderbeam for 20/17/12 meters (tnx IK3JBP), which will be installed nearby
Dipoles and loops will be installed to cover the remaining bands.
Operations will base mainly on RTTY and CW modes, but that does’nt mean that we will be not active in SSB, we’ll be present in the CQ WW WPX SSB.
Considering that we have problems with mains supply at night, we'll have to make the most of the openings offered by propagation during daylight hours.
We’ll try to favour QSOs with the countries most interested in the new one, if the propagation conditions permit.
On the low bands we would like to satisfy everyone, we have temporarily excluded operations in 160 meters.
We’ll also operate on 6m, but only on sked to take advantage of the potential ES openings and do not take time away from other bands.
The main purpose of our expedition is essentially humanitarian, as clearly shown on our site, but the involvement of amateur radio is particularly appropriate on this occasion, not only for us that operate from Guinea-Bissau, but also for those who will be able to have a QSO with a country among the poorest on earth. Operators will be: I3LDP Lucio (SSB, RTTY), IK3IUL Silverio (CW, SSB, RTTY), IZ3BUR Livio (SSB, RTTY), I3VJW Walter (CW, SSB, RTTY), IK3RBE Libero (SSB, RTTY), Milena IK3VZJ (RTTY, SSB), Tony IK3ESB (SSB, CW, RTTY), Ilario IZ3STA (SSB, RTTY). For operations on 6 meters: I3LDP, IK3RBE, IK3ESB and IZ3STA; only on sked.
RTX: Kenwood TS-590, ICOM IC-7000 PA: Acom 1000
Further operational details will be announced as we will have updated information from Father Gianfranco J52OFM, our logistical support in J5.
These are the frequencies on which we’ll try to operate, call J52HF:
Dipoles and loops will be installed to cover the remaining bands.
Operations will base mainly on RTTY and CW modes, but that does’nt mean that we will be not active in SSB, we’ll be present in the CQ WW WPX SSB.
Considering that we have problems with mains supply at night, we'll have to make the most of the openings offered by propagation during daylight hours.
We’ll try to favour QSOs with the countries most interested in the new one, if the propagation conditions permit.
On the low bands we would like to satisfy everyone, we have temporarily excluded operations in 160 meters.
We’ll also operate on 6m, but only on sked to take advantage of the potential ES openings and do not take time away from other bands.
The main purpose of our expedition is essentially humanitarian, as clearly shown on our site, but the involvement of amateur radio is particularly appropriate on this occasion, not only for us that operate from Guinea-Bissau, but also for those who will be able to have a QSO with a country among the poorest on earth. Operators will be: I3LDP Lucio (SSB, RTTY), IK3IUL Silverio (CW, SSB, RTTY), IZ3BUR Livio (SSB, RTTY), I3VJW Walter (CW, SSB, RTTY), IK3RBE Libero (SSB, RTTY), Milena IK3VZJ (RTTY, SSB), Tony IK3ESB (SSB, CW, RTTY), Ilario IZ3STA (SSB, RTTY). For operations on 6 meters: I3LDP, IK3RBE, IK3ESB and IZ3STA; only on sked.
RTX: Kenwood TS-590, ICOM IC-7000 PA: Acom 1000
Further operational details will be announced as we will have updated information from Father Gianfranco J52OFM, our logistical support in J5.
These are the frequencies on which we’ll try to operate, call J52HF:
6m sked sked--------
10m 28020 28430 28080
12m 24895 24945 24920
15m 21020 21300 21080
17m 18075 18150 18100
20m 14020 14150 14080
30m 10105 ------- 10140
40m 70207065/7160 7050
80m 3520 3780 3580.
For info see our site. www.ari.verona.it/veronadxteam/enGive us a call on band ! 73 I3LDP Lucio, and the Verona DX Team
Last modified: 2014-03-26 10:56:23, 6208 bytes
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