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Aha..Very fast ... Cuagn Best 73's : )
20140309 0548UTC 14070kHz VY1MAB
Date : 09/Mar/2014 0548UTC
Freq : 14070kHz BPSK31
Rig : ICOM IC-7200
Print: PC
I recieved my license in November of 2012 and made my 1st HF contact in January of 2013.
I really enjoy the hobby. I am the secretary for our local club-Yukon Amatuer Radio Association (http://www.yara.ca), check us out.
I QSL 100% but also upload to LoTW and eQSL.
Currently working on the WAS (phone), only a couple left to go.
Just starting to mess around with PSK and DStar, the learning curve is pretty steep.
Thanks for checking me out and hope to meet ya on the air!
Replacing a repeater Yukon style!
The permanent shack. Finally have a place in the house where its warm year round!!
Alinco DX-SR8T, Yaesu FT-450 and my 1st HF rig ICOM IC-745. All barefoot at 100W
35ft tower with a Cushcraft 5 band vertical (20,17, 15,12 and 10) and a homebrew 80/40 meter di-pole.

My new 'Frankentower'. 35' then the 5 band vertical.

My very 1st antenna. 2M J-pole. 1/2 inch copper. Notice the caps on the top of the uprights, the design I used didn't call for them but I didn't want water/snow getting in and just sitting there.

My QSO card design. I took this picture at Aligator Lake here in the Yukon in June of 2008.

Homebrew universal dipole connector. An old map tube, a 239 connector and a couple of stove bolts. Connect whatever lengths you need, center or OCF, and your in business. I need to put a small eye bolt in the top cap then glue and seal and its done. Good for field days or at home. A simple Sunday afternoon project. Make up various lengths with ring connectors on one end and you have an easy way to change bands or put multiple bands on the same connector. Its all made from scavenged parts as well. I'm currently using this this one on my 'Franken Tower' setup with an 80 and 40 inverted V dipole, works great!

I really enjoy the hobby. I am the secretary for our local club-Yukon Amatuer Radio Association (http://www.yara.ca), check us out.
I QSL 100% but also upload to LoTW and eQSL.
Currently working on the WAS (phone), only a couple left to go.
Just starting to mess around with PSK and DStar, the learning curve is pretty steep.
Thanks for checking me out and hope to meet ya on the air!
Replacing a repeater Yukon style!
The permanent shack. Finally have a place in the house where its warm year round!!
Alinco DX-SR8T, Yaesu FT-450 and my 1st HF rig ICOM IC-745. All barefoot at 100W
35ft tower with a Cushcraft 5 band vertical (20,17, 15,12 and 10) and a homebrew 80/40 meter di-pole.
My new 'Frankentower'. 35' then the 5 band vertical.
My very 1st antenna. 2M J-pole. 1/2 inch copper. Notice the caps on the top of the uprights, the design I used didn't call for them but I didn't want water/snow getting in and just sitting there.
My QSO card design. I took this picture at Aligator Lake here in the Yukon in June of 2008.
Homebrew universal dipole connector. An old map tube, a 239 connector and a couple of stove bolts. Connect whatever lengths you need, center or OCF, and your in business. I need to put a small eye bolt in the top cap then glue and seal and its done. Good for field days or at home. A simple Sunday afternoon project. Make up various lengths with ring connectors on one end and you have an easy way to change bands or put multiple bands on the same connector. Its all made from scavenged parts as well. I'm currently using this this one on my 'Franken Tower' setup with an 80 and 40 inverted V dipole, works great!
Last modified: 2013-12-04 05:42:41, 3137 bytes
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