20141229 0418UTC 14165kHz JI3DST Date : 29/Dec/2014 0418UTC Freq : 14165kHz USB Rig : KENWOOD TS-590 ANT : LOOP PC recording
Thank you so much QSO : )
Date: 14 Dec 2014
From: Takeshi Funaki / JI3DST
To: All Radio Amatures
Hello. How are you?
I am going to IOTA pedition.
Please copy and paste the following message in your home page or
forward it to your friends. I hope to work with you on the air very soon.
Thank you.
Kuchino-Island(Tokara Island) IOTA: AS-049 Kuchino Island
1. Date :27 Dec 2014 06:00z - 4 Jan 2015 00:00z
2. Frq/Mode :40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6m(160/80/75m Maybe not qrv)
3. QTH :Kuchino Island IOTA: AS-049
JI3DST(OP:Takeshi "TAKE" Funaki)
4. Remarks
In case of heavy rain or other condition, the operation condition
may vary..
Please check QRZ.COM for detail.
6. e-mail JI3DST @ jarl.com
Best Regards,
JI3DST Takeshi "TAKE" Funaki
Let's enjoy IOTA!
Thank you very much for your call.
JI3DST Takeshi "TAKE" Funaki
e-mail: ji3dst @ jarl.com
Date: 11 Nov 2014
From: Takeshi Funaki / JS6RRR
To: All Radio Amatures
Hello. How are you?
I am going to IOTA pedition.
Please copy and paste the following message in your home page or
forward it to your friends. I hope to work with you on the air very soon.
Thank you.
A) SHodo Island(Shikoku's Coastal Islands )
20141228 0614UTC 24903kHz VK9/G7VJR Date : 28/Dec/2014 0614UTC Freq : 24903kHz CW Rig : KENWOOD TS-590(wide 2.5k Filter) ANT : LOOP(for 20m..not enough Gain) PC recording
To ask questions about Club Log, please use the reflector or the helpdeskrather than emailing me directly. This means that other volunteers can be of assistance to you. Many thanks for your co-operation.
I am the author of Club Log, an online league table and statistics system for DXers and a dxpedition log hosting tool. The address for Club Log iswww.clublog.org. Please consider signing up if you haven't already: it's free, and your participation will improve the usefulness of the database!
I am a keen expeditioner, and keep a blog and photo journal of my radio travels on my personal homepages at g7vjr.org. If you need a card, my QSL manager is Charles M0OXO.
VK9/G7VJR (Norfolk Island, OC-005, Australia) 26 December 2014 - 2 January 2015
VK2/G7VJR (New South Wales, Australia) May 2014
VP9/G7VJR (Bermuda, NA-005) 19 February 2014 - 27 February 2014
5B/G7VJR (Cyprus, AS-004) 1 November - 4 November 2013
XR0YG (Easter Island, SA-001) 20 March 2013 – 29 March 2013 (QSL via G3TXF)
CU9AC and CT8/G7VJR (Corvo EU-089) 26 September – 3 October 2012, QSL via CU2CE for CU9, and via M0OXO for CT8
GJ6UW (Jersey EU-013) 1 December 2011 – 9 December 2011, QSL via M0BLF
KH6/G7VJR (Hawaii OC-019) October 2011
T32C (Eastern Kiribati, OC-024) September 2011 – October 2011 QSL via G3NUG
S79K (Seychelles, AF-024) 26 October – 2 November 2010 CQWW SSB, QSL via G3NKC
VP8DMN (Falkland Is. SA-002) 21 January – 29 January 2010
YS1G (El Salvador) 16 May – 23 May 2009, QSL via G3TXF
GD7VJR (Isle of Man EU-116) 3 April – 5 April 2009
ZD8UW (Ascension Island AF-003) 31 December 2008 – 9 January 2009
K3VOA (‘Voice of America’) 14 November 2008, QSL via K3VOA
GU7VJR (Guernsey EU-114) 31 October – 2 November 2008
JX/G7VJR (Jan Mayen EU-022) 25 June – 6 July 2008
TF/G7VJR (Iceland EU-021) – 23 June 2008
GJ7VJR/p (Jersey EU-013) 11 – 13 April 2008, also Dec 2014
CU2/G7VJR (Azores EU-003) 2007/2008
GB75UW - December 2007
GH6UW (Les Minquiers EU-099) 2007, QSL via M0BLF
JW/G7VJR (Svalbard EU-026) 2007
OY/G7VJR (Faroe Islands EU-018) 2006
EI/G7VJR (Aran Islands EU-006) 2006
GM7VJR/p from Outer Hebrides IOTA EU-010, EU-008 (2005-)
GW7VJR/p (SOTA) (2005-)
GQ7VJR, GV7VJR, GO7VJR special anniversary/olympic calls (2012/2013)
OH8X (Radio Arcala) 24-28 January 2013 (QSL via OH2BH)
S79K (CQWW SSB) – 2010, QSL via G3NKC
GR2HQ (UK HQ Team IARU) – 2010,QSL via G3TXF
MD4K - IOTA 2009, QSL via G3NKC
G3PYE/p - VHF NFD 2009, QSL via G4HUN
G6PZ- WPX CW 2008, CQ WW CW 2009 (QSL LoTW only)
GB7HQ (UK HQ Team IARU) – 2008, QSL via G3TXF
G6UW and M4A - CQWW, IARU and WPX from 2005 onwards, QSL via M0BLF
1394375 Last modified: 2014-10-31 14:58:54, 4641 bytes
20141228 0604UTC 24908kHz T8CW Date : 28/Dec/2014 0604UTC Freq : 24908kHz CW Rig : KENWOOD TS-590 (wide 2.5k filter) ANT : LOOP(for 20m..not enough Gain) PC recording FB signal in JA & Big pileup : )
I will QRV between December 25 2014 and January 5 2015. I think that QSL exchange method is basically via the bureau. Because I think that we are an equal position.
However, supposing you take other methods, if possible, I will respond to it.
Please pay the cost which is needed when you take other methods. My QSL manager is JA0FOX (case only via Bureau)
Sorry, I was changed my computer, so I couldn't TQSL certify any more,
and couldn't use any more LotW. But eQSL can still use it.
Please send to my QSL manager JA0FOX.
Like :To T8CW VIA JA0FOX. and send it to JA QSL BUREAU.
If you need DIRECT.
Please send it to the following address. And please enclose cost and an envelope required for a reply. Ryosei Aimiya
4595-41 Kamikatagiri, Matsukawa , Shimoina,
Nagano 399-3301,
JAPAN http://t8cw.idou.net/
1519978 Last modified: 2014-12-14 06:28:10, 2886 bytes
20141226 1253UTC 21017kHz OX3XR Date : 26/Dec/2014 1253UTC Freq : 21017kHz CW Rig : SDR(PI4THT) ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT) PC recording
Above is my new QSL card. If you like it please vote for it on: http://www.eqsl.cc/QSLCard/CardFavorites.cfm?CategorySelection=4 Above is the antenna setup. I remote operate a TS-480SAT using WLAN equipment from Ubiquity. Our apartment is 3 miles away from the club station OX3NUK (blue house on photo). No internet connection, just a closed WLAN between the club station and our apartment. eQSL user.LoTW user.
I AM USING A REMOTE CONTROLLED TS-480SAT.FROM TIME TO TIME THE WLAN LINK USED TO REMOTE CONTROL IS UNSTABLE CAUSING TROUBLE TO KEY PROPERLY AND LISTEN TO SIGNALS, SO PLEASE BE PATIENT. The link consists of WLAN equipment from Ubiquity Systems (www.ubnt.com) named Bullet and NanoStation. The WLAN is a closed net and is not connected to internet. Distance is from remote site to my operating site is app. 3km.
Name: Peter Thulesen QTH: Nuuk, Greenland Position: 64.09,850 N 051.44,640 W Grid: GP44de, FOC 1376, CWops #1116, DDXG, ITU Zone: 5, CQ Zone: 40, IOTA: Greenland NA-018 Danish call is OZ6XT, licensed in 1971. FOC member since May 1979. Member of Danish DX Group.
First licensed in Greenland in 1982. QRV from OX in following periods: 1982-1987, 1989-1998, 2005- WSPR specifications: FT-817, 2,5W/33dBm, antenna: Dipole 5m up, cut for 30m. WSPR and JT65-HF timing: Garmin GPS18, TAPR Tac32 software. Independent of internet NTP servers. I'm active with the calls OX3XR and XP3A on WSPR.
Revised 261014 Northern lights over Nuuk 2006 and Nuuk, old part oft own OX3XR QSLand Nuuk summertime Tupaassat, south Greenland and Taasilaq east Greenland Humback whale/Nuuk and East Greenland Qornoq, settlement in Nuuk Fjord South Greenland
1384989 Last modified: 2014-10-27 23:12:59, 8713 bytes