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20131112 0020UTC 18137.5kHz KA7MPX
Date : 12/Nov/2013 0020UTC
Freq : 18137.5kHz USB
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording
My approximate operating position from the UNITED STATES of AMERICA
The KA7MPX Operating Station - January 2012
Famously "TRADEMARKED" by KA7MPX in March of 1982!
The Amateur Radio Station of KA7MPX has been
"Pumping the Wattage Into your Cottage" for 30 years!!
The "SKYHOOK" at KA7MPX, a Mosley PRO-67C
The "Mobile" and "Mari-time Mobile" platforms.
2003 Ford F350: ICOM IC-7000, LDG auto tuner, modified ham sticks
(modified 6.0L diesel, aftermarket turbo-charger, cold air intake,8.5 inch Pro Comp lift kit, 37x13.50x20 tires)
2003 32' Fountain Fever "Triple Digits": ICOM IC-7000, modified ham sticks
(twin 800 horsepower/572 cubic inch big block chevrolets, modified Mercury Racing outdrives, 106.3 mph on GPS)
My Amateur Radio Hobby is possible due to the 100% support of my YL and our boy "Banner!"
Banner enjoying his 1st Birthday !!!
Amateur Radio Station ****KA7MPX****
Washington State - Benton County
The Amateur Radio Station of KA7MPX has been actively on the air since March of 1982. Licsensed at the age of 16 and with my first station consisting of a Heathkit HW-101, a straight key and a simple Home Brew multi-band dipole, I made my first contact from the basement of my parents house with a station in Yorba Linda, CA followed by a DX contact in the Czech Rep. --- needless to say, I was hooked on "Ham Radio!"
My Elmer(s):
Dr. Robert E. Fromm WB7EGD and Richard Noble W7IFO
KA7MPX can be found operating most bands from 23cm thru 160 meters, spending the majority of time on SSB but known to make contacts on various Digital modes and SSTV utilizing a RIGBlaster Plus interface, you might also find him hanging around the CW portions of the HF bands making contacts the ONLY way he ever has - with a straight key!
The current Amateur Radio Station at the QTH of KA7MPX constists of an Icom 756 PRO with a Heil PR-40 microphone. Additional wattage is provided by an Alpha 99 legal limit amplifier. The main HF antenna is a Mosley PRO-67C on a 55 foot crank up US Tower and is rotated by a Yaesu G-2800SDX. 75/80 meters is covered by an Inverted Vee and 160M via the tower being shunt fed.
VHF/UHF duties are handled by an Icom IC 910H all mode for satellite, meteor scatter and moon bounce contacts. Running 400 watts on 2 meters with a TE Systems "brick" style amplifier. Currently constructing "Home Brew" yagi's for 6m, 2m, and 70cm antennas for the Yaesu G-5400B azmuth/elevation rotor and Uni_Trac tracking software.
All Station Operations are controlled through a "Home Brew" Quad Core computer utilizing CommCat software for logging and station control (Radio, Rotor, Logging, Contesting) and dual 21" wide screen monitors with Sony Studio Monitor Speakers for receive audio.
KA7MPX is very active on the HF bands ragchewing, DX-ing, signing into some HF nets and and operating various contests throughout the year -- always open to a contact with anyone -- anywhere!
If you hear "kilo-alpha-seven-mike-papa-xray" coming through your speakers then you know that KA7MPX is
Last modified: 2013-11-11 00:06:14, 12573 bytes cached
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