Nick Henwood G3RWF Conifers, Church Rd, LIttlebourne Canterbury CT3 1UA England [+] Mailing label | ||
Lookups: 154060
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Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: G3RWF |
20131003 1556UTC 14006.9kHz 5X1NH
Date : 03/Oct/2013 1556UTC
Freq : 14006.9kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording
Picture: Ndali vanilla factory, Nr Fort Portal
QRV since Nov 2007. Not a dxpedition - I work pro bono while in Uganda.On the air from the University of the Mountains of the Moon (MMU) in Fort Portal, Western Uganda and (occasionally) the capital, Kampala. Fort Portal is in the foothills of the beautiful Rwenzori Mountains which form the border with the Congo (about 25 kms away). It is a fertile area with a fine climate - a major local cash crop is tea. MMU is an independent (non-profit) university owned by the community of the area. Next visit is September 2013 for 8 weeks.
Main ham radio challenges are frequent thunderstorms and static which make low bands hard work. Also erratic power - which frequently goes off without any warning and may stay off for many hours. It can provide as little as 160 volts (instead of 240). Internet connectivity has improved greatly in the past 5 years. I prefer CW but am also QRV on SSB and digimodes. My usual rig is a K3 with a variety of antennas - (sometimes) a single band 2 el Moxon beam, (always) an inverted v dipole with links for all bands and (possibly) an all band Hexbeam in 2013. I use LOTW.
All QSL routes are OK except e-QSL. I prefer use of OQRS via Clublog. I send cards only when I am in UK so you may have to await my return if in Uganda. Please do NOT ask for another bureau card via ClubLog if you have already sent one via the bureau - cards are expensive and I have to pay for them! Thanks.
Direct QSLs please via home call G3RWF. Please enclose an IRC or $2 (sorry but $1 no longer covers the cost of a stamp anywhere). Also bureau OK but will take a while (and please put as many QSOs as possible on one card to reduce weight and make replying easier). I only reply to QSOs for each new band.
Please do not e mail me to ask me to check my log.I usually upload toLOTW and Clublog daily.I would rather be on the air than hunting through my log when I am in Uganda! Thanks.

I actively support the DX Code (http://www.dx-code.org/link.htm)
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