JAMES W ROBINSON 1710 WELLS RD APT 1014 ORANGE PARK, FL 32073 USA [+] Mailing label | ||
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20130201 1307UTC 14060kHz W4DDD
Date : 01/Feb/2013 1307UTC
Freq : 14060kHz CW
Rig : CQ100(VOIP)
ANT : Internet
PC recording
Thank you so much 1st QSO and Nice meet you!!
He said to me I am 91 years old.
First ticket 1933 age 12 as W4DDD. Served WW2 & Korean wars as USAF communications officer. Finished service in Fl Air National Guard in Jacksonville, Fl retired USAFR 1964. W4ddd license expired 1956. Back in ham radio 1991 as N5URE. When completed all testing and obtained Extra class Nov 1991. Got my first call back in June 1996 as a vanity call W4ddd. Fists Nr 3820. Member ARRL. Member QCWA. 75 year award in 2008 from QCWA. Member AACS (Airways & Airways Communications Service from USAF service) Alumni Asssociation. Going to San Antonio TX to AACS convention in late Sept 2012. The most important thing about my hamming experience all those years I can attribute to my Dad W4CWG who taught myself and my brother the code and saw that we studied those license manuals they had in the 1930s. I was age 12 and my brother 13. We took the class C exam with a witness in our home in St. Marys, GA. The class B exams were held in Jacksonville FL by a visiting FCC inspector. When it came time to take the Class A exams we had to fly to Atlanta GA to the FCC office up there. My brother, Wesley, was later killed in action over France flying as a bombadier in a B-24 bomber on his 5th mission on Dec 31, 1943. Since I served in the Army Air Corps as an enlisted man in ground communications the first 2 years of service starting June 1942 and the last year of service in WW2 as a ground communications officer I did not have to serve in combat; therefore I am still here now at age 91 in 2012 still doing the same thing. Operating one cw position in a radio station. So now I dont have to do Crypto and radio teletype or supervise a communications unit. Its been a great run and hope I have many more years listening to CW signals and meeting new hams and qsoing often with the friends I have made over the years on the ham bands.
I have only one rig left an ICOM 718 and a Astron RS 35A power supply, MFJ Antenna Tuner, and a MFJ electronic keyer, one PC and 1 Laptop all wifi, work 40-30-20 meter HF cw only, Use the computers for Echolink, and CQ100 using both cw and voice and use the computers to keep contact records and pull up qrz.com records. Have Echolink and Skype on my IPhone 4s. I now live in a one bed room down stairs apartment in a 3 story apt house with ant restrictions. Use a single wire 67 feet long with45 ft of it on outside patio wall & tune with MFJ ant tuner Also have a HB-1B QRP rig 80/40/30/20 from Ten Tec and use the Elecraft T1 small automatic ant tuner. Each less than the size of your hand. Works great in car with 40 meter 8 ft whip.
My military service was June 1942- Sept 1945. Spent last months in Greenland 1 month and then 8 mos in Iceland in AACS.The USAF "invited" me back in service Aug 1948-March 1953. I was in Japan at Tachakawa AFB from Aug 1948 til Nov 1951 assignment Base communication officer .On return to the States I was reassigned to AACS at MacDill AFB and finished my service with AACS at Patrick AFB Coca Beach FL. (best time of service lived one mile from the Base in Apt directly across the street from the Beach, Atlantic Ocean). Active Reserve in Jacksonville FL from March 1953 until Spring 1954 when joined the Florida Air National Guard Jacksonville FL as a communications officer and retired USAFR at rank of Major in August 1964. Now live a few miles frm the Jacksonville Naval Air Station. Jax is a big Navy area with one sub base 55 miles north, Mayport Naval Station 40 miles east (ships there) and the nearby Air Station.
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