Tuesday, February 23, 2016

20160222 CN8YR(Morocco) on 30m CW

20160222 CN8YR(Morocco) on 30m CW

CN8YR Morocco flag Morocco
Mohamed AGAYR

Ham Member Lookups: 45784 

20160222 2101UTC 10122kHz CN8YR

Date : 22/Feb/2016 2101UTC
Freq : 10122kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording

Thanks for looking at my QRZ.COM page.
CTC 122      SKCC 9372
Take a look at my web page www.qsl.net/cn8yr

DX Code of Conduct
  • I will listen, and listen, and then listen again before calling.
  • I will only call if I can copy the DX station properly.
  • I will not trust the DX cluster and will be sure of the DX station's call sign before calling.
  • I will not interfere with the DX station nor anyone calling and will never tune up on the DX frequency or in the QSX slot.
  • I will wait for the DX station to end a contact before I call.
  • I will always send my full call sign.
  • I will call and then listen for a reasonable interval. I will not call continuously.
  • I will not transmit when the DX operator calls another call sign, not mine.
  • I will not transmit when the DX operator queries a call sign not like mine.
  • I will not transmit when the DX station requests geographic areas other than mine.
  • When the DX operator calls me, I will not repeat my call sign unless I think he has copied it incorrectly.
  • I will be thankful if and when I do make a contact.
  • I will respect my fellow hams and conduct myself so as to earn their respect

YoWindow.comForecast byyr.no

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    6165819 Last modified: 2015-07-16 00:20:41, 3846 bytes

    Sunday, February 21, 2016

    20160221 5V7TH(Togo) on 30m CW

    20160221 5V7TH(Togo) on 30m CW

    5V7TH Togo flag Togo
    Wim Hamblok
    Togo dxpedition
    QSL: ON6DX
    Email: Use mouse to view..
    Page managed by ON6DX Lookups: 87189 

    20160221 0644UTC 10110kHz 5V7TH

    Date : 21/Feb/2016 0644UTC
    Freq : 10110kHz CW
    Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
    ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
    PC recording

    2016: 10 FEBRUARI untill +-22 FEBRUARI

    Arrival date in Togo 9 februari 2016 in Lomé, Togo
    Start dxpedition Date: +-10 feb Untill +-22 feb 2015
    One operator dxped qrv on Togo local morning and evening times as much as possible

    Mainly 10/12/15/17/20/30/40m depending on conditions, SSB-RTTY-CW

    + Try to put up a 80 and 160m antenna for CW on evening and early morning times.

    QSL:  http://www.dxpedition.be/qsl-info.html

    (Past dxpedition dates:  26 oktober - 4 november 2012 and   19 NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2013)

    For log search , OQRS, pictures see :

    QSL Card Info:
    1.Direct request via surface mail post.
    Mail your qsl card and qso details to : ON6DX

    i can accept US$ andEuro's.
    Please No IRC's. Funds+IRC is oké.
    Do not forget to include a return air mail enveloppe with your adres.

    include with your QSL Card
    By direct post(in europe) =minimum 2 US$ or 2 Eur
    By direct post(outside europe) = minimum 3 US$

    Mark your QSL card VIA: ON6DX.
    Notice that it sometimes takes a long time before you receive free 5v7th qsl via bureau.

    3. LOTW
    I wil be uploading all qso's to LOTW after i retrun to Belgium

    3. via OQRS , see the 5v7th website

    free counters

    YoWindow.comForecast byyr.no

    7059931 Last modified: 2016-02-03 23:45:12, 6627 bytes

    20160220 3XY1T(Guinea) on 30m CW

    20160221 3XY1T(Guinea) on 30m CW

    3XY1T Guinea flag Guinea
    Los Island (AF-051)
    I.D.T. DXpedition
    February 18 to March 4 2016, -
    QSL: I2YSB
    Email: Use mouse to view..
    Page managed by I2YSB Lookups: 33465 

    20160221 0622UTC 10104.1kHz 3XY1T

    Date : 21/Feb/2016 0622UTC
    Freq : 10104.1kHz CW
    Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
    ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
    PC recording

    7094875 Last modified: 2016-02-21 05:42:48, 1239 bytes

    Friday, February 19, 2016

    20160218 C5DX(The Gambia) on 20mCW

    20160218 C5DX(The Gambia) on 20mCW

    C5DX The Gambia flag The Gambia
    QSL: LoTW or direct
    Email: Use mouse to view..
    Page managed by G4DJX Lookups: 11464

    20160218 1423UTC 14007kHz C5DX

    Date : 18/Feb/2016 1423UTC
    Freq : 14007kHzCW
    Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
    ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
    PC recording

    C5DX (2016) - DXpedition and demonstration of amateur radio to school students in The Gambia
    I will be returning to The Gambia and operating C5DX between Friday 12th February - Friday 19th February 2016.
    The plan is to operate CW from our hotel in Banjul as well as demonstrate SSB from Farafenni Senior Secondary High School. Most of the operation will be CW and I hope to make around 2000 QSOs in between duties whilst on this school trip. The station will consist of a K3 (100W) and wire antennas. The location of antennas is not perfect due to many surrounding palm trees and buildings, so I predict my signals will be S3-S7 with most.
    Plan to operate on 40m - 10m. Might try 60m. Will usually be low in band, but will avoid any large DXpeditions.
    Operation will be spit - usually listening 1 UP. As usual, please respect the DX Code and only call when I come back to you.
    Look forward to working you.
    QSL either LoTW, Direct (NO IRCs - only green stamps) or BURO. Logs will be uploaded AFTER the trip.

    Previous C5DX DXpedition - 2015
    LOG UPLOADED TO Club Log on 21/02/2015  https://secure.clublog.org/logsearch/C5DX
    LOG UPLOADED TO LoTW on 1/3/2015
     QSL CARDS NOW AVAILABLE - please NO IRCs for direct cards. Green stamps or correct postage if in UK.
    Between 13th - 20th February 2015 I was in The Gambia on a school trip.
    Details of trip: I am the headteacher of Sandringham School, St. Albans (www.sandringham.herts.sch.uk) and since 2008 we have developed a strong link with Farafenni Senior Secondary High School in The Gambia. The link has been focussed on developing the curriculum (science, maths, English and humanities) with various staff visiting from each school and two visits involving students. On this trip, we took three staff and five students. We have also sponsored a number of students through the school who would ovtherwise not have been able to be educated. This costs around £100 for their four years at the high school. This was my second visit and I wanted to demonstrate Amateur Radio to school students and staff as part of our scientific development of the curriculum.
    School hall project: We have also been fudnraising to provide a school hall for Farafenni School. So far we have raised £10k and the exterior structure of the school is now complete (see picture below). We need around £5k more to complete the project, so if anyone is interested in helping out with some sponsorship this would be really helpful. Please e-mail me if you are keen to support this worthwhile project.
    Callsign: the callsign, C5DX was requested and issued by the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) in The Gambia. They were very helpful.
    Equipment: K3 and small switched mode PSU.
    Antennas: Home made 40m-10m Windom,  50m of RG58 coax, 10m telescopic fiberglass pole. Thank you to everyone who managed to hear my signals - they were weak due to limited antenna space surrounded by many tall palms and buildings. Apex of windom was around 10m with ends at 2m.
    Operation details:  Between 13th and 15th February and 18th to 20th February operated from Badala Park Hotel, Serrekunda - by the coast. Between 16th - 17th February operated from Farafenni High School, Farafenni. This is about 180km inland from Banjul.
    Logging: Used an i-Pad running the Mircules HAM QuickLog app. This worked well and was a convenient method of logging for a small operation like this.
    Statistics: Made a total of 2007 QSO's with limited operation time around business. 73 DXCC and 267 band slots in total.
    Reports: I wanted to provide accurate reports (not 599!) This slowed things down because I think people thought I was struggling to copy; this was not the case - I received well even if you were 519! No need to repeat calls etc if I have it correct first time.
    Split operation: Used UP1 for most of the time in an attempt to keep any interference to other stations to a minimum. This did slow things down somewhat and on the last day I simply listened UP which meant that some of the weaker stations could be picked out if they called on a clear frequency.
    QSLing: I will upload the log to LoTW as soon as the certificate is issued by ARRL (this has been requested). Will also produce a QSL card for those who would like a hard copy. Please send SAE and sufficient postage (IRCs NOT ACCEPTED - cards will be returned via Buro)
    Really enjoyed the pile-ups and hope you managed to get through at some point.

    Station - K3 and i-Pad logging

    Windom antenna (you can just see the 4:1 balun and one leg of the dipole) - notice how it is surrounded by some pretty tall palm trees.

    This photograph shows one of the legs of the windom - as it slopes down behind the hotel complex to about 2m above ground level. North is directly through the building!

    The windom and a 15m dipole erected at Farafenni High School - this was in the clear and about 7m high.

    One of the Farafenni students who passed some messages on SSB.

    Our group from Sandringham with staff from Farafenni School. Mr. Jallow (Headteacher of Farafenni School is sixth from the left). Alan - G4DJX third from the right.

    The school hall project in process - with walls and roof completed. This will be the largest school hall of any secondary school in the Gambia when completed - 35m long and 15m wide.

    One of our sixth form students, Mariam, with some children from a village who came to play when we stopped for a break whilst travelling.
    7049500 Last modified: 2016-01-31 07:47:25, 7101 bytes

    Tuesday, February 16, 2016

    20160216 RI1ANR(Antarctica) on 40m CW

    20160216 RI1ANR(Antarctica) on 40m CW

    RI1ANR Antarctica flag Antarctica
    Antarctica Novo Runway Airbase
    Novolazarevskaya station
    Queen Maud Land, 15km to the South from Schirmacher Oasis
    Page managed by UA1PBA Lookups: 65277

    20160215 1949UTC 7020kHz RI1ANR 

    Date : 15/Feb/2016 1949UTC
    Freq : 7020kHzCW
    Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
    ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
    PC recording

    Flag Counter
    Team of RI1ANR is the same as last years: Oleg/UA1PBA/ZS1ANF, Slava/RD3MX, Alex/UA1PAW
    Rig is Yaesu FT-1000MP Mark-V Field, ACOM-1000
    Antenna for 14-28 MHz is 3 El SteppIR Yagi on 10 meters mast with rotator
    Antenna for 1,8-10 MHz is 18 meters vertical with antenna tuner from RA6LBS
    Antarctic season 2014-2015 is over. About 12500 QSOs were done. LoTW was updated 20.04.2015

    6185745 Last modified: 2015-07-16 00:22:22, 1623 bytes

    Thursday, January 7, 2016

    20160106 7158kHz 9K2GS on 40m LSB

    20160106 7158kHz 9K2GS on 40m LSB

    9K2GS Kuwait flag Kuwait
    Abdallah H AL-Muzayan
    State Of Kuwait
    QSL: LotW
    Email: Use mouse to view..
    Ham Member Lookups: 360103 

    20160106 0400UTC 7158kHz Hifi LSB

    Date : 06/Jan/2016 0400UTC
    Freq : 7158kHz LSB
    Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
    ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
    PC recording

    Now about recorded on 4kHz filter .

    Very good modulation on the Air : )

    6896351 Last modified: 2015-12-01 15:50:05, 829 bytes

    20160106 ZS6CCY(South Africa) on 40m LSB

    20160106 ZS6CCY(South Africa) on 40m LSB

    ZS6CCY South Africa flag South Africa
    VAALWATER 0530
    South Africa
    Email: Use mouse to view..
    Ham Member Lookups: 124086 

    20160106 0342UTC 7151kHz ZS6CCY

    Date : 06/Jan/2016 0342UTC
    Freq : 7151kHz LSB
    Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
    ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
    PC recording

    See also C91CCY. https://facebook.com/BufaloLodge
    First licenced ZE1DX in 1970 in what was formerly Rhodesia.Trained in radiocommunication engineering.Moved to Perth Western Australia in 1981 as VK6ACY. Ran a successful radio networking and high site business. 30 year past-time of photo graphic safaris, and canoeing, the Zambezi River,Lake Cahora Bassa-Mocambique, and the Okavango Delta, Botswana, led to full time game ranching in the Waterberg area of South Africa upon returning home to Africa in 1999.
    Ex military Unimogs are used for hard transport and construction works on the sites. 3.5 tonne  4x4. Best on the planet.
    Also breeding Buffalo and other wildlife in neighbouring Mocambique, where the C91CCY station is being put together.
    Previously keen on EME conducted first Africa/USA 144Mhz EME in May 1975 with WA6LET.
    Antennae: All monoband. Full size.
    75m: 4 square. Comtek Quadrature coupler.
    40m: 4 element yagi at 120ft. OB 4-40 O W A.
    20m: 6 element yagi at 95ft. KLM Big Sticker
    10m: 6 element yagi at 72ft. KLM
    6m 6 element yagi at 60ft.
    All fed with 7/8" hardline.
    Collins and Drake collector. See main photo.
    3,6m dish for 1296 EME in the background and 6 element 6m yagi.
    The new radio room is hexagonal, 520 square feet. Purpose built. Flat concrete insulated roof. Double brick walls, provides natural, constant 20 to 25C inside temperature. Conveniently located 500 meters from the main homestead situated on a  a 500Ha game farm.
    Thatched roof homestead. Rustic and climate-suitable.
    Excellent, low man made noise location. Powered by lengthy underground 3 phase armoured cable to minimise overhead powerline interference. Serious surge protection mains outlet panels.
    Take off angle enhanced by a negative horizon,-20 to -30 degrees on most headings. 


    6977010 Last modified: 2016-01-03 09:22:23, 3373 bytes