Wednesday, July 10, 2013

HH5/KC0W(Haiti) on 20m CW!!!

HH5/KC0W(Haiti) on 20m CW!!!

QSL image for KC0W
KC0W USA flag USA 

PO BOX 1058

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   127257 Premium Subscriber

20130710 1313UTC 14005kHz HH5/KC0W
Date : 10/Jul/2013 1313UTC 
Freq : 14005kHz CW
Rig  : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT  : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

ummm...weak..but I can listen him signal : )

Lookups127257 (127279)
Last Update2013-07-10 02:44:40
ClassExtra Codes: HVIE
Latitude46.988579 (46° 59' 18'' N)
Longitude-102.682341 (102° 40' 56'' W)
Grid SquareDN86px
Geo SourceUser supplied
US StateMinnesota
US CountyHennepin
Bearing34.8° NE (from JJ5IZX)
Distance5860.9 mi (9432.2 km)
Long Path18995.9 mi (30571.0 km)
Sunrise11:05:59 UTC
Sunset02:46:05 UTC
GMT Offset-6 hours
ULS Record420331 FCC page...
QSL by Mail?Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?)
QSL by eQSL?No (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?)
Uses LOTW?No (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?)
Apply for a new Vanity callsign...

*** Haiti 2013 ***
6 July - 25 July

General Information Regarding the HH5/KCØW DXpedition:

1. QSL Direct via KCØW. No LoTW, no bureau. DX stations $2/IRC - USA send SASE.
3. All antennas are verticals. I'm unable to beam to your continent.
4. Please spread out (up 1 to 3+) when I'm operating split on CW.
5. Bands of operation will be 160 - 6 meters CW & SSB.
6. No duplicate QSOs on the same band.
7. The only information I need from you is just your call sign & a signal report. I don't need your state, name, antenna, WX, rig, power etc.
8. Listen, listen, listen.

HH5/KCØW Daily Update for 9 July:

Thanks for the Q's. A number of guys now have 7 band slots filled. The propagation on 30 meters last night was very good. Some European stations were loud and above my local electrical noise level.
******Tropical storm Chantal is due to pass directly over Haiti within the next 24 hours. Expect me to take down the antennas & go QRT until the storm is over. ******
The local QRM due to faulty power transformers is a constant S9+++. I'm doing my best working thru the local QRM. I would recommend using an amplifier if you own one.
Still having problems regarding VERY high SWR from the homebrew 160/80 meter antenna traps. It's one of those, "they worked fine while at home", stories. Radio is folding back & limiting my output to less than 10 watts. Anyone for QRP on 160/80 meters? I will construct new traps during the storm if I must go QRT.
My 500 watt Elecraft amplifier was destroyed so I'm running 90 watts from the K3.

You may have worked me during my one year DXpedition to St. Helena Island as ZD7X back in 2008. Perhaps we meet during my 7 month CW only DXpedition to Cambodia as XU7XXX in 2009. Over 67,000 QSO's have gone into the log from these two DXpeditions with another 16,000+ from various trips to Martinique as TOØO. I'm the license trustee of WWØWWW which gets activated in the major DX contests from the KCØW shack.
I moved to North Dakota in 2010 to construct a large contesting/DXing station. The 160 & 80 meter 4-Squares use Rohn 45G tower sections due to our extreme weather here. Over 200 meters of Rohn 65G is presently being used to construct numerous rotating towers. This install should be complete sometime by 2016. It's a BIG project for a single person (me) to be taking on by himself.

The rotating HF stacks will consist of:
40 Meters - 4/4/4
20 Meters - 7/7/7
15 Meters - 6/6/6/6
10 Meters - 7/7/7/7

I also enjoy operating CW mobile. The radio is a Kenwood TS-480hx to a Scorpion screwdriver antenna. The mobile is equipped with a 900 watt solid state homebrew amplifier as well. How many guys are crazy enough to be running 900 watts from their mobile? Not many!!! The only mode used while mobile is CW except for when Ioccasionally lower my standards & operate SSB.
I'm employed in the oil industry here in North Dakota. We are the nations second leading oil producing state.

Please Spot Me On The DX Cluster.

QSL cards are to be sent to my Minnesota PO Box with the exception of all ZD7X cards which should be sent to my DX Manager, WØMM. ABSOLUTELY NO LoTW, BUREAU or ELECTRONIC QSL's ACCEPTEDAll DX stations please enclose $2 or current IRC's. All USA stations just enclose your SASE. Call me old fashioned but I still enjoy receiving paper QSL cards in the mail. I have no plans of joining any Electronic QSLing services anytime soon. Kindly seek out other North Dakota amateurs if you need ND confirmed using LoTW.

Hallo von meinem neuen QTH in North Dakota.

Vielleicht hatten wir schon eine Verbindung während meiner einjährigen DXpedition nach St. Helena als ZD7X im Jahr 2008 oder auf meiner 7-monatigen DXpedition nach Kambodscha unter dem Rufzeichen XU7XXX im Jahr drauf. Insgesamt wurden mit diesen Rufzeichen über 67000 QSOs geloggt. Dazu kommen noch über 18000 QSOs als TOØO von Martinique.

Im Jahr 2010 bin ich nach North Dakota gezogen um hier den Aufbau einer erstklassigen Contest- und DX-Station in Angriff zu nehmen. Für 160m und 80m sind Foursquare-Arrays aus Rohn 45G-Mastelementen im Aufbau, weitere 200m Rohn 65G Mastelemente für verschiedene drehbare Masten mit gestockten Antennen wurden angeschafft und warten auf den Aufbau. Mit der Fertigstellung aller Antennen ist im Jahr 2016 zu rechnen.

Während die Station wächst, mache ich viel Mobilbetrieb in CW aus North Dakota. Die Mobilstation besteht aus einer Screwdriver-Antenne und einem Kenwood TS-480 (200W); eine 900W-PA folgt bald. Ausser in Contesten und für DX, arbeite ich nur in CW, auch aus dem Auto.


QSL-Karten gehen direkt an mein Postfach in Minnesota (s.o.), Karten für ZD7X gehen an meinen DX-Manager WØMM. Bitte keine Büro-Karten oder elektronischen QSLs. DX-Stationen fügen bitte $2 oder IRCs für das Rückporto bei; bei US-Stationen genügt ein frankierter Rückumschlag.





****** DXクラスタで私を見つけてください。******


Mi chiamo Tom, KCØW, nel 2010 mi sono trasferito nel Nord Dakota, nella
zona occidentale, faccio costruire la mia nuova casa ed una Stazione Radio
per poter fare DX e CONTEST, ho acquistato materiale per montare diverse
torri ed antenne. I lavori dovrebbero terminare nel 2016.
E’ possibile che mi abbiate collegato durante una delle mie.

St. Helena Island = ZD7X
Cambogia = XU7XXX
Martinique = TOØO
Sono attivo dal North Dakota in CW mobile. Rig: Kenwood TS-480, pwr 200 Watt,
in antenna verticale da auto, al più presto con un lineare da 900 Watt.


Stazioni DX via diretta 2 green stamp o nuovi IRC con
busta indirizzo, NO BUREAU, NO LoTW, NO eQSL.


Bonjour à tous depuis mon nouveau QTH à l'ouest du Dakota du Nord.
Il se peut que vous m'ayez contacté depuis mon expédition d'un an sur l'île de Ste Hélène où j'étais ZD7X en 2008 ou depuis mon expédition de 7 mois au Cambodge (CW seulement) où j'étais XU7XXX en 2009.Plus de 67 000 QSO ont été effectués pendant ces 2 expéditions. A cela vous pouvez rajouter 18 000 autres QSO effectués pendant mon séjour en Martinique où j'étais TO0O.
Je suis maintenant dans le Dakota du Nord où je suis en train de construire une station de concours/DX de première classe. Les 4-squares pour le 160m et le 80m (qui utilisent des sections de pylône Rohn 45G) ont été achetés en plus des 200 mètres de Rohn 65G pour construire les pylônes rotatifs de mon système. L'ensemble devrait être prêt en 2016.
Vous pouvez me trouver en CW mobile dans le Dakota du Nord pendant la construction de la station. L'antenne dans le mobile est un screwdriver et la radio est un TS-480 de 200 watts. Le seul mode que j'utilise lors de mes déplacements est la CW (sauf pendant les concours et le DX). L'installation d'un ampli de 900 watts dans le mobile devrait se faire sous peu.
Envoyez vos cartes QSL à ma boîte postale dans le Minnesota sauf pour les demandes de carte pour ZD7X qui devront être envoyées à mon QSL manager, WØMM. Aucune confirmation électronique ou via bureau ne sera acceptée. Les stations DX doivent joindre 2 dollars ou les IRCs qui sont en cours.
Привет из моего нового QTH в западной части Северной Дакоты.
Мы, возможно, работали во время моей годичной DX-экспедиции на остров Св. Елены как ZD7X в 2008 году или только CW DX-экспедиции в Камбоджу в течении 7 месяцев как XU7XXX в 2009 году. Более 67000 QSO's в моем логе только из этих двух DX-экспедиций и еще 18000 QSO из Мартиники, как TOØO.

Я переехал в Северную Дакоту в 2010 году намериваясь построить станцию мирового уровня для DX-инга. Для 4 квадратов на 160 и 80 метров будут использоваться Rohn 45G мачты, которые были приобретены вместе с 200 метрами Rohn 65G для построения многочисленных вращающихся мачт. Это установка должна быть завершена к 2016 году.

Вращающиеся стеки на ВЧ диапазоны будет состоять из:
40 метров - 4/4/4
20 метров - 7/7/7
15 метров - 6/6/6/6
10 метров - 7/7/7/7

Я работаю CW с мобильной позиции в Северной Дакоте, в то время как дома станция находится в стадии разработки. Антенны в мобильный позиции это 200 Вт и Kenwood TS-480.В основном работаю CW, изредко используя SSB для контестов.

****** ПОЖАЛУЙСТА проспотируйте меня в DX-кластер ******

QSL карточки могут быть отправлены на мой адрес в Миннесоте, за исключением всех QSL ZD7X которые должны быть направлены моему DX Manager, WØMM. Я не пользуюсь бюро и электронными QSL. От всех DX станций необходимо прикладывать $ 2 или действуюший IRC, от станций США достаточно SASE.

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Typical North Dakota Road

This Guy Looks Familiar - (HERE)





KCØW Beaming Asia

Beaming South America - Caribbean

KCØW Beaming Europe

Beaming Australia - New Zealand

HF & 6 Meters

"Can Ya Hear Me Now"?

Monday, July 8, 2013

OL863CM(Czech Republic) on 20m CW!!!

OL863CM(Czech Republic) on 20m CW!!!

OL863CM Czech Republic flag Czech Republic 

Radioklub Kunovice
Panská 9
Kunovice 686 04
Czech Republic

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   3163

20130707 1953UTC 14003.6kHz OL863CM
Date : 07/Jul/2013 1953UTC 
Freq : 14003.6kHz CW
Rig  : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT  : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

Tnx fer QSO 73's : )

Lookups3163 (4165)
Last Update2013-06-29 19:47:51
Latitude49.043107 (49° 2' 35'' N)
Longitude17.463831 (17° 27' 49'' E)
Grid SquareJN89rb
Geo SourceUser supplied
Bearing323.5° NW (from JJ5IZX)
Distance5529.2 mi (8898.4 km)
Long Path19327.6 mi (31104.8 km)
Sunrise02:53:41 UTC
Sunset18:56:11 UTC
ITU Zone28
CQ Zone15
Web Page
QSL by Mail?Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?)
QSL by eQSL?No (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?)
Uses LOTW?No (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?)
Apply for a new Vanity callsign...

Special - event callsign:
1150th anniversary of the arrival of the mission of Saints Cyril and Methodius to Great Moravia
OL863CM activity period: 29 Jun 2013 - 13 Jul 2013 only!

1150 years since the arrival of Saints Cyril and Methodius to Great Moravia
This year, the Czech and Slovak nations reminds 1150th anniversary of the arrival of St. Cyril and Methodius to Great Moravia. Learning brothers came to us in 863 from a distant sun-drenched Constantinople and that, simply put, educate our Slavic nation and created for him the first Slavic Church font and language - Old Church Slavonic.
It is a major international event and on this occasion we decided to commemorate this anniversary special broadcast under the call sign and we also decided to release amateur diploma, which is called 1150 years since the arrival of Saints Cyril and Methodius to Great Moravia.
Rules and other information:

Sunday, July 7, 2013

SU1CQN(Egypt) on 20m CW!!!

SU1CQN(Egypt) on 20m CW!!!

Passive data


►APRS Info
►eQSL Info • ►PSK Info

20130706 2025UTC 14012kHz SU1CQN
Date : 06/Jul/2013 2025UTC 
Freq : 14012kHz CW
Rig  : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT  : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

XW4XR(Laos) on 20m CW!!!

XW4XR(Laos) on 20m CW!!!

QSL image for XW4XR
XW4XR Laos flag Laos 

Bruce E Ault
PO Box 841 ( DO NOT QSL to this addr )
Vientiane 2222

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   17995
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: VIA E21EIC ONLY

20130706 2014UTC 14040kHz XW4XR
Date : 06/Jul/2013 2014UTC 
Freq : 14040kHz CW
Rig  : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT  : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

Lookups17995 (23217)
Last Update2013-01-03 05:58:29
Geo SourceFrom DXCC
Bearing250.4° WSW (from JJ5IZX)
Distance2140.8 mi (3445.3 km)
Long Path22716.0 mi (36557.9 km)
Sunrise22:34:59 UTC
Sunset11:49:56 UTC
CQ Zone26
QSL by Mail?Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?)
QSL by eQSL?No (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?)
Uses LOTW?No (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?)
Apply for a new Vanity callsign...

**2013 - Celebrating 50 YEARS in Amateur Radio**

This is not a DXpedition - I live in Laos, and Vietnam ( 3W3B ), and travel back and forth.
2) If I send your call correctly PLEASE don't repeat it back to me. It adds confusion.
3) My openings to certain parts of the world are very short - please respect that.
4) I can work Europe/Asia 24 hrs a day on some band - please standby if asked.
5) If I'm calling someone, or a particular area, please standby!
7) I ALWAYS work SPLIT - I announce my intentions regularly
Use common sense, be considerate of fellow hams, and listen first.
International postage is expensive! If you have ANY doubt, or question, about a contact please email me first and let me check my logs.
It could save you some $$ and grief. Questions about a QSL? - email me!
QSL INFO: SAE + $2 is PLENTY for a direct reply. If you have a "new" IRC 1 works in place of $$
QSL via the Thailand ( HS ) Bureau is also ok.
Any IRC's received are handed out to new hams in Thailand to help them get going.
I'm also 3W3B - XW1B - HS0ZCY - XU7ADF - AA4XR - /BV2 - /9M2 - /KL7 - /XE
Station: A pair of Yaesu FT-2000's
SteppIR MonstIR at 130ft - 2el (5 band ) Quad at 80ft - 4el SteppIR Yagi ( 30/40m kit ) at 60ft
Force 12 C-3 at 120ft - SteppIR BigIR Vertical - 160m Vee at 115ft - DXE Rx 4 Square ( 80/160 )

2007 - From humble beginnings.

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