6Y6N Jamaica
Armin Sturm
Operating from 6Y5WJ Southfield PO, St Elizabeth Jamaica
Page managed by 6Y5WJ Lookups: 25076
20160812 2042UTC 14015kHz 6Y6N
Date : 12/Aug/2016 2042UTC
Freq : 14015kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
Thanks for your visit.
Armin (DK9PY) has again decided to visit our island in the sun, not for the warm blue seas, the white sandy beach of Negril, nor indeed the endless variety of culinary delights and fruit, NO!!!...all this will be considered and consumed AFTER he has taken part in the CQWW WPX contest May 28-29th 2016. Those dulcet tones of 6Y6N will ring loud in calling from the hills of Malvern so, if by chance you hear Armin, spare a moment and give him a call.
All QSL request to his home call please and as usual
Good luck to all participants
Congratulations are in order for his sterling performance in the WAG contest 2015
7189833 Last modified: 2016-03-24 18:15:48, 1217 bytes