Saturday, August 6, 2016

20160806 R100WWS(Russia) on 20m CW

20160806 R100WWS(Russia) on 20m CW

R100WWS Asiatic Russia  flag Asiatic Russia 
100 years the Air Forces of Russia
Special call 10-18 Aug 2012 and 7-30 Aug 2015 and 2-21 Aug 2016
"Fifth Ocean" and AFARU
QSL: via RV3YR - direct by Club log (post) or bureau LATER
Page managed by RV3YR Lookups: 21102 

20160806 0726UTC 14024kHz R100WWS
Date : 06/Aug/2016 0726UTC
Freq : 14024kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording

Be ready to celebrate Air Forces of Russia Day together with as. Find of air 2-21 august 2016 special event call R100WWS and receive QSL and award made AFARU to this date.

Welcome for WEB-site our International Ham Aviators Club "Fifth Ocean":
Your award download on electronic award form WEB-site:

Sorry, don't need your QSL, - send the application bureau or directly via Club Log only! Thanks.
Sorry, but we will not confirm QSOs via the eQSL system.

Call R100WWS go in offset on all awards of AFARU and  " Fifth Ocean "  club in RAFA programm.
Team of R100WWS-pedition:
 RV3YR Victor (cw,ssb,digi,sstv)       RC8CA Pavel (digi)           RA4C Yurij (ssb,cw,digi)     RU3KO Roman (ssb,cw)
R4CQ Pavel (digi)           RZ5D/am Sergej (ssb)      RA4DR Sergej (cw, ssb)      R2AJO Dmitry (ssb)
   R2AKN Nick (ssb)      R8CBG  Alex (digi, sstv)    UA3FQ Andrej (cw,ssb)        RA9LY Alexey (ssb)       
RU6UR Yurij (CW, SSB)      R1AC Alex (CW, SSB)       RK9UN Oleg (ssb)  UA3RA Victor (cw,ssb)    UA3QII Sergej
Welcome for WEB-site our International Ham Aviators Club "Fifth Ocean":
Your award download on electronic award form WEB-site:
7482478 Last modified: 2016-08-03 10:04:57, 7562 bytes

Thursday, August 4, 2016

20160804 TM11FAJ(France) on 20m CW

20160804 TM11FAJ(France) on 20m CW

TM11FAJ France flag France
ANSAN 32270
Email: Use mouse to view..
Page managed by F8BMG Lookups: 1126 

20160804 0846UTC 14006kHz TM11FAJ
Date : 04/Aug/2016 0846UTC
Freq : 14006kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording


A l'occasion du 26 éme festival d'astronomie de FLEURANCE (Gers) du 06 au 12 aout 2016

le radio-club F5KHP active l'indicatif spécial TM11FAJ du 01 aout au 15 aout 2016

QSLs via bureau via F5KHP, direct via F8BMG    

eQSL OK, club log OK

Festival astro jeunes      

Entièrement dédié aux jeunes de 4 à 15 ans le Festival Astro-jeunes leur permet de s'initier aux mystères du ciel et des étoiles et à l’astronautique tout en s'amusant ! Originalité de cette manifestation : elle est préparée et animée par des jeunes chercheurs en collaboration avec les animateurs du Monde de la Ferme des Etoiles.

Les conférenciers du Festival eux-mêmes participent chaque matin au Festival Astro-jeunes, qui constitue, donc, une occasion pour les plus jeunes de rencontrer des chercheurs qui s’efforceront de répondre à leurs questions et de satisfaire leur curiosité.
Afin de tenir compte des remarques et de l’expérience acquise au cours des premières années, le Festival Astro-Jeunes évolue et adapte les tranches d’âge et les thématiques.
Le Festival de Fleurance entame, cette année, son deuxième quart de siècle, avec enthousiasme et toujours animé par la même volonté de rapprocher le citoyen de la science pour en admirer les prouesses, en comprendre les enjeux et, aussi, en mesurer les risques et les limites.
Comme toujours, nous avons écouté vos remarques et vos suggestions. Elles nous ont amenés à compléter le programme avec deux nouveautés : un cycle de cours « Astrophysique pour les Nuls » : destiné à décortiquer des notions de bases souvent rencontrées, mais parfois, mal maîtrisées ; un cycle « Science et Cinéma » qui propose de voir – le plus souvent revoir – des films qui seront présentés et commentés par les scientifiques présents au Festival.
Ces nouveautés nous ont conduits à modifier quelques horaires et quelques lieux. Mais soyez rassurés : nous restons fidèles aux principes qui ont fait le succès du Festival : ouverture à tous, qualité des intervenants et partage convivialdes idées et des connaissances.

7475044 Last modified: 2016-07-30 15:11:48, 3403 bytes

20160804 CN2RN(Morocco) on 20m USB

20160804 CN2RN(Morocco) on 20m USB

CN2RN Morocco flag Morocco
Email: Use mouse to view..
Page managed by F8FGU Lookups: 14389 

20160804 0831UTC 14128kHz CN2RN
Date : 04/Aug/2016 0831UTC
Freq : 14128kHz USB
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording

;     ;

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WELCOME TO MIDDLE ATLAS WITH AMAZIR FOLKLORE AND FANTASIA مرحبا بكم فى الفلكلورالامازيغي وفروسية الاطلس المتوسط
6355643 Last modified: 2015-07-16 00:31:48, 8493 bytes

20160804 EA1EYL(Spain) on 20m CW

20160804 EA1EYL(Spain) on 20m CW


Lookups:   3858
 Bureau |  Direct |  LoTW |  eQSL
QTH:El Burgo de Osma

not in QRZ

20160804 0814UTC 14012kHz EA1EYL
Date : 03/Aug/2016 0814UTC
Freq : 14012kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording

20160803 D2EB(Angola) on 30m CW

20160803 D2EB(Angola) on 30m CW

D2EB Angola flag Angola
Gabriel Bortolami
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 97718 

20160803 2231UTC 10106kHz D2EB
Date : 03/Aug/2016 2231UTC
Freq : 10106kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording


Postage return : Europe 2 $ Outside Europe 4 $

Paypal users > please use always option : " Send money to friends and family"

Insufficient postage return > no answer.

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6151474 Last modified: 2015-07-16 00:19:22, 1131 bytes

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

20160803 SM1TDE(Sweden) on 20m CW

20160803 SM1TDE(Sweden) on 20m CW

SM1TDE Sweden flag Sweden
Rutegatan 33
SE-62143 Visby
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 56710 

20160803 0739UTC 14022kHz SM1TDE
Date : 03/Aug/2016 0739UTC
Freq : 14022kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording

Member of The First Class CW Operators´Club (FOC) # 2021.
IOTA 750 groups accredited.
10-band-DXCC confirmed.
Station: Kenwood TS-480, PA ZZ-750, Hygain DX-88.
SD1A in contests.
In total over 200000 CW-QSO since 1989.
SM1TDE/4U Lebanon 1993-94
TF/SM1TDE Iceland 2001
JW/SM1TDE Svalbard 2002
5H3/SM1TDE Tanzania 2004
SM1TDE/OA4 Peru 2005
OJ0/SM1TDE Market Reef 2007
HS0ZHR Thailand 2007
TA4/SM1TDE Turkey 2008
C56SMT The Gambia 2009-10 (see picture!)
OH0/SM1TDE Aland islands 2010
5Z4/SM1TDE Kenya 2011
5X8EW Uganda 2013 & 2015
6816162 Last modified: 2015-10-30 10:10:23, 806 bytes

20160803 EA6/DK2DO(Balearic Islands) on 20m CW

20160803 EA6/DK2DO(Balearic Islands) on 20m CW

DK2DO Germany flag Germany
Wolf Borschel
Goerlitzer Str. 13
36179 Bebra
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 5767 

20160803 0716UTC 14028.5kHz EA6/DK2DO
Date : 03/Aug/2016 0716UTC
Freq : 14028.5kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording

Wolf is an excellent CW-Dxpeditionsoperator with experience !
CW is still one of the favorite modes!
AGCW: #510 -- HSC: #1910 -- AGCW Trophy: #56 -- UKW EUD Trophy: #37 -- WAE CW #2803 --
Dxpeditionen: 1992: -- 4U1ITU-- 2006: Libya 5A7A -- 2009: Korculs 9A/DK2DO -- 2011: Qatar A71DLH --
2014: SM6/DK2DO  Grimeton--

The point of Passion:

Some CW-QSO every Day, keep the Dr away!

7454406 Last modified: 2016-07-20 14:58:17, 929 bytes

Sunday, July 31, 2016

20160731 JA6LCJ(Japan) on 40m CW

20160731 JA6LCJ(Japan) on 40m CW

JA6LCJ Japan flag Japan
KUMAMOTO 861-8038
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 18720 

20160731 0857UTC 7009kHz JA6LCJ

Date : 31/Jul/2016 0857UTC
Freq : 7009kHz CW
Rig   : DEGEN 1103
ANT : Whip
Camera : iPhone6s Plus

Nice sig & Keying  73's  : )

20160731 EI9E(Ireland) on 20m CW

20160731 EI9E(Ireland) on 20m CW

EI9E Ireland flag Ireland
Network Southern Area Radio Experimenters Club
c/o John HEARNE, Raidió Teilifís Éireann, Fr Mathew St,
Ham Member Lookups: 53870 

20160731 0735UTC 14008.3kHz EI9E
Date : 31/Jul/2016 0735UTC
Freq : 14008.3kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording

With the kind permission of Mrs Ann Law, widow of the late Robert F. Law, the callsign EI9E was reissued by the Office of the Director of Telecommunications Regulation to a successor in his post of RTÉ's Engineer-in-Charge in the Southern Area of the RTÉ Transmission Network, based in Cork.

The callsign is now allocated to the "Network Southern Area Radio Experimenters' Club" with John Hearne, EI2FG, as the licence holder.
It is used by members of the RTÉ Transmission Network (now 2RN) staff and friends for conducting radio experiments.

Operation is from various different locations including portable operation for VHF, UHF and meteor scatter expeditions as follows:
The group is active in major HF contests from Co. Wexford in IO62RG.

Operation in VHF Field Day on the first full weekend of July every year is from the White Mountain in Co. Wexford in IO62OM. The 2016 event will take place on July 2nd and 3rd and planning for this has already started. You can see our VHF Field Day operation on

In 2011 and 2012 we operated portable on meteor scatter on 6m, 4m and 2m during the Perseids shower in August from Co. Kerry in IO42SD.
In August 2013 we travelled to Co. Donegal to IO55VD to operate MS again on 6m, 4m and 2m during the Perseids meteor shower. We were very lucky to have an excellent Es opening which gave us >1000 contacts on 6m.
In August 2014 we travelled to Co. Kerry to IO41TU and operated 6m, 4m and 2m meteor scatter and some 2m EME at moonrise. We also made some 23cm EME contacts with a single 67 element antenna.
In August 2015 we travelled to Achill Island in Co. Mayo to IO43XW and operated meteor scatter on 6, 4 and 2m as well as making 55 2m EME QSOs. In total we made over 850 QSOs and we hope we gave IO43 to many who were looking for the square. Our log was uploaded to LotW on 19th August 2015.
In August 2016 we will travel to IO44WD to operate during the Perseids meteor shower again on 6m, 4m and 2m. We will also operate 2m EME with four 9 element LFA Yagis and as this will be a much quieter radio site we should be able to hear much better than last year and probably for a full moon pass.
Logbook of the World is the preferred route for confirming contacts (QSLs). Our logs are uploaded promptly.
The full address for correspondence is:

John Hearne
Network Southern Area (2RN)
Raidió Teilifís Éireann
Fr Mathew Street
T12 CP22

This image is from our first EME contacts on 70cm with four 21 element antennas:
If you have worked us on either 70cm or 23cm on VHF Field Day this is what we were using:

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Friday, July 29, 2016

20160729 EA1BOT(Spain) on 30m CW

20160729 EA1BOT(Spain) on 30m CW

EA1BOT Spain flag Spain
Ricardo García Moreno
AV. COLON 67, 7-B
Logrono (La Rioja) 26003
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 7077 

20160729 0647UTC 10110kHz EA1BOT
Date : 29/Jul/2016 0647UTC
Freq : 10110kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording

Hello DX'er...Cu Best 73's

QSL OK direct or via:
6320554 Last modified: 2015-07-16 00:30:03, 167 bytes

Monday, June 13, 2016

20160613 EJ7NET(Ireland) on 20m USB

20160613 EJ7NET(Ireland) on 20m USB

EJ7NET Ireland flag Ireland
QSL: QSL 2013 EU006 VIA HB9ASZ : QSL 2014 EU-121 via HB9DGV
Page managed by EI6FR Lookups: 28964

20160613 1215UTC 14240kHz EJ7NET
Date : 13/Jun/2016 1215UTC
Freq : 14240kHz USB
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording

Very weak...but I can get his call sign : )

EJ7NET operations BEFORE 2013  - QSL Direct only via EI6FR
2016 EJ7NET Tory Island (IOTA EU-121) IO55VG - June 11th - June 16th QSL VIA HB9DGV

2015 Gola Island (IOTA EU-121)
The team was active from Portacrin on Gola Island ( IO55TC) from Saturday 22nd 2015 until Tuesday 25th 2015
QSL this operation via HB9DGV
2014 EJ7NET
The team was  active from Cape Clear Island EU121,  IO51GK, WAI V92 from July 12th until July 16th 2014.
There was also SOTA activity as EJ7NET/P (operator Rolf HB9DGV) from EI/IS-130
2013 EJ7NET
The EJ7NET team was active from Inis Mór (Inishmore), Aran Islands, EU-006, from May 10th to 15th 2013 inclusive.


The team consists of: Declan EI6FR, Tony EI3HA, Tony EI2GX, Dermot EI5IQ, Liam EI7DSB, Tony EI2KC, Gordon GM7WCO, Barry GM3YEH, Bernie HB9ASZ, Rolf HB9DGV.
You can follow the IOTA dxpedition on the following blog:

Blog is being updated every day with text, pictures and videos from this activation
IOTA: EU-006
Maidenhead Locator: IO53DD
Worked All Ireland Square: L81

7353084 Last modified: 2016-06-01 13:32:06, 2570 bytes