Saturday, January 17, 2015

20150117 Today's eQSL West-Malaysia

20150117 Today's eQSL West-Malaysia

JJ5IZX Japan flag Japan
Mako K.
Aki-city, Kochi, ######
Email: Use mouse to view..
Subscriber Lookups: 13938

9M2RDX Malaysia flag Malaysia
QSL: Please Direct with SASE
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 50610

JE1SCJ Japan flag Japan
Tokyo 156-0053
Ham Member Lookups: 29725

Thank you very much QSO...See you again Best 73's : )

20150117 C5X(The Gambia) on 20m CW

20150117 C5X(The Gambia) on 20m CW

C5X The Gambia flag The Gambia
Dxpedition 15-26 January 2015
Brufut, The Gambia
HF Bands 1.8 -10m CW, SSB, DIGI & CQWW 160m
The Gambia
QSL: M0OXO (OQRS preferred)
Email: Use mouse to view..
Page managed by M0OXO Lookups: 5930
20150117 0811UTC 14008kHz C5X
Date : 17/Jan/2015 0811UTC
Freq : 14008kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording

A group of UK DXers will operate from Ocean Villa Heights Lodge, on the coast at Brufut, southwest of Banjul, The Gambia from 15 -26th January 2015, HF Bands 160 thro 10m, CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK and with an entry in the CQWW 160M Contest.
The operators are Steve G3VMW, Alan G3XAQ, Don G3XTT & Iain M0PCB.
C5X logs will be uploaded to both ClubLog and LoTW.

Please DO NOT send your QSL via the Bureau - They are NOT required

1388533 Last modified: 2014-10-29 07:57:44, 1495 bytes

20150117 EP6T(Iran) on 20m CW

20150117 EP6T(Iran) on 20m CW

EP6T Iran flag Iran
DXpedition To Iran Kish Island IOTA AS166
January 2015
By The Rockall DX Group
Page managed by ON6CC Lookups: 13707
20150117 0744UTC 14033kHz EP6T

Date : 17/Jan/2015 0744UTC
Freq : 14033kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording

Since publication many DX groups and individuals offered to support this expedition which we highly appreciate. So far, the preparations are progressing smoothly and according to plan.
Exchange of QSL cards with EP is not always going smoothly and sometimes high costs are involved to cover postal expenses. As in the past with previous Rockall DX Group expeditions we asked Tim M0URX to take care of the QSL chores for the EP6T operation. Together with Max ON5UR, responsible for the QSL card design and printing, they are a great team and without doubt you can count on a fast service. And, yes, the complete log will be uploaded to LoTW right after the expedition has ended.
We would like to thank Dr. Azim Fard, Director General of the Communication Regulatory Authority (CRA) and amongst others is responsible for the radio amateur licenses in the I.R of Iran. Together with his team and the people of national security, he has made this expedition possible. This expedition stands for “friendship and cultural tolerance”.
In a country with 80 million inhabitants and only 13 (!) radio amateurs, the user manual written and edited by Tony ON6TM will be a guide for students to learn the basics for their Ham radio ticket. Dr. Fard has confirmed his support towards amateur radio in Iran and is planning assessments at various locations across the nation. Since our last meeting in Tehran, already 300 candidates have announced their participation for these exams!
The Rockall DX group has been granted permission to welcome the radio amateurs from Iran at the expedition location. Some of them will be right next to our side to learn the skills about pile-up handling and get some insight in station managing.
Mohammad EP3MIR will be our guide and will also assist with local negotiations.
Our pilot stations Bjorn ON9CFG and Floyd N5FG will work together with Theo ON4ATW and provide us with the necessary feedback.
In the meantime we have our website up and running ! Feel free to visit us at to meet our team and view our plans. Be sure not to forget to fill in our poll and leave a message @ the guestbook ! Or follow us on twitter @RockallDX or like us on Facebook Rockall DX Group
The Rockall DX group.

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1596894 Last modified: 2015-01-10 23:04:31, 15355 bytes

Friday, January 16, 2015

20150116 RTL Airband receiver(RTL2832U+R820T)

20150116 RTL Airband receiver(RTL2832U+R820T)

20150116 RTL Airband receiver(RTL2832U+R820T)

Dual received Airband!!

20150116 0916UTC Lch=132.4MHz Rch=132.5MHz
Date : 16/Jan/2015 0916UTC
Freq : 132.4MHz 132.5MHz AM(6kHz)
Rig   : RTL2832U+R820T+SDR-Radio(Ver2.3beta)
ANT : LOOP(for 20m..not enough Gain)
PC recording

四国北セクター 132.4MHz

中国北セクター 132.5MHz

Yes yes.. 132.4MHz is left side...132.5MHz is right side

Very easy and nice modulation...Almost ok!!

20150116 EA9KB(Ceuta and Melilla) on 20m USB

20150116 EA9KB(Ceuta and Melilla) on 20m USB

EA9KB Ceuta and Melilla flag Ceuta and Melilla
PO BOX 2.172
Ceuta and Melilla
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 92849 

20150116 0807UTC 14225kHz EA9KB
Date : 16/Jan/2015 0807UTC
Freq : 14225kHz USB
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT) 
PC recording

Lookups92849 (124721)
QRZ Record#735074
Date Joined2012-11-03 22:53:29
Last Update2012-09-22 17:50:50
Geo SourceFrom DXCC
Bearing327.5° NNW (from JJ5IZX)
Distance6968.4 mi (11214.6 km)
Long Path17888.4 mi (28788.6 km)
Sunrise07:30:59 UTC
Sunset17:30:14 UTC
QSL by Mail?No (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?)
QSL by eQSL?No (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?)
Uses LOTW?No (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?)
Admin For(1) EA9KB

14923 Last modified: 2012-09-22 08:23:52, 14 bytes

20150116 ZD7VC(St Helena Island) on 20m USB

20150116 ZD7VC(St Helena Island) on 20m USB

ZD7VC St Helena Island flag St Helena Island
QSL direct - see address below
please follow the exact format below for QSLing.
St Helena Island
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 207715 

20150116 0708UTC 14195kHz ZD7VC
Date : 16/Jan/2015 0708UTC
Freq : 14195kHz USB
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT) 
PC recording

Thank you so much QSO..Bruce san Best 73's : )

The Island's lifeline with the outside world.

LCM from the French Amphibious Assault Ship - MISTRAL.

Looking down from Putty Hill at the Briars (foreground) and Jamestown to the North.

The 78m Malaysian registered ocean going landing craft the N.P. GLORY 4 chartered by the South African construction company Basil Read contracted to build an airstrip on St. Helena Island due for completion in 2016.  This ship shuttles between Walvis Bay and the Island bringing all necessary equipment.  Seen here making history as being the first ship to ever dock at Island, in this case at the Sheers in Ruperts to a makeshift jetty extending a little way from the shore.  Loaded with 30 & 40 Ton Volvo articulated dump trucks, Caterpillar D9 & D6 Bulldozers.

The correct mailing address:
Bruce R. Salt
PO Box 5
St. Helena Island
South Atlantic Ocean
Note: Due to South African Customs opening mail & parcels it has become necessary to again adjust my mailing address and try to steer all mail away from coming via South Africa.
When mailing please remember to include a self addressed envelope (please do not use stamps on your envelope from the country that you are mailing from) and 2 US Dollars or Sterling/Euro Notes.   No IRC's or Euro Coins - thank you.
If I disappear from the air suddenly while in QSO or running a pileup it is because there has been a powercut.  The Island's powerhouse (2 x 1 MW generators) is always dogged with problems.
Antennas: Force 12 C-4E & most recently (2014) a pair of 4 Element LFA Yagis for 6m from InnovAntennas  e mail: Justin
My QSL cards are printed by the best in the QSL printing industry Tipolitografia dei F.lli Bonanno A. e V. A. snc   e mail:  Alfio since 2001 when I discovered that he had sponsored the QSL Cards for the ZD7K & ZD8K Dx-pedition in 2001 by the Barry Amateur Radio Club - UK, absolute works of art everytime resulting in impressive QSL cards printed on quality card stock.
St. Helena Island is a very tiny & remote Island in the South Atlantic Ocean without any aircraft not even a resident helicopter, so please be patient when mailing your letter as everything is brought to the Island by the supply ship ST. HELENA the last Royal Mail ship left in the world apparently and it is not unusual for a letter to take 3 months from the time it is dispatched to the time that you receive it back.  I do QSL 100% and process the cards as rapidly as possible but always have to await the return of the supply ship.
I used to wonder what all the craze was about when being inundated with requests to "please visit my QRZ page, I need your flag" and initially couldn't understand the attraction to having a flag from a country until I installed the flag counters and now I too am attracted but will not under any circumstances e mail anyone requesting them to visit my page as it can be somewhat annoying especially if you live on a very remote Island like I do with a very limited bandwidth and the speed of a dial-up connection.  It's intriguing to see which countries visit my page and all I can say is thank you for visiting and look forward to working you on the air sometime either on 6m or HF.  I am an avid 6m DX-er and run a beacon on 50.007mhz courtesy of Dave N3DB and company.  I also have a keen interest in 2m SSB & FM which I need to develop upon.
I am also chasing US Counties, a quest that I began in 2011, in addition to this I am also chasing IOTA (Islands on the Air) numbers despite the fact that I live on a tiny & very remote Island myself which is AF-022.
At this point I should mention KX2A - Jan who in more ways than one and through his generosity has enabled the five operational ZD7 stations to remain on the air at times of difficulty through the geograpical location of the Island.  He is a small man with a BIG HEART!!!!!!!!!! 

I was born in Wittenoom, a Blue Asbestos mining town in Western Australia in 1970, so I am a long way from my birthplace now and even more remote than Wittenoom is today.  I guess all of the kids (like me) played in the Blue Asbestos chippings, our parents unaware of the danger it presented to health.
Aside from work my primary interests are:
Ship Photography (Maritime Enthusiast), Amateur Radio - of course, and lastly I'm very interested in Metal Detecting but I know that I could never find any free time to pursue this time consuming hobby so I have to be content collecting foreign currency (notes & coins).  It sure would be nice to hear from anyone that's heavily into metal detecting though.

73's Bruce ZD7VC

Flag Counter
Flag Counter
Flag Counter
Flag Counter

1582373 Last modified: 2015-01-05 09:29:35, 11250 bytes

20150116 C5X(The Gambia) on 30m CW

20150116 C5X(The Gambia) on 30m CW

C5X The Gambia flag The Gambia
Dxpedition 15-26 January 2015
Brufut, The Gambia
HF Bands 1.8 -10m CW, SSB, DIGI & CQWW 160m
The Gambia
QSL: M0OXO (OQRS preferred)
Email: Use mouse to view..
Page managed by M0OXO Lookups: 1518 

20150116 0610UTC 14010kHz C5X
Date : 16/Jan/2015 0610UTC
Freq : 14010kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT) 
PC recording

A group of UK DXers will operate from Ocean Villa Heights Lodge, on the coast at Brufut, southwest of Banjul, The Gambia from 15 -26th January 2015, HF Bands 160 thro 10m, CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK and with an entry in the CQWW 160M Contest.
The operators are Steve G3VMW, Alan G3XAQ, Don G3XTT & Iain M0PCB.
C5X logs will be uploaded to both ClubLog and LoTW.


Please DO NOT send your QSL via the Bureau - They are NOT required
1388533 Last modified: 2014-10-29 07:57:44, 1495 bytes

20150116 XR0YJ(Easter Island) on 15m JT65

20150116 XR0YJ(Easter Island) on 15m JT65

XR0YJ Easter Island flag Easter Island
JA3 DX Vacation group
"Hare Kapone"
Easter Island
QSL: OQRS by Clublog (Recommended)
Email: Use mouse to view..
Page managed by JA3AVO Lookups: 17251

20150116 0517UTC 14076kHz XR0YJ

Date : 16/Jan/2015 0517UTC
Freq : 14076kHz CW
Rig   : ICOM IC-7200
ANT : LOOP(for 20m..not enough Gain)
PC recording

Special thanks to RCCh (Radio Club de Chile)
QRV : 10-16 Jan. 2015  "Holiday style"
(1) LoTW : Upload after DX-Vacation
(2) OQRS by Clublog 
        Direct : to your addrss
        Buro   : via Global-QSL
(3) Direct : SASE 1-IRC or $2.(Outside JA)
(4) Buro : via Global-QSL
【Log search】

More Information :

1574921 Last modified: 2015-01-03 05:34:32, 1505 bytes

20150115 C91RF(Mozambique) on 20m USB

20150115 C91RF(Mozambique) on 20m USB

C91RF Mozambique flag Mozambique
Email: Use mouse to view..
Page managed by DL6DQW Lookups: 18666 

20150115 1712UTC 14225kHz C91RF
Date : 15/Jan/2015 1712UTC
Freq : 14225kHz USB
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT) 
PC recording

Lookups18666 (23422)
QRZ Record#720924
Date Joined2000-01-01 07:00:00
Last Update1999-06-07 21:52:17
Geo SourceFrom DXCC
Bearing254.3° WSW (from JJ5IZX)
Distance7744.4 mi (12463.5 km)
Long Path17112.4 mi (27539.7 km)
Sunrise03:12:21 UTC
Sunset16:42:52 UTC

QSL information:
DL6DQW, Dr. Reinhard Fendler, Waldteichstrasse 34, D-01468 Moritzburg/ OT Boxdorf, Germany
See also C98RF

47813 Last modified: 2011-01-21 21:32:33, 175 bytes

20150115 V51WH(Namibia) on 12m USB

20150115 V51WH(Namibia) on 12m USB

V51WH Namibia flag Namibia
Gunter Hartmann
P.O.Box 128
Email: Use mouse to view..
Page managed by DK2WH Lookups: 46458 

20150115 1528UTC 24963kHz V51WH
Date : 15/Jan/2015 1528UTC
Freq : 24963kHz USB
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT) 
PC recording

V51WH since 2012, DK2WH since 1968
Former callsigns: A25/DK2WH, F0DPX, OK8WHA, V5/DK2WH, V51/DK2WH, VE6/DK2WH, VE7/DK2WH, ZS3/DK2WH, ZS9/DK2WH, ZS0PI
My commercial websites:

84003 Last modified: 2014-01-19 09:26:25, 400 bytes

20150115 TZ6BB(Mali) on 15m CW

20150115 TZ6BB(Mali) on 15m CW

TZ6BB Mali flag Mali
Fernando Arroyo
Email: Use mouse to view..
Page managed by EA4BB Lookups: 192062 

20150115 1510UTC 21016.8kHz TZ6BB
Date : 15/Jan/2015 1510TC
Freq : 21016.8kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT) 
PC recording

More information on me & my station at
 FOC #2054       SMHSC #230        B.U.G. (Bug Users Group) #33
You can check here whether you are in my log:

Please QSL via


Thanks everyone for your calls, and see you soon on the air!

More information on me & my station at
I will listen, and listen, and then listen again before calling.

I will only call if I can copy the DX station properly.

I will not trust the DX cluster and will be sure of the DX station's call sign before calling.

I will not interfere with the DX station nor anyone calling and will never tune up on the DX frequency or in the QSX slot.

I will wait for the DX station to end a contact before I call.

I will always send my full call sign.

I will call and then listen for a reasonable interval. I will not call continuously.

I will not transmit when the DX operator calls another call sign, not mine.

I will not transmit when the DX operator queries a call sign not like mine.

I will not transmit when the DX station requests geographic areas other than mine.

When the DX operator calls me, I will not repeat my call sign unless I think he has copied it incorrectly.

I will be thankful if and when I do make a contact.

I will respect my fellow hams and conduct myself so as to earn their respect.

1514170 Last modified: 2014-12-11 20:44:37, 6434 bytes