Sunday, June 29, 2014

W5CT(United States) on 20m CW!!!

W5CT(United States) on 20m CW!!!

QSL image for W5CT
Central Texas DX And Contest Club
2425 FM 2342
Burnet, TX 78611
Page managed by K5OT Lookups: 9442 
20140629 0805UTC 14037.9kHz W5CT
Date : 29/Jun/2014 0805UTC
Freq : 14037.9kHz CW
Rig   : KENWOOD TS-870S
PC recording

Lookups9442 (13211)
QRZ Record#1686390
Date Joined2000-01-01 07:00:00
Last Update2013-07-22 17:23:00
ClassClub Codes: HVBD
Latitude30.759861 (30° 45' 35'' N)
Longitude-98.225244 (98° 13' 30'' W)
Grid SquareEM00vs
Geo SourceUser supplied
US StateTexas
US CountyBurnet
Bearing43.3° NE (from JJ5IZX)
Distance6845.6 mi (11017.0 km)
Long Path18011.2 mi (28986.2 km)
Sunrise11:32:33 UTC
Sunset01:39:53 UTC
GMT Offset-6 hours
ULS Record3154167 FCC page...
QSL by Mail?Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?)
QSL by eQSL?No (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?)
Uses LOTW?Yes (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?)
KF5DTI+ Previous callsign
Apply for a new Vanity callsign...

Larry Hammel K5OT
116 Tuscany Way
Georgetown, TX 78633

196004 Last modified: 2013-11-07 20:18:18, 978 bytes

GA700BOB(Scotland) on 30m CW!!!

GA700BOB(Scotland) on 30m CW!!!

GA700BOB Scotland flag Scotland
Dr Jonathan Bowes
Stirling & District Amateur Radio Society
Bandeath Industrial Estate, Throsk, Stirling FK7 7NP
QSL: eQSL and LOTW Prefer. Bureau & Direct only via Clublog
Email: Use mouse to view..
Page managed by MM0OKG Lookups: 2171 
QSL image for GA700BOB

20140628 1943UTC 10118kHz GA700BOB
Date : 28/Jun/2014 1943UTC
Freq : 10118kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT) 
PC recording


Special thanks to the RSGB and OFCOM for supporting this special event station.
The Battle of Bannockburn (24 June 1314) was a significant Scottish victory in the First War of Scottish Independence, and a landmark in Scots history.
The important English stronghold of Stirling Castle was under siege by the Scots, and King Edward II assembled a formidable army to relieve it. But this army was badly led and no match for the smaller force under Robert the Bruce, who was familiar with the terrain, crossed by many streams, including Bannock Burn. The battle started with a famous display of single combat, when the lightly-armed Bruce killed a heavily armed English knight, Sir Henry de Bohun, with a single axe-blow to the head. Through the rest of the first day, Bruce outmanoeuvred the English, who were decisively routed the next day, many of them drowning in the burn when trying to escape.
Still no idea what it's all about? this fantastic 2-part BBC documentary 
Stirling & District Amateur Radio Society (GM6NX) have privileged access to the flagship 2-day commemorative event "Bannockburn Live" hosted by VisitScotlandon June 28th and 29th, 2014.
This epic event is part of the Home Coming Scotland portfolio of events taking place throughout Scotland during 2014. The city of Stirling is host to a number of events during the weekend of June 28-29th, termed "Stirling's Big Weekend".
The Special callsign will be active for the whole duration of Bannockburn Live (detailed times tbc) on all modes, 2m and all bands below 30 MHz except 160m.
We will be on full public display so if you are attending then pop into say hello and have a play.
Guest operators are most welcome as long as we can verify your license status.
Keep up with us on  and 
Station is an Icom IC-7600 , IC-756, IC-7000 ATU tuned HF vertical (20m), Triplexors and 2m colinear
QSL policy
This is a limited time call sign, 48 Hours only.
We really prefer electronic confirmations and as a special event call we are not collecting cards so please save your time, we do not require a card from you but we really appreciate the thought.
QSL routes in order of preference
1. LoTW is our preferred QSL method, its fast, free for us, free for you and qualifies for DXCC and via LoTW CQ awards
2. eQSL will also be updated directly after LoTW and is done as a courtesy
For direct or bureau requests we prefer to use Clublog.
Please click HERE to see if you are in the log , if you ar in the log you can request a direct card or via bureau
3. Direct, please do not send us your card, you can request our card direct via Clublog ( Online QRS )
4. Bureau, please do not send us your card, you can request our card via Clublog from HERE.

Flag Counter

1059994 Last modified: 2014-06-28 15:43:58, 5572 bytes

E7100WAR(Bosnia and Herzegovina) on 30m CW!!!

E7100WAR(Bosnia and Herzegovina) on 30m CW!!!

E7100WAR Bosnia and Herzegovina flag Bosnia and Herzegovina
ARABH - Asocijacija Radioamatera U BiH
E 7 0 A R A
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Page managed by E71A Lookups: 7922 
QSL image for E7100WAR

20140628 1923UTC 10106kHz E7100WAR
Date : 28/Jun/2014 1923UTC
Freq : 10106kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT) 
PC recording

First World War 100th Anniversary - Spirit of Remembrance
In  2014 the world will mark the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War.
  SARAJEVO 1914 - 2014

European Jerusalem – Sarajevo


is called the Jerusalem of Europe because besides Jerusalem, it’s the only other place on Earth you can find a Synagogue, Mosque, Catholic church and a Orthodox church all within a two block radius. That which makes Bosnia and Sarajevo so interesting also has led to a lot of pain in its history as well. Being at the crossroads between civilizations and the fault lines between empires has made Sarajevo and Bosnia what it is today, one of the most interesting places on Earth.

Sarajevo u mnogim aspektima ima posebno mjesto u historiji Europe. 1914. godine grad Sarajevo je postao simbol početka Prvog svjetskog rata. Stotinu godina poslije, kada se svijet sprema da u 2014. godine organizuje komemoraciju ovom prvom globalnom konfliktu, bosanskohercegovački i evropski partneri žele zajedno ponovo dovesti Sarajevo u centar pažnje ali ovoga puta planetarnom porukom mira. Jedinstvo u različitosti, moto savremene ujedinjene Europe, je zapravo temelj na kojem postoji višestoljetna Bosna i Hercegovina.
Tokom 2014. godine, Sarajevo će biti domaćin kulturnih, sportskih i edukativnih manifestacija, čiji je cilj promoviranje mira, komunikacija i kohezije, grad u kojem je većina stanovništva mlada, puna energije i spremna za korak naprijed. Ove godine, sjećanje na stoljeće europske historije i poruka mira odaslana iz Sarajeva, koje je uvijek bilo mjesto susreta kultura i civilizacija, dijaloga i solidarnosti, je zapravo viđenje budućnosti Bosne i Hercegovine u zajednici zemalja Europe.

XIV Olympic Winter Games
1984 Winter Olympics logo.svg
1058877 Last modified: 2014-06-28 05:20:51, 6415 bytes

OF3ERTC(Finland) on 30m CW!!!

OF3ERTC(Finland) on 30m CW!!!

QSL image for OF3ERTC
OF3ERTC Finland flag Finland
ERTC - 2014
European Radiosport Team Championships
Page managed by OH2BH Lookups: 2990 

20140628 1911UTC 10115kHz OF3ERTC
Date : 28/Jun/2014 1911UTC
Freq : 10115kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT) 
PC recording

Last Visitors

Worldwide Visitors
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OF3ERTC will try to be close on below frequencies during the initial activity – and will also show up on 6M.Organizers of the ERTC-2014 are delighted to report that the leading U.S. contest team of Tim Duffy, K3LR will air their virtual world sub-team as an Exhibition Team during the ERTC event.
CW:      1825, 3525, 7025, 14025, 21025, 28025 KHz
WARC: 10.115, 18.080, 24.920 KHz
SSB:    1855, 3785, 7150, 14225, 21285, 28485 KHz
WARC 18.125, 24.950 KHz

ERTC is a voice communication competition (contest) where two-member national youth teams try to make a maximum number of contacts with a maximum number of countries within a defined time period. ERTC uses a Virtual Amateur Radio platform (HamSphere 3.0) where amateur radio-like operating is conducted on the Internet with amateur radio-like bands and structures.

YOTA (Youngsters On The Air) is a youth movement inviting fifteen (15) European (EU) national youth teams to a selected rotating EU location every year to get together, learn from each other and experience various aspects of Amateur Radio through meaningful and entertaining concepts emphasizing social, radio communication and technology skills.
YOTA is run under International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 1 auspices and is sponsored by the European Union and an organizing national IARU society. YOTA-2014 will be hosted by the youth team of Finland (SRAL) and this year's ERTC operating event is organized within the YOTA framework for the first time.




YOTA (Youngsters On The Air) is a youth movement inviting fifteen European national youth teams to a selected rotating EU location every year to get together, learn from each other and experience various aspects of Amateur Radio through meaningful and entertaining concepts emphasizing social, radio communication and technology skills. OF3ERTC is a special event Amateur Radio station active in conjunction with ERTC 2014 from July 18 - 20 while OH2YOTA will be active from the actual event site in Virrat, Finland starting July 16.ERTC is a voice communication (VoIP) contest where two-member national youth teams try to make a maximum number of contacts with a maximum number of countries within a defined time period. ERTC uses a Virtual Amateur Radio platform (HamSphere) where amateur radio-like operating is conducted on the Internet with amateur radio-like bands and operating features such as current radio propagation together with beam antennas and amplifiers plus an online logbook, awards and QSLing backed up with learning material and an exam free entry gate. All this makes HamSphere a highly suitable application to learn about real Amateur Radio and help youth to discover Amateur Radio in their regular hangout, the Internet.


YOTA (Youngsters On The Air) is a youth movement inviting fifteen European national youth teams to a selected rotating EU location every year to get together, learn from each other and experience various aspects of Amateur Radio through meaningful and entertaining concepts emphasizing social, radio communication and technology skills. OF3ERTC is a special event Amateur Radio station active in conjunction with ERTC 2014 from July 18 - 20 while OH2YOTA will be active from the actual event site in Virrat, Finland starting July 16. Belgium (ON), Bulgaria (LZ), Croatia (9A), Czech Republic (OK), Estonia (ES), Finland (OH), Italy (I), Lithuania (LY), Netherlands (PA), Poland (SP), Romania (YO), Slovakia (OM), Sweden (SM), United Kingdom (G) and Spain (EA). These country-teams are currently active in Virtual World Amateur Radio practicing and preparing for their trip to Finland. Also, some invited Exhibition Teams will participate in the event over the Internet.The first weekend’s outing of OF3ERTC combo activity is courtesy of OH1RX, OH2BCI, OH2BH, OH2MM, OH2PM, OH2UA and OH6KZP on Real Amateur Radio while OH9MM will activate OF3ERTC on HamSphere.
1057710 Last modified: 2014-06-27 17:55:34, 12385 bytes

YL2EC(Latvia) on 30m CW!!!

YL2EC(Latvia) on 30m CW!!!

QSL image for YL2EC
YL2EC Latvia flag Latvia
BOX 48
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 15797 

20140628 1901UTC 10114kHz YL2EC
Date : 28/Jun/2014 1901UTC
Freq : 10114kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT) 
PC recording

Lookups15797 (22942)
QRZ Record#998265
Date Joined2003-11-20 09:12:42
Last Update2011-07-24 07:41:41
Geo SourceFrom DXCC
Bearing327.3° NNW (from JJ5IZX)
Distance4963.9 mi (7988.5 km)
Long Path19893.0 mi (32014.7 km)
Sunrise01:29:48 UTC
Sunset19:20:17 UTC
ITU Zone29
CQ Zone15
QSL by Mail?Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?)
QSL by eQSL?No (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?)
Uses LOTW?Yes (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?)
Admin For(1) YL2EC

33686 Last modified: 2011-01-22 01:50:28, 324 bytes

9A9A(Croatia) on 20m USB!!!

9A9A(Croatia) on 20m USB!!!
QSL image for 9A9A
9A9A Croatia flag Croatia
P. O. Box 108
10 001 ZAGREB
Ham Member Lookups: 197220 
20140628 1848UTC 14241kHz 9A9A
Date : 28/Jun/2014 1848UTC
Freq : 14241kHz USB
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT) 
PC recording

Lookups197220 (217073)
QRZ Record#718640
QRZ Admin9A9A
Date Joined2001-04-02 07:15:30
Last Update2013-04-02 06:38:09
Latitude45.778497 (45° 46' 42'' N)
Longitude15.906181 (15° 54' 22'' E)
Grid SquareJN75ws
Geo SourceUser supplied
Bearing321.7° NW (from JJ5IZX)
Distance5733.0 mi (9226.4 km)
Long Path19123.8 mi (30776.8 km)
Sunrise03:08:26 UTC
Sunset18:50:25 UTC
ITU Zone28
CQ Zone15
QSL by Mail?Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?)
QSL by eQSL?No (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?)
Uses LOTW?No (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?)
Admin For(4) 9A209A 9A289A 9A9A K6CRO

DXer and Contester, one of founders and active member at 9A1A contest station.
Go to: and you'll see the rest of the story.
73 and see you on the air.

free counters

799302 Last modified: 2012-03-29 09:37:03, 726 bytes

EA9PD(Ceuta and Melilla) on 40m LSB!!!

EA9PD(Ceuta and Melilla) on 40m LSB!!!

QSL image for EA9PD
EA9PD Ceuta and Melilla flag Ceuta and Melilla
Pedro Gutiérrez Guerra
P.Box: 2089
Ceuta 51080
Ceuta and Melilla
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 22780 
20140628 1830UTC 7095kHz EA9PD
Date : 28/Jun/2014 1830UTC
Freq : 7095kHz LSB
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT) 
PC recording

Lookups22780 (29561)
QRZ Record#1228563
Date Joined2012-04-06 19:17:37
Last Update2014-03-15 18:23:03
Grid SquareIM75iv
Geo SourceFrom Grid
Bearing327.5° NNW (from JJ5IZX)
Distance6967.0 mi (11212.3 km)
Long Path17889.8 mi (28790.9 km)
Sunrise05:06:47 UTC
Sunset19:41:39 UTC
QSL by Mail?No (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?)
QSL by eQSL?No (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?)
Uses LOTW?No (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?)
Admin For(1) EA9PD

170705 Last modified: , 0 bytes

Saturday, June 28, 2014

KP2/K3TEJ(US Virgin Island) on 20m CW!!!

KP2/K3TEJ(US Virgin Island) on 20m CW!!!

John L Bednar
340 Mac Arthur Dr
Orwigsburg, PA 17961
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 54514 

20140628 0656UTC 14007kHz KP2/K3TEJ
Date : 28/Jun/2014 0656UTC
Freq : 14007kHz CW
Rig   : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT) 
PC recording

Nice signal ... See Ya Best 73's : ):

QSL requests for all K3TEJ dxpeditions:
Please QSL direct. You may combine QSL requests for KP2/K3TEJ and J7N or any of my other dxpeditions into one envelope.
I am currently active as. KP2/K3TEJ  from St Croix US Virgin Islands (FK77) from May 12, 2014 until July 10, 2014. All direct QSL requests will be answered starting July 11, 2014.

1044271 Last modified: 2014-06-22 16:12:51, 571 bytes
