Station is located in Nairobi, Kenya.
Coordinates 1˚ South 36˚ East, elevation 1711 meters (5616 feet), grid KI88JS.
My handle is "Sig".
Please QSL to address shown above or via NV7E. Business size (number 10) or European letter size return envelope, please. The 5Z4EE card is too big for the small American letter size envelope. The postal rates for my address are the same as to domestic U.S. addresses (45ȼ in the U.S.).
I confirm contacts by QSL card upon receipt of your QSL card. Cards usually go out the next business day. I do not collect contacts for awards, but I do like to have your QSL for my shack wall.
Sorry, I do not use LoTW or other web-based verification systems.
If you send your card via the bureau, please send via the W7 bureau toNV7E, not the Kenya QSL bureau.
I prefer DX contacts over 10,000 km, especially with western North America and Japan. I operate on all bands 80m through 10m. Unfortunately, six meters is not authorized in Kenya. I hope to be on amateur satellites begining in October 2012.
At night I sometimes get up in the middle of the night to work North and South America and the Pacific area. Except during contests, I do not work other areas at night since I can work the others during the daytime. I encourage others to follow this practice of working the far stations at night.
I am trying to work some PSK31 and RTTY. PSK31 is a problem. If two or more stations call on the same frquency, I can't copy anything.For that reason I prefer to answer only CQ calls by other stations on PSK31 and QSY after the contact.
Please observe the DX Code of Conduct, which may be found at I am now keeping a permanent black list of station that I observe repeatedly violating this code. I will not confirm contacts with them and I will delete any contacts with them from contest logs.
Surprise! No, I am not Taiwanese, just one of the few foreigners in Taiwan who passed the amateur radio exam - which is entirely in Chinese, mind you - and I was given the call sign BX2ABT on December 13, 2010. You can read about my adventures as a Taiwanese amateur radio operator on my website.
Active now from PL04ou, Longtan, Taoyuan County. Current station consists of a 5 meter vertical connected to my TS-130V. On 6 meters I use a delta loop with my FT690Mk2, which puts out 20 Watts.
I am pretty active with Olivia nowadays (Aug 2013). You can usually find me on 14107.5 kHz in 32/1000. Skeds are welcom, please e-mail me.
QSL info
If you worked me and you want my QSL card then you can do the following:
1) send one via the bureau to my QSL manager: PG2W.
2) send one to the address above and you'll get one back in the mail.