Tuesday, December 3, 2013

VY1JA(Canada) on 20m CW!!!

VY1JA(Canada) on 20m CW!!!

QSL image for VY1JA
VY1JA Canada flag Canada 

J. 'Jay' Allen
BOX 20117, MILE 9.5 MAYO RD.

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   29501 Database Subscriber
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: N3SL, BUT JA ONLY TO JA3JM

20131203 0030UTC 14010kHz VY1JA
Date : 02/Dec/2013 0030UTC
Freq : 14010kHz CW
Rig  : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT  : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

Lookups29501 (31534)
Last Update2011-01-28 00:01:06
Latitude60.936430 (60° 56' 11'' N)
Longitude-135.164567 (135° 9' 52'' W)
Grid SquareCP20kw
Geo SourceUser supplied
Bearing33.5° NNE (from JJ5IZX)
Distance4255.6 mi (6848.8 km)
Long Path20601.2 mi (33154.4 km)
Sunrise17:47:08 UTC
Sunset23:53:25 UTC
CQ Zone1
QSL by Mail?No (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?)
QSL by eQSL?No (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?)
Uses LOTW?No (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?)
Admin For(2) VY0JA VY1JA
N8JAPrevious callsign
Apply for a new Vanity callsign...

I was introduced to radio at the age of 9, when my father brought a college text on basic radio theory home to satisfy my curiosity. The theory was a challenge, but with the radio text and an early ARRL handbook, I learned the basics, and was fixing tube type radios through age 14 when I met John Davidson, now K8JD. John, was not just receiving signals, he was transmitting them. He had a simple crystal controlled tube type transmitter, built on an RG Dunn cigar box.
Not long after, I was reviewing the morse code which I had learned from an instructor at Boy Scout Troop 2 in Southfield, Michigan. The code came back and I was soon sitting in the FCC office in Detroit, Michigan writing a novice examination.
John and I studied while I waited for my Novice license to arrive. By the time I held WN8CAL in my young hand, we were ready to take our general class examinations. As WA8CAL and WA8AFS, we both began study for our Extra class examinations, and were ready at the earliest testing we could arrange after our minimum time was up. We both passed and received nothing for our efforts, except a certificate. (There were no added privelages back then for taking the 20 wpm code test or Extra Theory.)
The recession in 1974 Detroit, found me as a non-working man with a family. I had been unemployed for 13 months, and besides driving my lovely wife, Ann, nuts by just being around too much, I was beginning to loose my self esteem. I had to do something. I followed work to Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada where I worked as an electrician, and later an instructor at Saskathewan Technical Institute, while Ann and I developed a 54 head dairy farm. I became an electrical contractor and ran a backhoe and trenching service. You would think with a name like Success Electric that VE5DB had it made, but a strain of mastitis hit our herd that would not respond to antibiotics. We lost it all, and started over in Alberta, call VE6DN. I worked for a really excellent contractor, RD Electric. When the owner,Clarence, ran out of work, I had to tell him to lay me off. He just did not have the heart to do it. I finally got the pink slip, filled it out and gave it to him to sign. People like him are hard to find. From there, I found work with Alberta Power, the local power utility.
Eventually I took a transfer to Yukon and VY1JA was on the air. Retired for 3 years but now un-retired an commuting for work in northern Alberta, there is no looking back for Ann and me. We love Yukon for its fine people and beautiful setting.
IF you are or know an old timer who operated in the early 60's on 80 or 40 meter CW and can find a contact in your log from WN8CAL or WA8CAL in your log please send me a QSL for the wall.  I do not collect cards, but that card would be special.
Rev: VY1JA - 2001/10/11 04:21:00
Last modified: 2011-08-28 04:28:51, 2899 bytes cached

XR150CBS(Chile) on 20m USB!!!

XR150CBS(Chile) on 20m USB!!!

XR150CBS Chile flag Chile 
150th Anniversary Of Santiago Fire Department
Chilean Pacific DX Group Special Callsign - QSL Via XQ7UP

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   848
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: LOTW - EQSL - DIRECT TO: P.O. BOX 27194 - SANTIAGO - CHILE

QSL image for XR150CBS

20131202 2343UTC 14260kHz XR150CBS
Date : 02/Dec/2013 2343UTC
Freq : 14260kHz USB
Rig  : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT  : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

Lookups848 (983)
Last Update2013-12-02 16:23:11
Geo SourceFrom DXCC
Bearing96.2° E (from JJ5IZX)
Distance11030.1 mi (17751.2 km)
Long Path13826.8 mi (22252.0 km)
Sunrise09:25:41 UTC
Sunset23:37:05 UTC
ITU Zone14
CQ Zone12
QSL by Mail?Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?)
QSL by eQSL?Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?)
Uses LOTW?Yes (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?)
Admin For(0)
Apply for a new Vanity callsign...

For QSL Card:
  • Direct (Include SASE - IRC or GS).
  • Bureau.
  • SWL reports are welcome.
  • LoTW.
  • eQSL.
Operators: CA3MRD - CA3LGJ - CA3JRI - CE2MVF - CE3MDA - CE7PGO - XQ7UP
For more information about the Santiago Fire Department, please visit its website: http://www.cbs.cl


Flag Counter
Last modified: 2013-12-02 16:13:22, 2224 bytes cached

N2MM(United States) on 20m CW!!!

N2MM(United States) on 20m CW!!!

QSL image for N2MM
N2MM USA flag USA 

Carol Richards

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   148822 Ham Member

20131202 2318UTC 14011kHz N2MM
Date : 02/Dec/2013 2318UTC
Freq : 14011kHz CW
Rig  : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT  : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

Lookups148822 (183036)
Last Update2011-02-18 17:31:07
ClassExtra Codes: HAI
Grid SquareFM29pt
Geo SourceGeocoded Address
US StateNew Jersey
US CountyBurlington
Bearing21.9° NNE (from JJ5IZX)
Distance7052.9 mi (11350.5 km)
Long Path17804.0 mi (28652.7 km)
Sunrise12:01:21 UTC
Sunset21:34:38 UTC
GMT Offset-5 hours
ULS Record661504 FCC page...
QSL by Mail?Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?)
QSL by eQSL?No (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?)
Uses LOTW?Yes (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?)
Admin For(1) N2MM
Apply for a new Vanity callsign...

I live in a very small town in south-central New Jersey, about 40 miles west of the Atlantic coast. My QTH is in an ecologically sensitive area with strict State requirements such that absolutely no heavy industry is permitted anywhere in the township.All public utilities are underground. This makes my noise level almost zero except during thunderstorms.
Presently I am working in education teaching mathematics at the high school and university levels. My station consists of an IC756Pro, Alpha 76PA and TS-930s, Alpha 78. All antennas are on 4 towers.
402CD 40m yagi @ 35m
204BA 4el monoband antena for 20m @30m, 5el 105BA monoband antenna @ 20m
155BA 5el monoband antenna for 15m @30m
105BA 5el monoband antenna for 10m @33m
Th6DXX 6el tribander at 17m
Delta loop for 80m
Inverted L for 160m
I have 9-Band DXCC (339/340.still hoping for P5), 6-Band WAS, Triple Play Award, 5-Band WAZ (almost.still need zones 23 and 24 on 80m).

I am active on all bands, CW,SSB,RTTY,PSK, 160-10m and some 6m. In addition to chasing DX, I am very active in all major contests as well as QSO parties. Previous DX-peditions include 6Y5YL and the original 9Y4W.

I can no longer answer qsl requests for contest qsos via the bureau. Please, if you work me in a contest, do not send me your qsl via the bureau. All qsos are on LOTW! Direct qsl are still ok.

As of November 1,2013, all qsls for P40W received from the bureau have been answered. No further requests for P40W via the bureau will be honored. All P40Wconfirmations will only be via LOTW or direct.

Last modified: 2013-11-14 17:22:42, 2668 bytes cached

FJ/DK7LX(St. Barthelemy) on 20m CW!!!

FJ/DK7LX(St. Barthelemy) on 20m CW!!!

QSL image for DK7LX
DK7LX Germany flag Germany 

Georg Knoess
Am Weiderweg 12
35510 Kirch-Goens/Butzbach

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   54840 Ham Member
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: VIA BURO/DIRECT/LOTW

20131202 2214UTC 14017kHz FJ/DK7LX
Date : 02/Dec/2013 2214UTC
Freq : 14017kHz CW
Rig  : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT  : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

Lookups54840 (67093)
Last Update2013-10-17 20:38:27
Latitude50.465959 (50° 27' 57'' N)
Longitude8.656111 (8° 39' 21'' E)
Grid SquareJO40hl
Geo SourceUser supplied
Bearing328.5° NNW (from JJ5IZX)
Distance5745.7 mi (9246.8 km)
Long Path19111.1 mi (30756.4 km)
Sunrise07:04:26 UTC
Sunset15:24:29 UTC
ITU Zone28
CQ Zone14
QSL by Mail?No (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?)
QSL by eQSL?No (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?)
Uses LOTW?No (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?)
Apply for a new Vanity callsign...

Other callsigns or activations: DK7LX/p EU-042, KH6/DK7LX, TX7LX (FH, Mayotte), S92LX, XX9TLX (2x), 9X0LX
CT9DLH (CT3), CT8/DK7LX (CU6 & CU8), A43DLH, 3XY1D, DA0T/p, H44G, TF/DK7LX.

UPDATE: FJ/DK7LX Nov./Dec. 2013

Online-Log and OQRS www.clublog.org 

*****I´ll be active during holidays from St. Barthélemy from mid November until the beginning of December.

Activity will be mainly in CW, perhaps some RTTY, yet no SSB and I will not be active in the CQWWCW.

CU on the bands, 73! Georg

Member of:

  • CWops #578
  • FISTS #15958
  • SKCC #10283
  • GDXF #552
  • DARC, DOK F71

The Operator: born in 1971, happily married and working for an airline.

(Picture above taken at the Ham Radio, Germany 2013. DK7LX, Georg on the left, IK0FUX, Francesco on the right)

I do prefer CW (Radio Telegraphy) as means of communication on HF and have been fascinated by the sound of short-wave ever since my parents gave me a SW-Receiver when I was 12 years of age. Nowadays I do also enjoy to combine travelling and radio whenever possible.

Above is the latest upgrade to my rig: The fantastic "Chrome Lambic", handcrafted by I1QOD. Serial No. 06/2013

Above you can see the "Scheunemann Einhebel 2", probably one of best Single-Lever Keys in the world!

This is the world-famous and legendary "Schurr Profi 2" Keyer

and I am more than glad that I finally found this one: the "Schurr Hand Key"

Holder of:

  • 8Band DXCC Award
  • ARRL "Worked All States" (CW)
  • Worked all Zones (CQ WAZ)

Thank you very much for looking me up on QRZ.com! I look forward to meeting you soon again!

Last modified: 2013-11-26 13:16:34, 3374 bytes cached

J6/N9AW(St. Lucia) on 20m CW!!!

J6/N9AW(St. Lucia) on 20m CW!!!

QSL image for N9AW
N9AW USA flag USA 

Gerald J Scherkenbach
11300 Bridget Ln
Hales Corners, WI 53130

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   14750 Ham Member

20131202 2225UTC 14028.1kHz J6/N9AW
Date : 02/Dec/2013 2225UTC
Freq : 14028.1kHz CW
Rig  : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT  : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

20131202 2235UTC 14028.1kHz J6/N9AW
Date : 02/Dec/2013 2235UTC
Freq : 14028.1kHz CW
Rig  : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT  : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

Lookups14750 (24458)
Last Update2012-05-02 01:15:41
ClassExtra Codes: HAI
Latitude42.933706 (42° 56' 1'' N)
Longitude-88.054560 (88° 3' 16'' W)
Grid SquareEN52xw
Geo SourceUser supplied
US StateWisconsin
US CountyMilwaukee
Bearing29.3° NNE (from JJ5IZX)
Distance6528.4 mi (10506.5 km)
Long Path18328.4 mi (29496.7 km)
Sunrise13:04:01 UTC
Sunset22:18:47 UTC
ITU Zone8
CQ Zone4
GMT Offset-6 hours
ULS Record753379 FCC page...
Web Pagehttp://www.gmdxa.org
QSL by Mail?Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?)
QSL by eQSL?No (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?)
Uses LOTW?Yes (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?)
Admin For(1) N9AW
Apply for a new Vanity callsign...  

St. Lucia (J6) Operation - December 1 - 9, 2013with the Buddies in the Carribean
I am glad to announce that I will be part of the 2013 Buddies in the Carribean operation from St. Lucia in early December, 2013.
My operation will be mostly CW, RTTY and PSK31. There will be eight operators using J6 / homecall. We will be using our Buddipole antennas from the Villa Chateau Devaux on the NE side of the island. I will be using a Ten Tec Eagle (100w) while operating at the villa and an Elecraft K1 (5 watts) if I make it out to any of the beaches for portable operation. Bands will be 80-10 meters but primarily 40m - 10m. We are probably going to make an entry in the ARRL 160 meter contest as well.
QSLs will be available via LOTW, bureau or if you like, direct, with a SAE and funds to cover appropriate return postage. PLEASE NO IRCs.
Direct QSLs should be sent to my QRZ.com address.

Previous Callsigns:
  • WN9FKM (1963 - Novice, expired after one year, non-renewable in those days)
  • WN9NDO (1973 - Novice)
  • WB9NDO (1974 - 1978, General, Advanced, Extra)
  • N9AW (1978 - present, Extra Class)
Primary Interests & Activities:
  • DXing, Contesting, CW, RTTY & PSK31, Field Day, QRP (Foxhunting & Contests)
  • Come join the QRP Summer & Winter Foxhunts. these are held on 20 mtrs during the summer months and on 80 and 40mtrs during the winter months. see www.qrpfoxhunt.org

    Image of Download LoTW Logo

  • Greater Milwaukee DX Association (www.gmdxa.org)
  • W/K ARC of Greater Milwaukee (primarily a Field Day club formed in 1974)
  • QRP Cheeseheads
  • Proud to be an ARRL Life Member since the 1970s
  • Ten Tec (Orion II, Omni VII, Omni 6+, Argonaut V, Argonaut II, Eagle) with a Ten Tec Centurion Amplifier
  • Elecraft K1 (4 bander)
  • Red Hot Radio QRP single banders for 40 mtrs and 20 mtrs
  • Wire Antennas: 80 Mtr Inverted Vee, 40 Mtr Delta Loop, 30 Mtr Delta Loop
  • For 40 - 10 Mtr - Mosley PRO-57B (5 el, 7 band) Yagi with 40 Mtr Rotatable Dipole at 50 feet on a Rohn HDBX-48 tower
Last modified: 2013-11-17 19:18:14, 4232 bytes cached