2013 ALL ASIAN DX Contest CW - V51YJ(Namibia)!!!
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V51YJ Namibia
P.O. BOX 80033
[+] Mailing label
Lookups: 53418 Ham Member
Email: Use mouse to view.. |
20130616 1510UTC 14030.5kHz V51YJ
Date : 16/Jun/2013 1510UTC
Freq : 14030.5kHz CW
Rig : ICOM iC-7200
PC recording
Tnx fer QSO and I got New DXCC 73's : ) but..vy strong in JA : )
Oh now start pile-up!!
Lookups | 53418 (77758) |
QRZ Admin | V51YJ |
Last Update | 2012-05-19 08:07:34 |
Latitude | -22.606820 (22° 36' 24'' S) |
Longitude | 17.101260 (17° 6' 4'' E) |
Grid Square | JG87nj |
Geo Source | User supplied |
Bearing | 263.8° W (from JJ5IZX) |
Distance | 8569.1 mi (13790.7 km) |
Long Path | 16287.7 mi (26212.5 km) |
Sunrise | 05:29:28 UTC |
Sunset | 16:14:44 UTC |
ITU Zone | 57 |
CQ Zone | 38 |
QSL by Mail? | Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?) |
QSL by eQSL? | No (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?) |
Uses LOTW? | Yes (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?) |
Admin For | (3) V51YJ V521NAM V55X |
Callsigns |
Alias | Comment |
ZS3YJ | Active 1983 - 1989 |
ZS5YJ | Active 1977 - 1982 |
Apply for a new Vanity callsign... |
I run Yaesu FTDX-5000D, FT-2000 and FT-897 rigs, and my antennas are a SteppIR 4-element yagi with 40/30m add-on on a 20m tower, a Hygain Patriot 40-6m vertical, and an inverted vee for 80m. Please view photos of my shack, antennas and QTH below.
I operate CW, SSB and some digital modes on all bands from 80m to 6m. CW is my preferred mode.
I participate in most of the major contests in the low power category. I use the special callsign V55X for the CQ WPX contests.
Since June 2011, I have been operating a permanent skimmer on the Reverse Beacon Network on the 40m to 6m bands using a QS1R receiver coupled to a Hygain Patriot vertical antenna.
I am a member of the ARRL, South African Radio League (SARL) and Namibian Amateur Radio League (NARL).
QSL Information
I will gladly reply to every QSL received using the same method you send your QSL to me. SWLs are welcome to send me reports. I use the following QSL options in effort to cater for most operators requiring a V5 QSL.
LOTW : My preferred QSL method. I usually upload my logs weekly.
Direct : You are most welcome to QSL direct. I will reply to all direct QSLs accompanied by a SAE, and US$2.00 or one current IRC, within 2-3 working days. You are also welcome to check on the status of your direct QSL by e-mailing me.
QSL Bureau : Direct or LOTW QSLs are preferred, but if you need to send your QSL via the bureau, please use the Namibian Amateur Radio League (NARL) QSL Bureau.
See you on the bands !!