Friday, June 14, 2013

5R8FL(Madagascar) on 20m BPSK31!!!

5R8FL(Madagascar) on 20m BPSK31!!!

QSL image for 5R8FL
5R8FL Madagascar flag Madagascar 
(Andreas) Edmond Andriamiarisao
Box 5005
Antananarivo CP 101

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   96024 Ham Member

20130614 1239UTC 14069.23kHz 5R8FL
Date : 14/Jun/2013 1239UTC 
Freq : 14069.23kHz BPSK31
Rig  : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording

Lookups96024 (99580)
Last Update2012-08-28 06:23:34
Latitude-18.354167 (18° 21' 15'' S)
Longitude46.041667 (46° 2' 30'' E)
Grid SquareLH31ap
Geo SourceUser supplied
Bearing253.5° WSW (from JJ5IZX)
Distance6792.4 mi (10931.3 km)
Long Path18064.4 mi (29071.9 km)
Sunrise03:24:46 UTC
Sunset14:27:02 UTC
ITU Zone53
CQ Zone39
IOTAAF-013 Madagascar
QSL by Mail?Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?)
QSL by eQSL?No (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?)
Uses LOTW?No (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?)
Admin For(0)
Apply for a new Vanity callsign...

YN2N(Nicaragua) on 20m USB!!!

YN2N(Nicaragua) on 20m USB!!!

QSL image for YN2N
YN2N Nicaragua flag Nicaragua 
P.O. Box 144.
Granada. Nicaragua

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   174757 Ham Member
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: DIRECT ONLY

20130614 1219UTC 14270kHz YN2N
Date : 14/Jun/2013 1219UTC 
Freq : 14270kHz USB
Rig  : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT  : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

New emailmail Adress. yn2n@***.com

For now Direct only to PoBox 144 Granada Nicaragua.
La ciudad mas antigua de el Continente Americano (en tierra firme) fundada en 1524.
The oldest city in the American Continent 1524 (in mainland)

To confirm this QSO. Pse SAE and 2 IRC or 2 US$. Return QSL in about 10 days.
Have "NO" Bureau service.
Cards recived under mail cost will be send via external bureau.

Here some old radios of my colection.
My oldest rigs, Collins 75A4 and Harvey Wells TBS50C.

An A3S 20-15-10Mts at 60 ft, On top 6Mts 3el quad, A wire fix direction 30 deg 40Mts 2 el quad and some dipoles & Sloper dipoles.

17 Mts 2 el Quad

12 Mts, 3 EL beam

The Station Yaesu FT950 & Heath SB220.

YN2N at Granada Mail ofice sending some QSL cards.
Photo by K9GY - YN2GY.

Grupo de la pata de gallina, Octavio YN2N,  Felix YN2ZFE,  Miguel YN2MB. En una sesion de trabajo.

Granada city Nicaragua 1927 prob december for the shadow,a rare pic.

Same place but 2009.
My wife for 42 years Martha ex YN2CCN, our granddaughters and Me.
Mi esposa por 42 anos Martha ex YN2CCN,nuestras nietas y Yo

DX Code of Conduct
I will listen, and listen, and then listen again before calling.
I will only call if I can copy the DX station properly.
I will not trust the cluster and will be sure of the DX station's call sign before calling.
I will not interfere with the DX station nor anyone calling and will never tune up on the DX frequency or in the QSX slot.
I will wait for the DX station to end a contact before I call.
I will always send my full call sign.
I will call and then listen for a reasonable interval. I will not call continuously.
I will not transmit when the DX operator calls another call sign, not mine.
I will not transmit when the DX operator queries a call sign not like mine.
I will not transmitwhen the DX station calls other geographic areas than mine.
When the DX operator calls me, I will not repeat my call sign unless I think he has copied it incorrectly.
I will be thankful if and when I do make a contact.
I will respect my fellow hams and conduct myself so as to earn their respect.

Traducción y adaptación al castellano: Leonardo Correa CX3AL

T46C(Cuba) on 20m CW-2!!!

T46C(Cuba) on 20m CW-2!!!

T46C Cuba flag Cuba 
IOTA DXexpedition
13-17 june 2013

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   1718
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: EA5GL

20130614 1045UTC 14024kHz T46C

Date : 14/Jun/2013 1045UTC 
Freq : 14024kHz CW
Rig  : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT  : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

Lookups1718 (2189)
Last Update2013-05-06 20:21:53
Geo SourceFrom DXCC
Bearing35.8° NE (from JJ5IZX)
Distance7898.0 mi (12710.7 km)
Long Path16958.8 mi (27292.5 km)
Sunrise10:40:59 UTC
Sunset00:12:19 UTC
ITU Zone11
CQ Zone8
IOTANA-204 Matanzas / Villa Clara / Sancti Spiritus Province group
QSL by Mail?Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?)
QSL by eQSL?No (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?)
Uses LOTW?No (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?)
Apply for a new Vanity callsign...

All it's ready to the IOTA-expedition, see you in the band.

Los miembro del grupo T46A hemos trabajado para poder activar esta IOTA expedicion del 13 al 17 de junio de 2013 en cayo Santa Maria (NA-204), con el fin de ayudar a todos los amigos del mundo en confirmar las islas IOTA de Cuba, le pedimos ayuda a todos los amigos a que escuchen bien las instrucciones que iran dando los operadores durante la activación, trataremos de mantener de 2 a 3 estaciones permanentes en el aire, 1- SSB, 1-CW 1-RTTY la mayor parte del tiempo, lo cual no quiere decir que en algunos momentos esten 2 estaciones en SSB o CW al mismo tiempo en bandas diferentes, todo esta en dependencia de la propagación. Para las bandas de 80 y 160 estaremos solamente en una banda a la vez principalmente en CW ya que la antena que tenemos esta ajustada para esta porción, de ser posible trataremos en 75 metros en SSB pero con peores condiciones.

Cualquier ayuda en componentes para futuras IOTA expediciones seran bien recibidas como por ejemplos un juego de filtros pasa bandas, o mastiles de fibra de carbono .

Para cualquier duda por favor contactarnos a:

Gracias y saludos de los operadores de T46C y miembros de T46A.

Operadores de T46C (CO6LC, CO6EC, CO6YAC, CO6WYR, CO6HLP, CL6RLD y CO6LP)

The T46A group member we worked to activate this IOTA expedition 13 to June 17, 2013 in CayoSanta Maria (NA-204), in order to help all the friends in the world to confirm IOTA islands of Cubawe asked for help to all the friends that listen well iran giving instructions during the activationoperatorstry to to maintain to 2-3 permanent stations in the air, 1 - SSB, 1-CW-RTTY one most of thetime this does not mean that at times are 2 stations in SSB or CW at the same time on different bands, it's all depending on the spreadFor bands of 80 and 160 will be only one band at a time mainly CW as the antenna we have this set for this portion, if possible try on 75 meters SSB but with worse conditions.

Any help on components for future IOTA expedition will be well received as examples a set ofbandpass filters or carbon fiber masts.

For any questions please contact us at: luis.co6lp @

Thanks and regards operators and members of T46A T46C.

Operators of T46C (CO6LC, CO6EC, CO6YAC, CO6WYR, CO6HLP, CL6RLD and CO6LP)

Le membre du groupe T46A nous avons travaillé pour faire de cette IOTA Expédition 13 to 17 Juin 2013, à Cayo Santa Maria (NA-204), afin d'aider tous les amis dans le monde pour confirmer îles IOTA de Cuba, nous avons demandé de l'aide à tous les amis qui écoute bien l'Iran de donner des instructions pendant les opérateurs d'activation, essayez de garder à 2-3 stations permanentes dans l'air, 1 - SSB, 1-CW-RTTY un la plupart du temps Cela ne signifie pas que, parfois, sont 2 stations SSB ou CW en même temps sur des bandes différentes, c'est tout dépend de la propagation. Pour les bandes de 80 et 160 seront une seule bande à la fois principalement CW que l'antenne nous avons cet ensemble de cette partie, si possible, essayez sur 75 mètres SSB mais avec des conditions pires. 

Toute aide sur les composants de la future expédition IOTA sera bien reçu à titre d'exemple un ensemble de filtres passe-bande ou des mâts en fibre de carbone.
Para cualquier duda por favor contactarnos a:

Merci et salutations opérateurs et les membres de T46A T46C.
Les opérateurs de T46C (CO6LC, CO6EC, CO6YAC, CO6WYR, CO6HLP, CL6RLD and CO6LP)

3- FT-80C
1 - IC-707
3 Homebrew amplifier (2 - 400W and 1 - 1KW)

1 - Battle Screek Spetial 160,80 and 40
1 - 1/4 Vertical to 40 meter
1 - 1/4 Vertical to 30 meter
1 - 1/4 Multiband vertical 20-10 meter
1 - HF9V 160- 10 meter (homebrew contruction)
1 - tribander yagui (20,15,10 meter) at 7 meter high
1 - 3 element yagui for 15 meter at 5 meter high
1 - 2 element RAIbeam antenna for 10 meter at 5 meter high
Other verticals for TX

2 Beverage 580 feet long to NE/SE and NW/SW using W7IUV preamplifier .

Thanks for all station calling the this IOTA expedition

7Z1HL(Saudi Arabia) on 20m CW-2!!!

7Z1HL(Saudi Arabia) on 20m CW-2!!!

QSL image for 7Z1HL
7Z1HL  Saudi Arabia flag Saudi Arabia 
P.O.BOX 85661
RIYADH 11612
Saudi Arabia

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   182312 XML Subscriber
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: DJ9ZB

20130614 0641UTC 14020.4kHz 7Z1HL

Date : 14/Jun/2013 0641UTC 
Freq : 14020.4kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

Lookups182312 (204286)
QRZ Admin7Z1HL
Last Update2011-04-16 03:57:31
Latitude24.718163 (24° 43' 5'' N)
Longitude46.793715 (46° 47' 37'' E)
Grid SquareLL34jr
Geo SourceUser supplied
Bearing289.7° WNW (from JJ5IZX)
Distance5141.1 mi (8273.8 km)
Long Path19715.7 mi (31729.4 km)
Sunrise02:03:09 UTC
Sunset15:42:14 UTC
ITU Zone39
CQ Zone21
QSL by Mail?Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?)
QSL by eQSL?Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?)
Uses LOTW?Yes (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?)
Admin For(3) 7Z1HL DL8KAY HZ1FOC
DL8KAYPrevious callsign
Apply for a new Vanity callsign...

As a convenience for you I have added the clublog search tool with OQRS. Requested QSL will be delivered via bureau. Please note that it sometimes takes a few days to update my online logs:
I have been in Saudi Arabia since January 1996 and work as a telecommunication consultant for the biggest telco in the kingdom. I hope to stay a few more years because I like people, country and work and, of course, being on air as 7Z1HL is always exciting.
I was first licenced in 1981 (DL8KAY) and when I moved to Saudi Arabia in '96, I missed amateur radio a lot until I received the licence for 7Z1HL in March 2006. The licence does currently NOT include 80m, 30m and 6m.
My station is a Flex-Radio 3000 (100W) and antennas are a 5-band hexbeam and a Cushcraft R-8 vertical mainly for 40m. See the pictures below to get an idea. My favorite mode is CW with more than 90% of my QSOs.
Every QSL for 7Z1HL via my manager Franz, DJ9ZB, or directly to me, will be answered. At this point a big thanks to Franz for the great job he does for my hobby. I also regularly update LoTW and eQSL. (Please do NOT send any cards to DL8KAY, they will be lost!). Please remember that your chance of getting a quick return to your direct QSL is greatly increased by an SAE (Self Addressed Envelope). Direct QSLs that I receive without SAE will be answered via bureau.
I am member of DARC (DL8KAY - DOK G36), FOC (#1956), AGCW (#3349), GDXF (#590), EPC (#8370),CTC (#1452) and CWOps (#560).
My log is online in as well as Clublog. I promise to update those logs as regularly as time permits.
Looking forward to meeting you on the bands
73 es gl Harry
. . . and before you ask:
NO, I am NOT on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or any of the so-called "Social Networks". But I would love to meet you on the bands or hear from you via email.

The FOC president Bob Whelan, G3PJT, has created the following simple DX Code of Conduct. If we all pull together to improve standards then we will all be able to work more DX and have more fun on-the-air
1. I will listen and listen and then listen some more
2. I will only call if I can copy the DX station properly
3. I will not trust the cluster and will be sure of the DX station's call sign before calling
4. I will not interfere with the DX station nor anyone calling him and will never tune up on the DX frequency or in the QSX slot
5. I will wait for the DX station to end a contact before calling him
6. I will always send my full call sign
7. I will call and then listen for a reasonable interval. I will not call continuously
8. I will not transmit when the DX operator calls another call sign, not mine
9. I will not transmit when the DX operator queries a call sign not like mine
10. I will not transmit when the DX station calls other geographic areas than mine
11. When the DX operator calls me I will not repeat my call sign unless I think he has copied it incorrectly
12. I will be thankful if and when I do make a contact
13. I will respect my fellow hams and conduct myself so as to earn their respect
More information is available at the FOC website, in March 2010 QST, at and in more detail at

This is my minimalistic shack, it has all I need!

The center piece of my ham operations, Flex Radio 3000 (the first one in HZ-land)
And this is my favorite tool, the Schurr Profi 2
The left screen contains PowerSDR, Bob S-meter, CWGet scope, HamCap and other stuff as required
The right screen is fully occupied by Logger32
My roof top antenna "farm", some wires and aluminium in the air (5 band hexbeam, Cushcraft R8, VHF and UHF for Satellite)
This is my Saudi ham radio licence

. and that's what the temp gauge shows on a "warm" August day at noon