Monday, May 27, 2013

CX2DK(Uruguay) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

CX2DK(Uruguay) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

QSL image for CX2DK
CX2DK Uruguay flag Uruguay 

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   55121 Ham Member
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: VIA EA5GL

20130526 2012UTC 14084.3kHz CX2DK
Date : 26/May/2013 2012UTC
Freq : 14084.3kHz CW
Rig  : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording

Tnx fer contact cuagn 73's : )  TX 599-021

Hi, thanks you for the visit.

About the qsl´s:
Direct: QSL MANAGER: EA5GL Mr. Pedro
Bureau: CX Bureau
E-QSL: 100% sure for you.

73`s. Marcelo.

SU9AF(Egypt) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

SU9AF(Egypt) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

QSL image for SU9AF
SU9AF Egypt flag Egypt 
Andrew Fedorov (Sparky)

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   51923 Ham Member

20130526 1911UTC 14084.3kHz SU9AF
Date : 26/May/2013 1911UTC
Freq : 14084.3kHz CW
Rig  : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording

Tnx fer contact and sorry weak signal... 73's : )  TX 599-020

Also: RW3AH / KL1A / HB9ERK / 3D2AF / T2X / T6X / . . .

100% CFM QSO via LoTW and my QSL Manager (UA3DX), but I do NOT use eQSL.

DR1A(Fed. Rep. of Germany) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

DR1A(Fed. Rep. of Germany) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

QSL image for DR1A
DR1A Germany flag Germany 
via Bernd Och, DL6FBL
Christian-Wirth-Str. 18
36043 Fulda

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   187881 Ham Member
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: VIA DL6FBL

20130526 1825UTC 14038.1kHz DR1A
Date : 26/May/2013 1925UTC
Freq : 14038.1kHz CW
Rig  : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording

Tnx fer contact cuagn 73's : )  TX 599-019

DR1A is the contest callsign of the DF0CG crew (DB6JG, DJ6ET, DJ7EG, DJ7EO, DL6FBL and friends), Deutscher Amateur Radio Club e.V. (DARC) chapter Goch, DOK L06. You can find a lot of information, pictures, videos etc. on our website You can also find us on Facebook.
ALL QSOs from 2005 until 2009 have been confirmed over the DARC QSL bureau, whose colleagues are doing a great job. We are currently preparing on sending cards out automatically for all contacts in 2010 and 2011. Our QSL cards have different pictures for every year. All contacts until the end of December 2011 have also been uploaded to LotW. You can also send a direct QSL request (SASE + 2USD/IRC) to:

Bernd Och, DL6FBL
Christian-Wirth-Str. 18
D-36043 Fulda
We are constantly improving the station for better Multi/Multi performance. We have been greatly supported in this process by DF6JC, DJ7WW, DL2OE, DL3BPC, DL3DXX, DL8DYL, DL8WPX, DL9DRA, DL9ECA, PC5A and many others. A big, big THANK YOU to all national and international supporters.
A new project is opening our RX capabilities to the public. We have set up a QS1R SDR receiver, which works together with the Skimmer Server software, and provides the decoded CW spots worldwide by feeding them to the Reverse Beacon Network (RBN). To check out which signals are decoded on the DR1A premises in almost realtime, you can either click here: (RBN website) or you can use our direct TELNET access at port 7301 (do NOT use your Web Browser for the TELNET access (we can see from the log files that some people are trying this.). For the login, please just use your callsign.
The difference between the RBN website and direct telnet access is the quality/amount of spots to be seen. The RBN website only displays spots that have been qualified as a "CQ spot" (station is calling CQ, as identified by decoded phrases like "CQ" or "TEST"). Our direct telnet access also reveals callsigns, but even when it's not yet sure if it's really "their" frequency - or if they were just calling somebody else. That is very helpful while chasing DX-Peditions: you may quickly identify their current QSX frequency. Of course this creates a huge flood of data, but if you are able to filter it to your own desire, it may be helpful.
Please note that we are currently experimenting on which antennas to use for the Skimmer setup, WHILE we are transmitting at the same time. Instead of our stacked Yagis, we most probably will use our distant RX Verticals and Beverages on the Skimmer! We also have to analyze the impact of our own transmitted signals on the quality on the decoded spots: when we are taking part in a contest from our own premises, how often does our own RF create "busted" callsigns on the Skimmer? The first LIVE TEST will be during ARRL CW Contest (Feb 18-19), when DL8DYL and DL6FBL are operating the station.
Whenever you hear us in a contest, please give us a call - even if you have worked us before in the last contest! We do appreciate every contact very much. And listen closely, we are DR1A - not DL1A. :-)
73 from the DR1A team

Sunday, May 26, 2013

VQ975FOC/MM(Chagos Islands) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

VQ975FOC/MM(Chagos Islands) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

VQ975FOC Chagos Islands flag Chagos Islands 
Jim Clary
P.O. Box 18095
Panama City, FL 32417

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   5964
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: VIA ND9M

20130526 1428UTC 14021.6kHz VQ975FOC
Date : 26/May/2013 1428UTC
Freq : 14021.6kHz CW
Rig  : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording

Tnx fer contact cuagn 73's : )  TX 599-018  >>  I am SKCC "10519"

This is a special event callsign used by Jim, VQ9JC, for the month of May 2013 as part of a celebration of the 75th anniversary of the First Class CW Operator's Club (FOC).
Contacts made with VQ975FOC as well as other FOC-suffix callsigns operated by club members (as well as M0RSE) are worth five points toward a special certificate that can be earned during this one-month period. There will be 50 or more special callsigns on the air during the month from nearly 30 different DXCC entities. Work any 3 of them and you will have qualified for the basic FOC award. How simple is that! Go to for more info on the celebration and the award.
The FOC fraternity is built on CW communications of course, but it especially focuses on getting to know each other. In fact, the motto of FOC is a quote from Samuel Johnson, an English writer who in 1755 said that "a man should keep his friendship in constant repair". Quick contacts are quite common the ham bands, but maintaining a friendship is paramount, so keep working at it!
The following is my tentative schedule for being QRV. Pse keep in mind that I'm at Diego Garcia on a work assignment, and that my operating will generally be during my local evening hours. (The local time is GMT +6 all year around.) The days that are marked with a "+1" are those that I might be able to remain QRV until 1700Z.
May 2 (Th) - 1230-1600Z
May 3 (F) - 0830-1600Z +1
May 4 (S) - 1230-1600Z +1
May 5 (Sn) - 1230-1600Z
May 9 (Th) - 1330-1600Z
May 10 (F) - 0830-1600Z  +1
May 11 (S) - 1230-1600Z +1
May 12 (Sn) - 1230-1600Z
May 14 (T) - 1330-1600Z
May 17 (F) - 0830-1600Z +1
May 18 (S) - 1230-1600Z  +1
May 19 (Sn) - 1230-1600Z
May 21 (T) - 1330-1600Z
May 24 (F) - 0830-1600Z +1
May 25 (S) - 1230-1600Z  +1
May 26 (Sn) - 1230-1600Z +1
May 28 (T) - 1330-1600Z
May 31 (F) - 0830-1600Z +1
I must QRT at about 1600Z (at 1700Z on weekends) during most of my on-air days so that I can catch the last boat back to the ship where I live and work. There are no hotels on the island, so if I miss the last boat, I sleep on the ground with the lizards and crabs!
Because the FOC is a CW group, most of my on-air time will be in that mode. But I'm well aware that there are lots of WPX chasers out there who look for prefixes on other modes, and I will make the call available on SSB on occasion. I'm also hoping to put PSK and RTTY back on the air from here in the near future. Pse note however that only CW contacts are valid toward the FOC award.
Good luck and have fun with the FOC 75th Anniversary celebration! CU in the pileups!

JW/DK8FD(Svalbard) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

JW/DK8FD(Svalbard) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

DK8FD Germany flag Germany 
Alexander Wilhelm
Wetzlarer Str. 17
63128 Dietzenbach

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   4944 Ham Member

20130526 1340UTC 14045.6kHz JW/DK8FD
Date : 26/May/2013 1340UTC
Freq : 14045.6kHz CW
Rig  : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording

KH7DX(Hawaii) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

KH7DX(Hawaii) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

QSL image for KH7DX
KH7DX  Hawaii flag Hawaii 
Stuart E Johnston
PO BOX 5095
Kailua - Kona, HI 96745

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   60959 XML Subscriber
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: LOTW

20130526 1304UTC 14044.9kHz KH7X
Date : 26/May/2013 1304UTC
Freq : 14044.9kHz CW
Rig  : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording

Tnx fer contact cuagn 73's : )  TX 599-016

Please, QSL - Direct to my call. No bureau.
A SASE gets a quick response. Drop in a post card of your area.
Location is in Kailua-Kona on the west side of the Big Island of Hawaii.
Southern most county in the USA. Grid # BK29aq, Iota # OC-019,. Antenna, is a 3 element SteppIR at 18 mtrs, on a Skyneedle self-supporting tower. Rig, is an Elecraft K3,
Amp is an Ameritron ALS 600 solid state.
On the low bands. Rigs, are a Collins KWM 380 and a Kenwood TS590s, Amp is an ALS 600 solid state, 600w. Antenna's are a Cushcraft D40 rotatable dipole at 70ft. and an 80 mtr. dipole up in the norfolk pine trees at 100ft. . Send me an e-mail for a sked. ( Pic. by KH6TS ) Check out
For information and some great pics.,
Thanx for the contact. Aloha , Stuart

free counters

HS0ZIA(Thailand) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

HS0ZIA(Thailand) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

QSL image for HS0ZIA
HS0ZIA Thailand flag Thailand 
Bob Kupps
Doi Saket
Chiang Mai

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   6428 Ham Member
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: LOTW

20130526 1253UTC 14042.24kHz HS0ZIA
Date : 26/May/2013 1253UTC
Freq : 14042.24kHz CW
Rig  : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording

Tnx fer contact cuagn 73's : )  TX 599-015

Hello I was WN6CMX in 1969, WA6CMX 70-78 in San Pedro CA then N6BK 79-98 in Yucca Valley CA and am now retired and living in Northern Thailand.
HS0ZIA is located in the middle of large rice paddy fields about 20 km East of Chiang Mai and is planned to be a contest station for the various low power/single transmitter radiosport classes.
Our current antennas are on a 26" rotating tower -
View from top -
Rotating -
10/15m bands - 2X Optibeam 1510 stacked @ 15 and 30m
20/40m bands - 2X Optibeam 4020 stacked @ 22.5 and 45m
80m band - Optibeam 3 el yagi CW band only @ 60m
160m band - Under construction - 100' top loaded vertical, 8 el RX array
Another 21m tower is planned for S&P and WARC band yagis, along with a low band receiving array - not to mention a real hamshack!
We just went QRV as of June 1 2012 from the workshop. I have been essentially inactive for the last 15 years so please be patient as I regain my CW skills, get to know all the new call signs, technology etc! 73 and special thanks to HS5NG and ZL1DD.
QSL info - All confirmations via LOTW please.

KC3R(United states) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

KC3R(United states) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

KC3R USA flag USA 

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   17542

20130526 1117UTC 14004.3kHz KC3R
Date : 26/May/2013 1117UTC
Freq : 14004.3kHz CW
Rig  : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording

Tnx fer contact cuagn 73's : )  TX 599-014

KH6LC(Hawaii) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

KH6LC(Hawaii) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!! 

QSL image for KH6LC
KH6LC Hawaii flag Hawaii LLOYD J CABRAL
HCR 3 BOX 11046
KEAAU, HI 96749-9206

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   167117 Ham Member
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: LOTW, MANAGER OR DIRECT WITH SASE.

20130526 1017UTC 14022.66kHz KH6LC
Date : 26/May/2013 1017UTC
Freq : 14022.66kHz CW
Rig  : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording

Tnx fer contact cuagn 73's : )  TX 599-013

QTH: Keaau Hawaii, Hawaii County, Grid Square: BK29, CQ Zone: 31, ITU Zone: 61
ARRL Life Member, QCWA Life Member, CWops # 85, FOC # 1985
I was first licensed in 1966 as WN6TRR/WB6TRR in Fremont Calif. I had a great Elmer in Bob Harris WB6OKE, now W6FV. Our family farmed vegetables along the East Bay shore when the Bay Area still had farms and orchards. As a new ham, I joined the Hayward Radio Club where I first met Bob Vallio W6RGG. Upon moving to Santa Cruz County in 1972, one of the first people I met was Dave Rowley WA6UZA / N6RZ, now a SK.  It was Dave who introduced me to contesting and the NCCC. Dave also shamed me into upgrading both my license and CW skills. I became AA6T and held that call until 2003. My career consisted of 32 years with Pacific Bell in Santa Cruz County, the last 22 of those in Electronic Switching Systems.
In 2003 I purchased my 4 acre home near Hilo Hawaii and the following year retired, moved over and joined BIARC, the Big Island Amateur Radio Club.  I built this station so I could get together with friends and do some Multi-Op contesting. We've been having lots of fun ever since. The small shack has identical operating positions. We currently have 4 towers up, two AN Wireless towers, a rotatable steel pole and a freestanding crankup. All 4 towers are Hawaii County permitted structures with a 90 foot height limit. We like Mike Stahl's M² antennas. One tower supports large monobanders for 20, 15 and 10, another has a 4-element 40 meter yagi along with a C-31-XR tribander and the third tower a KT-36XA tribander. The new 4th tower will hold a 3 el 40 meter yagi over another KT-36XA. On 80 we use a 4-Square vertical array (custom made by M² ) with an extensive radial system. On 160 we transmit using a shunt fed tower. Beverages are available for receive on 80 and 160. For logging we use networked PCs running N1MM. Fellow Big Island residents Curt Knight AH6RE, Rob Van Geen NH6V and Fred Honnold KH7Y regularly participate in KH6LC multi-op efforts.
Please visit our website for additional station and operator information.
QSLs: All contest logs go into LoTW.
If you'd like a QSL card, please QSL with an SASE or IRC to our QSL Manager:
Tom Thomas, WA6WPG 1149 Gentle Dr. Corona, Ca. 92880
You may also QSL DIRECT with an SASE or IRC. No SASE or IRC = No QSL. We do not use eQSL.
Thank you for all the contacts and QSOs. We look forward to working you again soon.
73 and Aloha, Lloyd KH6LC

P29NO(Papua New Guinea) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

P29NO(Papua New Guinea) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

P29NO Papua New Guinea flag Papua New Guinea 
Naohiro Oishi
Divine Word University St Benedict's Campus
PO Box 542, Wewak, ES
Papua New Guinea

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   28179
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: VIA EA5GL

20130526 0942UTC 14046.1kHz P29NO
Date : 26/May/2013 0942UTC
Freq : 14046.1kHz CW
Rig  : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording

Tnx fer Contact cuagn 73's : )  TX 599-012

Hi everyone,
Thank you for coming to my site.
I live in Wewak in East Sepik Province located on the north coast of PNG main land.
I am a volunteer of JICA (it is the Japanese ODA). I have operated JA2VQP in Japan.
I am teaching math and IT at Divine Word University St.Benedict's Campus.
I am active since Feb. 15 2013.
I can operate CW RTTY SSB. If you need other mode, e-mail me.
And I'm able to be on 1.8 to 430. But now the SWR is high on 160m band. I cannot QRV on this band.
My antenna is so poor. I'm using a single longwire. Then my signal might be pretty weak there.
And somhow the noise level is relatively high. I don't know why. So the strength of signals which reach here is almost the same as noise level.
I can operate from any other islands in Papua New Guinea. But in many of them they don't have electric power, and I have no generator.
Send your QSL card to my QSL manager EA5GL.
Please don't send the card to my address in Papua New Guinea. The postage cost is very high, and mail is conveyed very slowly just like a real snail. And what is worse, sometimes it is lost or damaged.
The power black-outs once a day on average. Sometimes it recovers in a few minute, sometimes it lasts whole day. If my signal disappears suddenly please wait for some minutes. If my signal does not appear again give up please.
And the Internet circumstance is so terrible that I cannot update the data regurally and I cannot do the quick resoponse to your e-mail.
Some people ask me if he or she is in my log. I hope you to check Lotw if you could. I manage to update to LoTW in a few days. I'm sorry the e-QSL site is now under the construction.
I'm looking forward to contact with you in some band and some mode.

CU es 73/88

TC7C(Asiatic Turkey) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

TC7C(Asiatic Turkey) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

TC7C Turkey flag Turkey 
P.O.Box 625 Lipetsk 1
Russia 398001

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   3121
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: RA1QQ

20130525 2110UTC 14021.17kHz TC7C
Date : 25/May/2013 2110UTC
Freq : 14021.17kHz CW
Rig  : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT  : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

Tnx fer contact cuagn 73's : )  TX 599-011

2013 CQ WPX CW Contest will see R3GM on the air as TC7C
YM7KA, TRAC Trabzon Branch Station.

CR3L(Madeira Island) - 2013 CW WPX CW TEST!!!

CR3L(Madeira Island) - 2013 CW WPX CW TEST!!!

QSL image for CR3L
CR3L Madeira Island flag Madeira Island 
Contest Call
via DJ6QT
Madeira Island

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   107085
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: DJ6QT - BURO

20130525 2032UTC 14027.42kHz CR3L
Date : 25/May/2013 2032UTC
Freq : 14027,42kHz CW
Rig  : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT  : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

Tnx fer Nice contact 73's : )  TX 599-010

Have a look at our Homepage: http://www.
Responsible DJ6QT

4L8A(Georgia) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

4L8A(Georgia) - 2013 CQ WPX CW TEST!!!

QSL image for 4L8A
4L8A Georgia flag Georgia 
Vakhtang (Vaho) Mumladze
P.O. Box 120
0102, Tbilisi

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   157568 Ham Member
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: K1BV OR LOTW

20130525 2020UTC 14026.7kHz 4L8A
Date : 25/May/2013 2020UTC
Freq : 14026.7kHz CW
Rig  : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording

Tnx fer contact 73's : )  TX 599-009  How strong signal!!!

This is my Optibeam OB-17/4 multi band yagi, 3el.-40m, 4el.-20m, 4el.-15m, 6el.-10m
73 de 4L8A
Please QSL via my QSL Manager K1BV or LOTW